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Everything posted by hope

  1. lots of love OWR, and good luck on your new path. you deserve all the success in the world ❤️❤️
  2. max may be gay, but peace is not good luck guys! i expect great things
  3. congrats on peace OWR/Carthago, you guys fought well! good luck on your rebuild and future endeavors :]
  4. he isnt the one acting like it dawg
  5. noctis, i think it’s time for you to log off for tonight
  6. dawg, i am really not having a good time

    1. MRBOOTY


      I am sorry even though we are radio nemesises. Please feel free to reach out to me or others in the community.

  7. read the other 7 posts on the same topic in which people have already discussed this
  8. why not just prevent beige nations from making alliances, and set a score cap (like 100-300) for creating new alliances. you could also have a score cap for nations being alliance leaders to prevent the 0 score banking alliance or maybe disallow nations from leaving alliances while they’re in active wars displaying said alliance affiliation
  9. I’m not getting into a debate with you, but considering we have alliances based on Nuclear Weapons (hundreds of thousands of deaths), anime Nazis, actual Nazis, literally murdering non-Christians, and empires that have killed hundreds of thousands of people and caused massive suffering, I really don’t think a UFO Hippie Death Cult is that bad, y’know? edit: not that im complaining about these themes (only really IronGuard), just pointing out that it’s hypocritical to single out mine as “in poor taste.” it’s a THEME
  10. Hello Orbis. I am hope. Now, you may ask, what does that mean? Who are you? Why should I care? I will explain this to you shortly. I am from the Evolutionary Level Above Human (the "Kingdom of Heaven"). What does that yield? Well, immediately a lot of people will go "CULT!," "some religious radical!," some "blasphemous individual!" - because they see religion as beneath them, or at least ones that they do not prescribe to. But there is a world, far beyond your imagination, that will only be open to you once you join us. You see, we are going home. Not to our home in San Diego, but our home above. Hale-Bopp's approach is the "marker" we have been waiting for - the time for the arrival of the spacecraft from the Level Above Human to take us home to "Their World" - in the literal Heavens. Our twenty-two years on planet Earth is finally coming to conclusion - "graduation" from the Human Evolutionary Level. We are happily prepared to leave "this world" and go with Ti's crew. Who are we? We are Heaven's Gate, although you may alternatively know us as "Heaven's Davidians" or a variety of other names. Our message is simple. This world, Planet Earth as it is known by humans, is about to be RECYCLED, REFURBISHED, and SPADED UNDER. I think you all know what the implications of such an event will be. However, you can escape all this pain and impending doom, by ascending to the Level Above, the level which created HUMANS as an entity. It is very simple, you have to accept Ti and Do as your leaders and join our class. This is your only chance. It may sound like nonsense, it is up to you to accept these facts. We are just the messengers. Signed: Do Alliance Page: https://politicsandwar.com/alliance/id=6040 Discord: https://discord.gg/wFHQnFW
  11. congrats valk, wouldnt have ever imagined a few years ago that you'd be leading a top 10 (really even top 5) alliance. congrats, and good luck!
  12. oh, is it time for tea already?
  13. you know, even if you were forced/coerced/i dont give a frick, it's always good to get war experience. i do genuinely believe to some extent that you are at least attempting to change db's rep, so good on you, and good luck. dont listen to the haters
  14. i had actual hope for discourse in this thread, but i have been disappointed yet again gg
  15. then why bring it up at all? you never sound particularly worried. in fact, you treat it as a good thing. in my original post i even said “EMC used to flex IQ deletions” which you acted like you had no idea even happened, and now you say that you both did it then and now. so, buorhann, which is it? do you treat people quitting the game during these 3 month+ wars as a good thing or a bad thing? because many people on your side are all “woe is me” now that they’re the ones facing the consequences of it
  16. then keep it on your discord server or post it in Orbis Central, this is for serious posts or if you're a relevant alliance, not for your dead memes that nobody cares about and nobody is interested in.
  17. this is the reason people want a separate alliance affairs for micros
  18. @Buorhann First instance I found, and I'm sure there's many more My point is simply in the past, your side has celebrated deletion of IQ nations as being a good thing. Don't act like you didn't participate
  19. nice to see both sides deflect and blame the other for poor player retention when it's in fact both their faults EMC used to flex how many people deleted from IQ, and now IQ is doing the same to them. you dug your graves, now lie in them however, i do in general agree with the fact that shorter wars are better for the game, so if there's a way to make it more expensive to sit on your opponents that would be good, but it also needs to be cheap to rebuild warchest at the same time. perhaps, make military units more expensive to maintain during wartime, and increase production of manufactured/raw resources? im not sure, id have to give some more time to think about it toodles
  20. Why form a micro bloc when you can merge and provide me with all the drama that comes with that
  21. this thread just proves you’re all toxic, and is one of the reasons why we have such poor player retention congratulations, you all fricking failed
  22. yall really cant let an alliance surrender and move on without making sure to trash them one more time? smh nobody asked for your opinion good luck with the rebuild OFA, im sure yall learned a lot
  23. @Squeegee im only pinging you because roq didnt have the balls to when he called you out also so if you werent planning on ever defending DB ever again why not drop em instead of acting like you still wanted to help them :)))
  24. i like how roq acts like it takes a lot of effort to say “hey you’re my ally and you’re attacking an alliance i have a treaty with so if you wouldnt attack them id appreciate it” there are so many people here who would go to great lengths to support and aid their ally and you’ve basically confirmed DB wasnt worth it not that i didnt want to see DB burn, but it’s interesting not only that but if you know you arent active enough to handle the situation that’s kind of like...why gov exists? lmao enjoy the war DB, ive wanted to see your pixels burn for a while, but all this tomfoolery has kinda ruined it for me
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