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1 hour ago, Kurdanak said:

Right? I've been trying to breathe life into VE's corpse for hours, but no luck. Guess I'll have to do some more thinking. :( 


Paragon is Paragone.

  • Haha 2

Humans cannot create anything out of nothingness. Humans cannot accomplish anything without holding onto something. After all, humans are not gods.

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2 hours ago, Thalmor said:

For those who don't know, the reason why TCW is dropping Rose is because Rose is signing a treaty with The Syndicate. 

Hence this quip: 


See, this is why we can't have nice things.

  • Haha 1

:nyan:The Volleyball :nyan: 



..one, two, Jimmy's coming for you...

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48 minutes ago, Kurdanak said:


VE's soulless husk is starting to look fresher than ever! I think we might be able to make this work, after all. 😌

out of concern, were you trained how to taxidermy properly or are you winging it? 

takes a whiff of air




 I personally voice my own thought processes based on own desires of informational curiosity as well love for discussion based on questions & statements I made rather just trusting info like a collective hivemind

Onlookers whom hop aboard the brainless bandwagon refusing inter-articulation based on assumed feelings, go give yo balls a tug ya tit fugger         

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7 hours ago, Sweeeeet Ronny D said:

Is this one of those, you didn't fire me, I quit situations?

Actually no, even if a major partner of MHC is leaving, the treaty would still be binding for us to the remainder of the alliances. We choose to withdraw from that agreement ourself, to pursue alternatives options.



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17 hours ago, Kurdanak said:


VE's soulless husk is starting to look fresher than ever! I think we might be able to make this work, after all. 😌

Pretty sure "VE's soulless husk" is a GoG trademark. I hope you have a good lawyer.

  • Haha 1

Humans cannot create anything out of nothingness. Humans cannot accomplish anything without holding onto something. After all, humans are not gods.

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4 hours ago, Sweeeeet Ronny D said:

As a founding Gov member of VE in PnW, I claim all rights to it's soulless husk.  Even after the abomination Seeker turned it into.

I know some really good necromancers. And some bad ones if you need one

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