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Seriously? What more do you want....


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I haven't been playing this game long, however, in these few days I've come to see a thread of common traits in a large group of nations and by their direct affiliation alliances, which disturbs me greatly.  Realizing this is a game and that the actions we take have little effect on reality, I'm still disturbed by the sheer numbers which I see every day.  This feeling is magnified when I see almost complete callousness and acceptance of their actions as an event to be viewed as the local entertainment of the week by the general population.  


An entire alliance ridiculed for the negligible actions of a single member.  Who was punished according to our laws and even stepped into the court of public opinion to be judged and offer anything that was needed to fix the rift.  Rational minds in leadership should have been able to resolve the situation.  Instead a throng of eight banded together and began to conspire in the darkness and maneuver their constituents in for the attack.  Hatred being spread like an incurable disease to each member.  Misinformation, deceit, and lust for power handed down the lines of nations who would form the front lines.  All for the sake of the petty malcontents who lead their respective alliances.


During this same time.  An alliance, with a foundation of water and sand, struggling to maintain itself under the weight of its members sees war on the horizon, but fails to realize they may be the sole focus.  Bitter disputes echo through the halls of debate.  Leaders buckle under the pressure to maintain some form of continuity and even in the midst one of them snaps and takes rash action.  Forced to recognize the sheer audacity of it all one man, one nation, one true leader takes the mantle of the GPA and places it on his shoulders.  As war erupts he assumes an even greater burden and leads his army to a doomed mission.  They are outnumbered but still they continue on in the spirit of the GPA.


Now I've come to realize that the Coalition has decided that it wants to play internal politics not just in its own alliance but also in GPA as well.  They have forced Grillick to resign his post at the earliest convenience.  This is a despicable act.  You are the ones who tried to creep up on us in the dark and knife us in the back.  The only grace we had was one person who took the role as an angle of mercy and allowed us to prepare.  Grillick even came to you and tried to negotiate peace before you committed a single nation to battle.  Grillick was the one who continued to reign some of our members in from a preemptive attack.  He kept us true to the very spirit that binds us together.  Hard neutrality even in the face of destruction.


You have caused the annihilation of hundreds of improvements, thousands of levels of infrastructure, tens of thousands of tanks and planes, and several hundred thousand (if not million) soldiers all in a few days time.  There was no valid reason behind this attack.  The sited issues are long since passed.  Any attempt to resolve the issue was turned away.  Making matters worse, they were simple matters that most civilized people can fix over a good meal or short IRC talk. Now you come to us and require the man who kept us together to resign all of for the sake of your egos, blood lust, and duplicity.  


All of this tells me the coalition isn't civilized.  Its run by a ragtag group of leaders without honor and I now know at least 8 alliances I would never join should the dark day I leave GPA ever come to fruition.  

Edited by CzarOptima
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Hear hear.

"That ain't Cologne, that's the smell of success."

17:00 <•Sheepy> I don't want you to leave the game

19:20 <•Pubstomber>:

Man, I really wish Rose had allied BoC a couple months ago when we had the chance instead of picking Vanguard.

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I do think part of the reasoning behind the hatred was the neutrality part. I mean Grillick annoyed people but a lot in this game do not like neutrality, and GPA just provided the frustration enough for people to take action. 

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"ugh..... why god.... why. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!"











Peace will never be accomplished without war, but war cannot happen without peace.... or something like that idk

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You do realize that on numerous occassions Grillick broke neutrality; spied on nations, sanctioned spying on others, and even threatening to have certain individuals attacked right?


If this was a normal member none of this would have happened. Especially if disciplinary action would be taken. Instead the closest that GPA went to disciplining Grillick was a mass exodus of members on i believe 3 separate occassions? Someone like that was either accepted by your membership or were completely oblivious to the world around you. More than likely the latter though.


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You do realize that on numerous occassions Grillick broke neutrality; spied on nations, sanctioned spying on others, and even threatening to have certain individuals attacked right?


If this was a normal member none of this would have happened. Especially if disciplinary action would be taken. Instead the closest that GPA went to disciplining Grillick was a mass exodus of members on i believe 3 separate occassions? Someone like that was either accepted by your membership or were completely oblivious to the world around you. More than likely the latter though.

