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Remove spy cap and have cia discount the cost of spy recruitment

Sansa Stark

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The spy cap screws everyone over, I've noticed while playing in the helpful tools. 60 vs 60 spies is a guaranteed win, just not necessarily guaranteed you won't get caught, if you use your second op or have a second guy and possibly 3rd guy with another 60 spies hit them and kill them off. This kind of defeats the purpose of even having spies and I'm pretty sure the actual cia doesn't only have 60 members. So I'd suggest removing the cap and letting the project discount spies by a certain amount. 

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Although this is pretty much reverting back to what we had before, it's certainly better than what we have now. I agree.

If sheepy is to remove spy unit cap, at least give the score increase for having spies.


That would let other people know your number of spies...

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Also you do realize what your asking for is to revert the spy system to it's original form. How long have you been in this game? He removed infinite number of spies for a reason.


Yeah, but he managed to make it worse. You know, like a lot of things Sheepy does.

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Yeah, but he managed to make it worse. You know, like a lot of things Sheepy does.


A lot of things? I think you mean everything  ;)


I won't be removing the spy cap, but I will be releasing an update soon that lets you specialize in espionage if you so choose  :P

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A lot of things? I think you mean everything  ;)


I won't be removing the spy cap, but I will be releasing an update soon that lets you specialize in espionage if you so choose  :P

Perks comming soon confirmed

Signed by Sultan Moreau


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Perks comming soon confirmed


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Orbis Wars   |   CSI: UPN   |   B I G O O F   |   PW Expert Has Nerve To Tell You How To Run Your Own Goddamn Alliance | Occupy Wall Street | Sheepy Sings

TheNG - My favorite part is when Steve suggests DEIC might have done something remotely successful, then gets massively shit on for proposing such a stupid idea.

On 1/4/2016 at 6:37 PM, Sheepy said:
Sheepy said:

I'm retarded, you win

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Perks will be added in approximately ERROR: NULL_VALUE Edited by Metro

Orbis Wars   |   CSI: UPN   |   B I G O O F   |   PW Expert Has Nerve To Tell You How To Run Your Own Goddamn Alliance | Occupy Wall Street | Sheepy Sings

TheNG - My favorite part is when Steve suggests DEIC might have done something remotely successful, then gets massively shit on for proposing such a stupid idea.

On 1/4/2016 at 6:37 PM, Sheepy said:
Sheepy said:

I'm retarded, you win

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I think removing the cap is a bad idea. it would be better just to lower the number of spies killed in a op. maybe like max 5 an op? 

That alone would make spies useless. What you are saying is that a person with 60 spies it would take 4 days to kill all spies and that's if you killed the Maximum. Not to mention he could still rebuild some everyday. There would be 0 need for spies at that point.



Priest of Dio

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i think it seems kind of silly that someone could have max spies and a cia and have 30 days worth of building destroyed at a turn update. i think a better solution would be to set the minimum number of spies a nations with a cia to have killed down to is 10 (meaning like 10 that are indestructible )


meaning if they have 11 and a spy kill espionage happens they will only be dropped to 10. this would at least prevent the free for all pandemonium that can happen in the current system when you can kill over a weeks worth of spies in one click. if you then try to counter with your own espionage spy kill the attack will fail miserably and you will kill another week's worth of builds on your end, so it prevents a 1v1 type fighting back even if you are attacking someone without a cia


i know this isn't my game but spies just dont seem right. this is one of those things that falls into the aggressor being a default winner unless someone comes in to counter them. there is no possible way to defend oneself in the current system. i dont think having 500 spies or the ability to purchase 60 in a day is the answer, but i also dont think having 30 days worth of spy building (when you are built to the max the game will allow ) destroyed in one turn update is the answer either

Edited by seabasstion
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Yeah, why are we trying to nerf spies again?

Some people may feel that being able to destroy 30 days of capped building with the CIA project in a 5 minute window may be slightly unbalanced.


Even 50 spies (no CIA) against 60 has a 68% chance off success and will kill 9 spies when successful (which is most of the time)


Then 50 v 51 is 71% and another 11 spies


Then 50 v 40 is 77% and kills 14


New day happens


50 v 26 is 92% and kills 11

50 v 15 is 99% and kills 8

50 v 7 is 99% and kills 6


So in a matter of what can be literally 2 minutes a nation can lose every spy (save for 1) with relatively high probability even though they were armed as high as the game allows against opponents that are stock default


I don't know where others stand but that seems high to me.



In a 1 v 1 situation at turn update (using just the first two attacks) it would be 40 CIA trained spies against 50 default which has a 67% success rate . this means a group of lesser trained spies has a higher success rate to kill a group of higher better trained spies with 10 more if the attacks go chalk


I realize it is only 1% and they are essentially even but if there was a perk in the game that supposedly 'buffed' aircrafts but demonstrated zero benefit in practice I bet there would be a larger outcry . I don't feel this spy system is bad at it's core but CIA is definitely lacking in practice


I guess the ultimate question you have to ask is being able to destroy 29.5 days worth of Max allowable spies in 2 minutes a reasonable figure.

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I am fully aware SB. Now...when you change that there will be no reason at all to conduct offensive spy ops.


You also make it sound easy and free to just "kill a month in 2 minutes". It is not. That requires coordination, central planning, and funding.


Reading between the lines what I hear from you is not an argument against the spy system for balance but a desire to protect nukes, which is why people kill spies by the way. Again: spies have already been overly nerfed and continuing to try to buff nukes is bad for the game.


So yeah, leave spies alone.

Edited by LordRahl2

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