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NAP versus MDP, which takes precedence?

Sir Scarfalot

MDP versus NAP, which takes precedence?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. MDP, NAP, or it depends

    • MDP overrides NAP, war can happen
    • NAP overrides MDP, war can’t happen
    • It depends (give details in post)

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So, Idk if this has been asked before, but what do you think should happen when an NAP and an MDP come into conflict? Personally I don’t consider honoring an MDP to be ‘aggression’ and therefore war should happen, but I’d like community input :)

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If someone has a NAP with you, they should keep their hands off your M-levels unless they're looking for trouble. However, I think that if a party you have a NAP with is aggressing one of your M-levels not covered by the NAP, you should try to sort it out behind closed doors. Ultimately, however, your allegiance is to your M-levels so you should do what you gotta do if they don't cooperate.

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Federation of Knox

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I think that an nap extends to immediate allies of an alliance, as attacking an ally of an alliance that would force an alliance with a nap with the aggressor into a war, would count as an act of aggression on the alliance with the nap, therefore being in violation of the nap, although I don't have any experience in fa

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9 hours ago, Jacob Knox said:

Ultimately, however, your allegiance is to your M-levels so you should do what you gotta do if they don't cooperate.

Agreed. There's the paper and there's the relationship underneath it. Both are agreements, with MDP's being more comprehensive and binding than a simple NAP. A party that you MDP is also presumably and often usually, a party that you have a more fleshed-out and friendly relationship with. A NAP, by contrast, is simply a "We won't attack each other" with whichever party you signed it, which most likely is either just apathetic about you or may even harbor dislike for you.

So when you're presented in a case of an un-NAP'd MDP being hit by an alliance that you have an MDP with, you're being forced into a predicament of NAP versus MDP by said party, who put you into that predicament by what was an act of aggression (hypotheticals such as this one notwithstanding). As Niz said, while this isn't a technical violation of the NAP, it is a spiritual violation thereof, especially if done with the intent of baiting a response.

Beyond the paper, do you really care to prioritize an entity that you otherwise have no connection to and is putting you in a rough spot, and possibly provoking you, over your ally which you have actual ties to? The choice is pretty self evident.

I think that the paper alone answers the question, but the nuance drives it home, especially where third parties are concerned (which is critical, given that the whole question of NAP breaking has to do with how other parties would see it and react to it). Their main takeaway wouldn't be "Oh X alliance is in the wrong because it defended its M level against Y which it is NAP'd with.". Their main takeaway would likely be "Okay, we know Y alliance isn't above playing these sorts of games, so we better keep that in mind going forward.".

8 hours ago, Adrienne said:

Edit: After reading some more of the debates around RON and whatnot and seeing some examples/re-reading the above, I think I would agree that adding a clause saying "we won't attack your prots or [uninvolved/future] allies" is a fair/decent middle ground that clearly includes how people view this issue in the NAP, as it's not speaking for the allies - they're free to go about and do whatever they want still - because isn't actually including them in the NAP and binding them in the same way a signatory would be.

That's a fair compromise, and it reminds me of some talks held within Requiem and among its protectors of opting out of the blanket NAP signed after the Ouro-GGO war.

Edited by Shiho Nishizumi
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6 hours ago, Shiho Nishizumi said:

Beyond the paper, do you really care to prioritize an entity that you otherwise have no connection to and is putting you in a rough spot, and possibly provoking you, over your ally which you have actual ties to? The choice is pretty self evident.



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3 hours ago, Sketchy said:

Given the CB's presented and pressure for Florida to split at the time, the fact this stipulation wasn't granted was purely political. It was done with calculated foresight, not as an oversight. Any allies that were signed during the period after the war, would have been exposed to a hit at any point. And were. It was done intentionally to limit our movement after the war.

Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by lack of thorough communication and misunderstanding.

From what I know of them, and better understanding your position from what you are saying here, you guys were on different pages and didn't understand what the other side was looking for.