This is false.


On one occasion I "broke neutrality," and that was against an army, not a nation. I have not sanctioned any other spying activities. Members of the GPA have been disciplined and sometimes expelled for conducting spying activities.


That said, the Agency does not endorse or adopt CzarOptima's sentiments in this thread. We do not restrict our members from posting on public forums, but when they do, they speak for themselves, not for the Agency.

"It's hard to be a team player when you're omnipotent." - Q

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So, in other words, you're the leaker?

The many forms of proof regarding Kastor's sexuality:

- Kastor: I already came out the closet.

- MaIone: I'm gay

* MaIone is now known as Kastor

- Henri: i'm a !@#$it


Skable: the !@#$ is a codo?



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 Its run by a ragtag group of leaders without honor






Do you think honor keeps them in line? Do you think it's honor that's keeping the peace? It's fear! Fear and blood! 




Honour is way overrated. GPA dun goofed and now the alliance as a whole is paying for it.  If I lead an alliance, acted like a dick and &#33;@#&#036;ed over a whole load of people as-well as contradicted the very charter that I'm sworn to uphold. I'd deserve to reap  what I had sown just as Grillick has and will continue to do so until peace is fully met. 

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I haven't been...snip ...BS cloaked by eloquence...snip...more BS cloaked by eloquence...snip...snip...ever come to fruition.  


Loyalty is admirable, blind faith is just pitiable. That's all I have to say. 

Blood of a king. Heart of a lion.

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"Instead a throng of eight"




Eight alliances. Eight points. Eight is the chosen number of the Gods.


Guardian, GPA, Terminus, Rose, Seven Kingdoms. .  they are all just spokes on a wheel. This one's on top, then that one's on top and on and on it spins crushing those on the ground.

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We don't even know why Arrgh happens.

"In an honest service there is thin commons, low wages, and hard labor; in this, plenty and satiety, pleasure and ease, liberty and power; and who would not balance creditor on this side, when all the hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour look or two at choking. No, a merry life and a short one, shall be my motto." - Bartholomew "Black Bart" Roberts


Green Enforcement Agency will rise again!

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I'm not sure what you hoped to accomplish with this,


Nothing but stating my opinion before the public, without the consent of my government, to satisfy a personal rage at his resignation being forced by external power mongers.  This war will be tossed onto the ash heap of history as Orbis takes leave of its senses.  I now take my leave of this thread.

Edited by CzarOptima
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To be fair to Grillick he did try to introduce a new charter which amounted to "we're hard neutrals really so please please believe us... don't attack us please we're good guys"... oh and putting on paper the removal of any one who goes against GPA dogma of hard neutrality which in a "democracy" is always fun. So there was a truly wretched attempt and hammering through a charter change so he could tell Prefontaine (and whoever else) that they now had no reason to attack... though Grillick was a bit of puppet (as per usual) on that matter. 


As for the rest of the OP? What? Grillick opposed every step of the way any measure that would have helped the alliance instead believing that... actually no as I'd laugh if I said he believed in his "diplomacy" working as that would be massive disrespect to him. Anyway someone who holds on to dogma for the sake of it while knowing the consequences isn't wise by any means. That is what is called a fool.

I'm just happy I wasn't there to suffer for Grillick's and his hard neutrality. I really hope the Coalition beats the stupidity out of the GPA as otherwise they'll just become a cult of hard neutrality after all this... that or a Rose protectorate hahaha. Grillick's application been accepted yet I wonder... hey I'll vouch for him if needed though I don't think he needs my vouch. 


This is false.


On one occasion I "broke neutrality," and that was against an army, not a nation. I have not sanctioned any other spying activities. Members of the GPA have been disciplined and sometimes expelled for conducting spying activities.


That said, the Agency does not endorse or adopt CzarOptima's sentiments in this thread. We do not restrict our members from posting on public forums, but when they do, they speak for themselves, not for the Agency.



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Guardian, GPA, Terminus, Rose, Seven Kingdoms. .  they are all just spokes on a wheel. This one's on top, then that one's on top and on and on it spins crushing those on the ground.


