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Vein last won the day on November 1 2023

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  • Discord Name: lorey#9165

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  1. Good fights everyone, It's farming season
  2. Growth and FA wise TI has done great, hate them if you want, but avoiding a rolling for a straight year+ is impressive. They'll only really have to improve their MA front and if they manage do that they'll rise back up fairly quick. Also give them a break, their first war in a long time was against Welp which arguably has one of the most competent MA's in the game currently.
  3. Sounds like a good idea, the game has progressed alot in the past few years and the economy in the game is nowhere near as low as it used to be, both nukes and missile cost should increase at the very least imo.
  4. Hey! I felt the exact same thing when your allies signed MDP treaty with rose just as they blitzed sail! Were you aware of that and what were your thoughts on it? I hope you had the same reaction then😜 Hey friend, It seems like your main issue is with a NAP overall, might you perhaps be interested to take a look at your alliances history? or is this a "damn, this is not healthy for the game! how dare you guys?!", but then again, you wouldn't be in a position to say such things considering TKR's past actions. Also before you say anything else, i'm a NAP enjoyer so do not place your values above mine while hiding behind a false pretext of being health-conscious for the game
  5. Sorry, I should of gotten an MDP treaty with rose & sail & cis instead, this is a huge blunder
  6. be fair and maybe nuke the other 3 spheres as well for signing it, Eclipse weren't the only one who did it. Perhaps also go visit the other only sphere who signed M treaty with the only other biggest sphere not once, but twice then followed afterwards with a 3.5 month NAP after a one day war. Why are most of the playerbase in this game so stupid? I only feel for the members kek
  7. As we continue to put focus on remedies using diplomacy, discussions have been had in private channels about extending the Orbis NAP and having peace between spheres. This has been agreed upon and involved parties are listed in length at the end of this article. This will be effective following immediately after the end of the current non-aggression pact from the One Day War ending on May 18th, 2024 12:00 AM Gametime (Standard Update) The agreed upon terms are as followed: A non-aggression period between the constituent alliances of all coalitions lasting August 18th, 2024 12:00 AM Gametime (Standard Update) during which as defined are: No wars on members No raids on members No mass ghosting to hit coalition members No shell alliance hits No spy attacks will be carried out against the other coalition’s members No hiring of mercenaries or raiders to hit the opposing coalition signatories Signatories agree that an agreement of mutual defense supersedes non-aggression. Henceforth, if there is found to be documented and proven aggression by any signatories, diplomacy should be executed to resolve by way of peace, financial reparations, or war. Response by the defending party is at their discretion, based on severity. The terms of the NAP are considered void between the aggressive signatory or parties and the receiving signatory or parties - depending on violation, only upon official statement given publicly. If no statement of voiding is given publicly, with proof, then the NAP as outlined prior will continue to be enforced. All extensions of alliances below are automatically included in the NAP, named or otherwise. RoseGuard: Rose Guardian Arkham Asylum Oblivion Valinor Orchid Pika Party Atlas Technologies Chocolate Castle Blackwater Respublica Romana WELP: Eclipse Weaponized Assault Penguins Weebunism Knights Templar Legion of Dawn The Commonwealth Order of Dawn Farkistan Seven Star Magister Mortalis Hand of Fate Raiden INC Fumo Penguin Party Antarctic Pirates Strickland Propane Shuba10KM Quasars Terminus Est CIS: Singularity The Fighting Pacifists The Golden Horde Camelot Dark Brotherhood The High Table Antarctica Alliance SAIL Loves Singularity Pika Party Freehold of the Wolves Off-Shore Sylvanoras Whisper Scipio Albarrio Gamblers Anonymous The Witcher Order Orbis Peace Organization Black Sheep Nations of Neutrality The Key Valorian Order Brotherhood Family Unforgiven Legion Panem The Armed Peacekeepers Akatsuki Gallowglass SAIL: The Syndicate Event Horizon The Legion Church of Atom Man I Love Frogs Requiem The Enterprise Pokimans The Firm Aurora Carthago Goon Squad Federated States of Orbis Vault-Tec Royal Alba Charter Company Imperium of Man Planet Fitness City Skylines 2 The Hive Chowder Bangers World Task Force
  8. I will for study openings for once. it's so joever for you
  9. Good job with the MDP treaty to rose, you really outdid yourself. i'm sure this will be a very good precedent you've started for the game, Eclipse will take note.
  10. From only wanting to work with rose against other parties to getting rolled by t$ to then getting saved by rose to then signing an M treaty to rose - There's been an imposter in the WELP sphere. My concerns seems to have been proven correct. Instead of being sitting ducks waiting to be chained, we'll strike first. Rise astronauts!, it’s time to ignite the rose. Tl,dr WELP comes to KT’s aid
  11. Could you explain more in details? I don't regret us giving TFP the 72h, if anything it has just exposed their true color even beyond what i was expecting.
  12. You don't know what you're talking about nor are you aware of what ashwin has been doing behind the scenes. Despite the many leaks from your side we have yet to say anything so don't talk about bad faith lil buddy.
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