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19 hours ago, Krampus said:

Because 1) TEST is a different alliance in game, despite being under Eclipse's banner 2) bot makers are lazy, and can't be arsed to keep track of alliance offshoot number 97 

You can just merge the AAs and you'll be shown under Eclipse's stats, lol

That would be true if I believe Sphinx himself didn't tell me otherwise.  They are a part of Eclipse, unless that has changed over the last few months.  Similar to eS and tS.

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3 hours ago, Keegoz said:

Reading this thread was kinda a wild ride. At one stage Oreo seems to be saying they need 500+ nations to deal with GGO because the lower tiers don't matter and the whales are OP. Then they argue that Midgard (a low to mid tier sphere) is a match for their sphere (a upper to whale tier sphere).

Generally speaking, anything said by non FA or alliance leaders should be taken with a grain of salt when it comes to official alliance/bloc stance. That includes anything I say of course as well as schwarzer who is milcom I believe, not FA.

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3 hours ago, Avatar Patrick said:

Generally speaking, anything said by non FA or alliance leaders should be taken with a grain of salt when it comes to official alliance/bloc stance. That includes anything I say of course as well as schwarzer who is milcom I believe, not FA.

I mean the forums are a place of discussion and arguing at each other until someone gives up or they both die. Even if you aren't high gov FA or a leader. If you post on the forums (especially a post regarding something controversial), then you gotta be ready to take on the heat and fire back shots. That's just my thoughts.

7 hours ago, Keegoz said:

Reading this thread was kinda a wild ride. At one stage Oreo seems to be saying they need 500+ nations to deal with GGO because the lower tiers don't matter and the whales are OP. Then they argue that Midgard (a low to mid tier sphere) is a match for their sphere (a upper to whale tier sphere).

Just trying to play damage control at this rate. But at the end of the day, you have a sphere that can take on any sphere 1v1 and win without any problems whatsoever. When even GGO can't take them on alone, you know it's OP.

Also thanks to Eclipse for boosting my reputation, who knew all I had to do was call them out to farm it.

Edited by darkblade
  • Haha 3


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17 minutes ago, darkblade said:

Even if you aren't high gov FA or a leader.


Or how about not even in a major alliance?

Listen to J Kell's new single: 



About The Author

 An early member of Roz Wei in 2015, J Kell went on to stay within the paperless world of Empyrea before signing with Soup Kitchen while scoring a record deal in 2019. J Kell went on to release multiple Orbis Top 40 hits. In 2020, J Kell took a break from Orbis. He's back.

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30 minutes ago, darkblade said:

I mean the forums are a place of discussion and arguing at each other until someone gives up or they both die. Even if you aren't high gov FA or a leader. If you post on the forums (especially a post regarding something controversial), then you gotta be ready to take on the heat and fire back shots. That's just my thoughts.

Just trying to play damage control at this rate. But at the end of the day, you have a sphere that can take on any sphere 1v1 and win without any problems whatsoever. When even GGO can't take them on alone, you know it's OP.

I'm not that well versed in the aa scenes but I like Ron and DnN, so my next question is an actual question. 


Ggo is mainly c30 +. Some other spheres have more sub c30 nations then RosEclipse has. In case of a war, hundreds of nations would/could thus lose, actually more could/would lose than higher city nations would win. Does their experience not matter as much as the whales?

Also, and this might be redundant, the real FA moves are made.by only a handful of players. Thus far I'm pretty happy with my coincidentally luck but isn't it true that most people have no say at all?




Edited by Arthur Wellington
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26 minutes ago, Arthur Wellington said:

I'm not that well versed in the aa scenes but I like Ron and DnN, so my next question is an actual question. 


Ggo is mainly c30 +. Some other spheres have more sub c30 nations then RosEclipse has. In case of a war, hundreds of nations would/could thus lose, actually more could/would lose than higher city nations would win. Does their experience not matter as much as the whales?

Also, and this might be redundant, the real FA moves are made.by only a handful of players. Thus far I'm pretty happy with my coincidentally luck but isn't it true that most people have no say at all?




When it comes to wars, making sure your biggest nations win their tier is number 1 priority. Why? Because down declares play an important part of winning the war. It doesn't matter if you win the tier 20-24 if you lose 25-29. Yeah it sucks that you are losing your tier. But would you rather lose your tier, or the entire war? In the case of Midgard updeclaring, yeah, they can probly take on a few low tiers, maybe even in the lower 20's. but ouroboros have strong tiering in tiers that midgard can't compete in. So having a strong low tier doesn't matter when you can have bigger nations destroy that tier easily.

For your second question, yes and no. Yes, very few players are behind the curtains when it comes to how the political aspect of the game is ran. FA Is a very delicate position to run for any alliance. One or a few bad moves can put your alliance on a downfall which is why you can't just put anyone in that position of power unless they know what they are doing. As for the no, I personally believe that an alliances power comes from their members. And if the members don't like what their alliance is doing or want to try something different, then they should find a new alliance to join. The most recent example would be Requiem. It's pretty much a T$ splinter alliance containing ex gov and members. And while they are small in numbers. They have the potential to become a pretty strong alliance down the line.


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5 hours ago, Sweeeeet Ronny D said:

That would be true if I believe Sphinx himself didn't tell me otherwise.  They are a part of Eclipse, unless that has changed over the last few months.  Similar to eS and tS.

Mechanically speaking, they are a separate alliances in game. Similar to eS and tS

Edited by Krampus


Inform Zigbir I have forgotten how to edit the signature field
Please remind me how to do it post haste!

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Downdeclares may be a very real thing, i still can't loose the feeling that whales dictate how spheres and even alliances are viewed. 