Khaleesi? Is that you?






and even stepped into the court of public opinion to be judged and offer anything that was needed to fix the rift. 


Grillick's own post in this thread is evidence to the contrary. He has refused to apologize then and still does now.




To be fair to Grillick he did try to introduce a new charter which amounted to "we're hard neutrals really so please please believe us... don't attack us please we're good guys"... oh and putting on paper the removal of any one who goes against GPA dogma of hard neutrality which in a "democracy" is always fun. 

Interesting. Does this mean GPA is no longer making every neutral alliance their defacto protectorate or just that Grillick wanted to change the language about it?

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Here's some quotes, just for fun:


People who demand neutrality in any situation are usually not neutral but in favor of the status quo.

Neutrality is at times a graver sin than belligerence.

As others have said before, you cannot enjoy the benefits of neutrality without actually being genuinely neutral. The alliances of the Coalition have made it their duty to protect the citizens of Orbis, not even just their alliances. By allowing GPA, or any alliance, to reap the benefits of neutrality without being neutral, they would be endangering honest alliances. When this behavior continues, it opens the door for so much abuse of "neutrality". Calling yourself neutral shouldn't be just a shield from attacks, while the "neutral" alliance would still be able to be belligerent. This problem needed to be nipped in the bud before it reached problematic heights.

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Interesting. Does this mean GPA is no longer making every neutral alliance their defacto protectorate or just that Grillick wanted to change the language about it?


Well I don't know of right now for obvious reasons, but at the time I was there it was a complete removal of such a thing. It was explained to me (to justify the changes) that the ability to make alliances and to protect other neutrals would get GPA attacked (and not you know... all the terrible behavior by certain folk) so instead of actually making alliances as was allowed in the charter to be better protected... Grillick and others not worth mentioning here decided that ripping it all out and banning such things forever (the new charter was rigged to require a miracle to be changed and gov could veto it easily anyway) would lead to GPA not being attacked (a delusion). It was put to a vote with no explanation given on what it all meant (tidying up GPA documents was the reason given but nothing beyond that) so it was primed to pass easily until the site went down and the vote had to be stopped... than with me and others (Czar for example) for example ripping it apart they didn't dare to push it after that point. 


So what I would say is whatever the charter said there was never any chance of it being acted on. Grillick may have a big mouth when it came to talking about protecting others to you... but in reality he would never actually do it. Heck the new charter meant they had the ability to exclude any who went against the "spirit of neutrality" at a snap and even if that expulsion was appealed successfully... the expelled member would still be expelled from the alliance for a minimum of 6 months as expulsion could not in fact be reversed... so to conclude Grillick is very much neutral (didn't spy you either) and to the point of complete cowardice in fact. 

Edited by Rozalia
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Well I don't know of right now for obvious reasons, but at the time I was there it was a complete removal of such a thing. It was explained to me (to justify the changes) that the ability to make alliances and to protect other neutrals would get GPA attacked (and not you know... all the terrible behavior by certain folk) so instead of actually making alliances as was allowed in the charter to be better protected... Grillick and others not worth mentioning here decided that ripping it all out and banning such things forever (the new charter was rigged to require a miracle to be changed and gov could veto it easily anyway) would lead to GPA not being attacked (a delusion). It was put to a vote with no explanation given on what it all meant (tidying up GPA documents was the reason given but nothing beyond that) so it was primed to pass easily until the site went down and the vote had to be stopped... than with me and others (Czar) for example ripping it apart they didn't dare to push it after that point. 


So what I would say is whatever the charter said there was never any chance of it being acted on. Grillick may have a big mouth when it came to talking about protecting others to you... but in reality he would never actually do it. Heck the new charter meant they had the ability to exclude any who went against the "spirit of neutrality" at a snap and even if that expulsion was appealed successfully... the expelled member would still be expelled from the alliance for a minimum of 6 months as expulsion could not in fact be reversed... so to conclude Grillick is very much neutral (didn't spy you either) and to the point of complete cowardice in fact. 

Isn't this guy great, folks? He'll be here all week! Two drink minimum.

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"It's hard to be a team player when you're omnipotent." - Q

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