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4 hours ago, Sketchy said:

I'd argue you can use that same line of logic to justify basically anything. My ally wants to hit X alliance I have a NAP with, their CB is strong, I don't like X alliance because they say mean things to me, why not prioritize my ally over the NAP because I don't like them?

Yes I understand one is an optional aggression and the other is a mutual defense, but along this line of logic, there isn't actually any reason why that wouldn't apply to optional aggression. Or optional defence. Or mutual aggression if we ever see one of those again.

The reason preventing that happening is that NAP's are a tool that people want to have available to them for security purposes. There's no point in signing a NAP with someone who has a history of breaking them. If one is to be voided, a compelling enough justification needs to be provided to third parties to assuage any concerns they make have with signing a NAP with you in future.

"They said mean things so we're activating an oA to void a NAP" is not going to make the cut among those people. A solid CB doesn't expire, so people can just wait for a NAP's end to make use of it.

Not to mention that there's a bit of a difference between shit talk and that other party picking off un-NAP'd links.

As for oA, oD and MA; I don't think that anyone would take an oA activation as overriding a NAP. oA is optional by design (allies aren't entitled to your help on the offensive) and directly clashing with the premise of a NAP which is a promise not to aggress.

An MD activation, by definition and by contrast, is not an aggressive action; it is a defensive reaction, one that the alliance is technically obligated to carry out of activated. It's the polar opposite to an oA.

An oD would be an interesting case study. It'd also be a defensive reaction, but it'd be up to the NAP-bound party whether to carry it out. I think that the argument could go either way.

MA's; I'm pretty sure that people would say that it wouldn't override a NAP (an opinion I would share). Not that it's ever going to be put to the test.

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1 hour ago, Adrienne said:

Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by lack of thorough communication and misunderstanding.

From what I know of them, and better understanding your position from what you are saying here, you guys were on different pages and didn't understand what the other side was looking for.

The logic for why the clause was opposed was laid out pretty clearly. It wasn't a misunderstanding of what was being asked.

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8 minutes ago, Sketchy said:

The logic for why the clause was opposed was laid out pretty clearly. It wasn't a misunderstanding of what was being asked.

It should be pretty clear to you from reading this thread that there were misunderstandings as to what was being asked. You can literally see comprehension dawning on me in my post a few up. So I think you should re-examine your assumptions regarding how that all went down because it's pretty obvious to me you weren't on the same page.

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15 minutes ago, Adrienne said:

It should be pretty clear to you from reading this thread that there were misunderstandings as to what was being asked. You can literally see comprehension dawning on me in my post a few up. So I think you should re-examine your assumptions regarding how that all went down because it's pretty obvious to me you weren't on the same page.

I'm not entirely sure why you think I'm referring to you when I say people were aware of what was being proposed.

If I had access to the server peace talks were in I'd go back and share the examples of people saying outright things that clearly indicated they knew exactly what we were asking for. I'm only mentioning it to you because you are the one debating the topic right now.

It's pretty clear where our ire regarding the NAP situation is directed, given what caused this debate in the first place.


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14 minutes ago, Sketchy said:

I'm not entirely sure why you think I'm referring to you when I say people were aware of what was being proposed.

If I had access to the server peace talks were in I'd go back and share the examples of people saying outright things that clearly indicated they knew exactly what we were asking for. I'm only mentioning it to you because you are the one debating the topic right now.

It's pretty clear where our ire regarding the NAP situation is directed, given what caused this debate in the first place.

Was as an example of thought process/potential misunderstandings. Regardless, from what I've seen at least, you weren't as clear as you thought you were. At the risk of sounding like a broken record here, you should keep an open mind and consider that you might have misinterpreted what they were saying given that you may have been operating off different base assumptions. It might be worth talking to them.

Anyways, we're moving off topic a bit and getting a bit redundant now too, so that's the last I'll say here. Do with that advice what you will and have a good night. Or day, I suppose.

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4 hours ago, Kastor said:

The gaslighting is INSANE. 

It's not gaslighting to say "hey, this doesn't align with what I've heard from others; I think there's been a misunderstanding." Get a grip.

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