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Kadin last won the day on July 26 2015

Kadin had the most liked content!



  • Member Title
    Speed of lightning, roar of thunder.

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    Imperial Alpha
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  • Discord Name: Princess Whiskers#5572

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  1. I have literally never been either of those two things. 🤷‍♀️
  2. Some wars are more justified than others. It's barely a step up from schoolyard bullying at this point tbh.
  3. I could be wrong, but I think it used to be like this, and got changed?
  4. I can't be the only one who finds it rather tasteless to make a thread for the sole purpose of mocking the enemy who did nothing wrong to you but against who you assembled a massive coalition of everyone for no reason anyway.
  5. Life must be tough with that kind of black-and-white thinking going on in your head.
  6. You're not arguing in good faith, obviously there's a massive gulf between a war you can't win and whatever this is. but you were going to try to have your "gotcha" moment no matter what anyways, so carry on. 🤷‍♀️
  7. Nothing in there contradicts my stance here.
  8. Are you sure you really wanna join this tightly-contested and very evenly-matched battle? Sounds pretty scary to me.
  9. You call it courage, I call it stupidity. It may not be rule #1, but it's pretty dang close to it: "Never begin a war you know you can't win." Doing so is a failure of leadership plain and simple. You let down the people you command, and you let down yourself because it's essentially an admission that you're incapable of putting your people in a position to succeed. It's ego getting in the way of practicality at best. And I say that as someone who rarely turns down an opportunity to punch some people in the face.
  10. I honestly haven't been paying attention to this at all, yeah. I just glanced at some stats and thought it would be funny to ask about Arrgh.
  11. What this game really needs is.... Kadin. 😉
  12. No thank you. Last time I tried that it didn't end well.
  13. This but unironically. Keeping your nation for a long time shouldn't give you an insurmountable advantage for the rest of time. You scared to compete with new players or something?
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