I've read enough on these forums to notice that several sides blame eachother of unfair play via treaties, paperless or not. But the names tend to be the same and appear to be no more than about a hundred or so. The game has many more players that aren't that inclined to lead alliances or partake in the forum and discord debates but do have their nations influenced by the first group. They actually so really care about their nations (just read up with c1-c20 convo's about raids!). Same applies to the many micros who seem to have fun as well but aren't taken seriously.

 To me, it seems that this debate only matters to a relatively small group of players. I might be wrong though.


btw, thanks for taking the time to reply to my questions!

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Well again, you very well may be right but you are, you quote and you are liked by the give or take hundred people. 


The next example I think applies to nearly every alliance;

Let's say I don't understand this FA move. What do you think I can actually do? 90% of the players only get to view the fa move via an announcement, and I bet you often know before the most players do. Most players don't have any say nor do they want that. While Vein and let's call them, 'the hundred's do reply, they most certainly will not do what people from outside 'the hundred' suggest. And prolly rightly so.

Most players in this game are dismissed with terms like micros, farms, irrelevant (which makes me chuckle as this is a game still). The hundred seems pretty happy with themselves, i mean, i even saw a poll who is the best to marry (!!) and similar things. 

My point, while calling out hypocrisy is very rightly a thing every once in a while, it's perhaps not completely fair when looking at Orbis as in all players instead of just leadership.


The above meme must be very painful 😂


Let's not forget the real baddy, George who stole the BK bank a while ago and still didn't repay me my 200m!


Btw, i actually do like all the aa topics, Ron and DnN stuff most of the time!



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1 hour ago, Arthur Wellington said:

Let's say I don't understand this FA move. What do you think I can actually do? 90% of the players only get to view the fa move via an announcement, and I bet you often know before the most players do. Most players don't have any say nor do they want that. While Vein and let's call them, 'the hundred's do reply, they most certainly will not do what people from outside 'the hundred' suggest. And prolly rightly so.

Most players in this game are dismissed with terms like micros, farms, irrelevant (which makes me chuckle as this is a game still). The hundred seems pretty happy with themselves, i mean, i even saw a poll who is the best to marry (!!) and similar things. 

My point, while calling out hypocrisy is very rightly a thing every once in a while, it's perhaps not completely fair when looking at Orbis as in all players instead of just leadership.

Uh, I'm not entirely sure what this means entirely or how it pertains to my post, but:

-Usually if I know something is happening ahead of time I can't really do anything about it

-Public opinion can be a very strong weapon

-If players don't want a say and don't care about having a say then this announcement doesn't pertain to them

-If they do want to have a say, they can move with their feet, voices, or votes (wherever relevant) and/or join their governments in order to contribute towards a direction they want -- for most of my time on this account, I was never an important gov or political member tbh, I just commented actively and gave my own input on everything I cared about

-That was literally a meme poll rofl

-If you think I'm calling you specifically out for whatever reason, I'm not, I'm calling out the people who supported this announcement but opposed the Celestial announcement and that has absolutely nothing to do with all the people who play the game, nor do I see why it should be

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8 hours ago, hidude45454 said:

Uh, I'm not entirely sure what this means entirely or how it pertains to my post, but:

1. Usually if I know something is happening ahead of time I can't really do anything about it

2. Public opinion can be a very strong weapon

3. If players don't want a say and don't care about having a say then this announcement doesn't pertain to them

4. If they do want to have a say, they can move with their feet, voices, or votes (wherever relevant) and/or join their governments in order to contribute towards a direction they want -- for most of my time on this account, I was never an important gov or political member tbh, I just commented actively and gave my own input on everything I cared about

5. That was literally a meme poll rofl

6. If you think I'm calling you specifically out for whatever reason, I'm not, I'm calling out the people who supported this announcement but opposed the Celestial announcement and that has absolutely nothing to do with all the people who play the game, nor do I see why it should be

1. I know and wasn't accusing anyone of anything, just stating a different perspective on the debate. 

2. Not that strong in orbis, The Hundred!

3-4. You are an exception and can, for example, freely hop between alliances. You're very very active, much more than most. Also often on point, and not very mean. Although most people aren't that involved, most alliances use a fixed nr of people for high gov. Low and mid gov is more open but the bigger decisions are made by high gov. 

5. Sure, so called ironic, but internet ironic (so not). And it's just an example of a pretty tight nit of people that love eachother very much. 

6. Oh and I didn't feel I was called out. You named the hypocrical statement people by name pretty nicely 👍🙂



Im *not* disagreeing with anything really here but I do want to shed some light on the very big group of people that are not involved but do actively play this game. 



Let's not forget the real baddy, George who stole the BK bank a while ago and still didn't repay me my 200m

Edited by Arthur Wellington
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4 hours ago, Arthur Wellington said:

3-4. You are an exception and can, for example, freely hop between alliances. You're very very active, much more than most. Also often on point, and not very mean. Although most people aren't that involved, most alliances use a fixed nr of people for high gov. Low and mid gov is more open but the bigger decisions are made by high gov. 

You can join another alliance as well - no one is stopping you. That’s how change happens.


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On 9/14/2022 at 4:05 PM, Kevanovia said:

You can join another alliance as well - no one is stopping you. That’s how change happens.

Ohhhh. That's a really good idea! I might look into that!


= Sarcasm. I'm not new nor is there any alliance better than Eclipse. Vein/Pascal is orbis's true God and Master and KindaEpicMoah as the Demi God leading across alliances.

Edited by Arthur Wellington
Orbis doesn't get sarcasm
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