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Everything posted by Kurdanak

  1. A modest collection of gems from over the years - mostly jokes, some official yet often still hilarious threads, and a few thoughtful posts - for a venture down memory lane. This isn't even covering his jokes/gags from CN, or countless amusing IRC/Discord interactions - whether it was as a fellow member in GPA/Rose or as a dear friend in SRA (CN), CoS, Valinor, ASM, TKR, etc, it's been a wonderful 10 years of experiencing Red's humour, charisma, and wit. Always bringing smiles, laughter, and a genuine point of view. One of the best I came across, to end it off: If I missed any of your favourite Red moments, please share!
  2. Truly and utterly devastating, no way around it. Yet so many fond memories surround me. Rest in peace, we'll have our glorious battle someday (on the great City Island in the sky!).
  3. My glorious, benevolent ViceRoi?? is that you??
  4. It seems we have a discrepancy, interesting - who wants to log dump first?? seems to be all the rage lately 😏
  5. Damn, CoA - fair swipe for Best PR Move of 2022, I gotta admit (I would still say the same if we got hit lol).
  6. Another Game of Thrones/ASoIaF alliance? Inflation really is getting out of control these days. πŸ˜“
  7. I've made a couple posts here and there! My most favourite would probably be the APR as a whole for nostalgia, as well as a few of my more long-form shitposts: There are probably some older gems, but I don't feel like sifting through 300+ pages of posts to find them, and they're mostly one-liners lol My least favourite would be the threads from my stint as Rose's leader: I will never regret the flower puns (my Rose was explicitly rose-themed 😀) or the actions, but it was early days when I wasn't too familiar with rhetoric (lol neutrals), so while not terrible overall, all my "official" posts are definitely pretty cringe. But hey, being cringe is a pillar of Rose, for Rose is more than just an alliance. Rose is a people and a purpose. It is a brotherhood of common players who wish to make some noise and have fun during times of peace and conflict, but also serve a higher purpose by contributing value and meaning to the game around them. Thus, Rose is an alliance guided and held together by the central values of a true community, where those within make sacrifices for one another and stand together even in the most adverse of events.
  8. Nice treaty! Now let's MAP our mega-blocs, then finally take on the Camelot menace.
  9. Welcome to the forums, epic! It does get exciting here, on occasion.
  10. Welcome to Orbis, Rengster, and best of luck on your application to the Enterprise! Joining an established alliance is certainly the best way to do all of those things.
  11. Now this is my kind of thread! marionetting and/or being marionetted since day 1, baby
  12. Love me a thread that opens with a log dump, always interesting when things go nuclear.
  13. I like it. Let's bring surprise one-way WIKI-PIATs to P&W. 😀
  14. o/ ASM o/ 5P o/ riotingπŸ”₯ Congrats friends!
  15. From one high-horse to another, I respect the grandstand, but you keep deflecting away from the inherent toxicity in imposing this on a sphere as a peace term. And again, it's certainly lighter and more helpful than your original terms of enforced MMR on Fark and a sphere name change that opens HM up to being meme'd on indefinitely (just because it's fun for you, does not mean that it's fun for those taking the brunt of your jokes). I'm glad some folks like hidude are making the best out of the situation, genuinely, but I go back to my issue here in the first place - that in order to obtain peace after having been rolled by the Johnson's (and their handy-dandy mercenary safety net), HM is required to make this server. The foundation is dirty and disrespectful, even if followed up by admirable clean action by the community. I believe that feedback is best received when done so voluntarily - your approach risks alienating several of those you claim to be trying to help out (evidently, considering the backlash from some HM gov). It's understandable to be rubbed the wrong way by having the guys who just rolled you then sit you down to have your internal affairs criticized. Is it really that shocking that several, even outside of Big Bad Rose, are reacting cynically to what you did? And on that note, regarding your Rose-based rhetoric there, lmfao, guess some of my gov didn't make you happy. Sorry, but I'm speaking for myself here, Kev. Obviously a positive conversation around improvement is possible; I just listed multiple ways in my quoted post, ways to help out an individual/alliance/sphere without some pretentious help term presented as for HM's own good. Again, good on the individuals making the best out of this. I just think that there are far, far better ways to go about giving advice than this. Ways that, believe it or not, people are using and will continue to do so. May we both have positive results!
  16. That's a heavy "if" lmao. What's up with the quotations around "terms?" This criticism server was a straight up term for peace, was it not? Would you have accepted simply a surrender, without some extra salt in the wound? The issue to me is declaring a war just to fight (which isn't a bad thing), and ending it by imposing terms that frankly come off as demeaning. The term that made it to the end isn't half as bad as the ones from earlier in peace negotiations, at least, though I'm sure those were "jokes," right? There are ways to communicate constructive criticism that don't involve opening up a peanut gallery in return for peace. DMs, embassies, public channels - taking this route screams disrespect, even if I trust the intention. Attacking an alliance to improve them isn't even a new concept - Mensa rolled the hell out of TFP and gave them tips along the way and after, leading to improvement at the time - the key difference is that it was all voluntary and in no way attached to attaining peace itself (although it did include meme terms, which I did find distasteful then as well). Terms, radio show, a criticism server - making HM jump through all these hoops was as a major !@#$ move, true to the Johnson's name. But hey, that is indeed just my opinion.
  17. I still think imposing terms in a no-CB shits and giggles war is lame as hell, but congrats on the peace nevertheless.
  18. as former GPA, I have to admit that seeing some democracy in action brings a tiny bit of warmth to my cold, bitter, authoritarian heart (which was then promptly snuffed out). Good luck!
  19. Option 4, easily. I play P&W in spite of myself.
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