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Status Updates posted by Alex

  1. Downvotes are back.

    1. Sir Scarfalot

      Sir Scarfalot

      celebratory downvote 🎉

  2. Yellowstone Digital Media, the company behind Politics & War, is giving away 5 Credits to 3 nations on March 31. To enter the random drawing, see: https://twitter.com/billingswebdev/status/1240649487317487617

  3. Anyone else tired of "offshore" alliance bank?

    How about requiring at least 5 nations in an alliance, or else alliance bank functionality is disabled. 5 nations that are not on Gray, nor in Vacation Mode. Thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Zei-Sakura Alsainn

      Zei-Sakura Alsainn

      Considering I literally started my alliance a little over a year ago with 4 people and a command economy system, you would have literally screwed me if this was the case. 

      Looking at what I've grown it into with little better than the equivalent of caveman tools compared to what other alliances are given on a silver platter, I don't see a reason to make starting an actual small alliance even more difficult than it already is, by taking away the access to a Universal tool as useful as the bank.

    3. Xavier Renarus

      Xavier Renarus

      That is a true point that Akuryo made.

    4. Artifex


      Less arbitrary restrictions, not more, please.

  4. Discord is down? Oh, the relief. The sweet, sweet relief.

    1. Chief Wiggum

      Chief Wiggum

      Yeah... relief...

      This will just get more people at the forums. :v

    2. ArcKnox


      Alex: Discord is down? Oh, the relief. The sweet, sweet relief.

      Everyone else:


  5. Ho, ho, ho. Happy Holidays to all the good players of Politics & War. :)

    1. Avakael


      any chance of free coal for us crappy players of Politics & War

    2. Jimmy Lightning

      Jimmy Lightning

      Happy holidays, and may you all be peaceful, happy, safe, and free.

  6. Are you following Politics & War on Instagram?

    Because you should be.


  7. Quick update;

    I know there's lag happening recently, and I know it sucks. I'm working on getting that fixed; I'm also away from home for the next couple of days.

    I'm working with ss23 to see if increasing server capacity is actually going to help in the short-run, but in the long-term it's going to take some refactoring to better optimized code to resolve the issues we've been facing.


    1. Daniel Storm

      Daniel Storm

      Add an additional potato pls

    2. Ryan1


      And an eggplant 

  8. Laugh reactions now add +1 reputation.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sir Scarfalot
    3. Godwinson


      Happiness is wrong

    4. Ryan1


      Will this change affect all previous laughs?

  9. You can now upload a Cover Photo on your forum profile page.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MinesomeMC


      Not if they can't catch me

    3. Gustaf V

      Gustaf V

      Thank you Alex. Very cool. ❤️

    4. Bhuto


      thats awesome but pleaseeeee make some new changes in the game :( its getting boring for non-gov people like us .... pleaseeeee

  10. Why must I log on everyday to 20+ PMs ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kamea Arano

      Kamea Arano

      You're the owner of the game. Of course people are going to bug you.

    3. Rimski


      Leave and let the workers class rule! No more mods! All equality!

    4. NastyGamer


      Coz you're the one earning from this game!

  11. Working on upgrading the forum theme for the latest version of the forum software! Try it out: IPS Magnum Theme 4.x

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PackAnimal


      The colours are nice but slightly too bright as Shifty says - darken them off a bit and you're onto a winner

    3. Aksel


      I like it.

    4. Aksel


      get this out of your header: [[Template core/front/global/quickSearch does not exist. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

  12. I'm back from traveling! Finally caught up on messages, bug reports, etc.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lelouch Vi Britannia

      Lelouch Vi Britannia

      *Cough* Canada visit *Cough*

    3. Rimski


      Canada is amazing.
      *25 Metres of Snow* I guess the heat got you good too :P

    4. Han Young Gi

      Han Young Gi

      welcome back!

      anyway, i have some reports regarding the app though..

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