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Should Great Britain leave the EU?


Should Great Britain leave the EU?  

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  1. 1. Should Great Britain leave the EU?

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For those unaware very soon there will be a European referendum on June 23, 2016 about Great Britain's continued membership of the European Union. The referendum has come about due to last election the Tory party being so scared of Nigel Farage's UKIP party that they used the referendum as a pandering tactic.


The establishment and media machine is currently (has been for a little while now) in full swing crying havoc that the country will be more damaged than it was in WW2, that Russia will invade, sky will fall, the country will disintegrate, mutated rats will eat the children, that sort of barmy bunkum. 

We'll see how well their propaganda still works. 

Edited by Alice Abernathy
Poll edit approved by ICR and Alice
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Britain was wise to avoid the Euro. That is different from the EU.


As a financial center Britain generally benefits from the arrangement which nullifies the downsides. Now the perceived downsides might overwhelm the voters but whatever (it is not the end of the world).

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Being here in the States, what's the U.K's upside to staying in the E.U.........besides the ease of travel to the other countries?

The EU has a very strict rules and UK is really had enough of it



You gotta live long so you can experience the sad joke that this world is.

"If I ever formed an alliance it would be called Grand Puberty Agency

And the text above would be like:"GPA just had a growth spurt"

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Being here in the States, what's the U.K's upside to staying in the E.U.........besides the ease of travel to the other countries?

It generally eases the flow of stuff and labor around the area. This, again generally, enhances productivity and wealth generation.

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It generally eases the flow of stuff and labor around the area. This, again generally, enhances productivity and wealth generation.

.....and how has that worked out for everyone so far?  I mean Greece was (and maybe still is for all I know) on the verge of bankruptcy not too long ago....and who had to prop them up....was it the EU (I really don't know).  If it was, why would anyone want to be part of a group or organization where they have to take up the slack and cover for someone else's incompetence (I know, I know......insert Alpha alliance joke here).


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Most people i know here in germany currently think that GB leaving the EU would be a good thing. Their whinig on how bad the Eu is annoys the !@#$ out of us for years now.


Don't worry, some years after Britain leaves there won't be an EU anymore so you won't get to hear anymore "whining" from anyone. Well outside your own people wanting the "criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc" out of the country anyway.


Being here in the States, what's the U.K's upside to staying in the E.U.........besides the ease of travel to the other countries?


Being in the EU means the importing of peoples from around the (third) world and some European countries can continue so they can can keep it flowing steadily for the EU mission to destroy people's national and cultural identity so they can bring about their nightmare European State. For their service in bringing this about the EU makes the rich much richer by policies that push for outsourcing what they can, and to fill jobs at home with cheap imported workers. It also renders any actual socialist solutions completely impossible, something unknown to many of the real Socialists of Europe who support it.


So basically... if you're a globalist then the EU is a dream. If not then it's a nightmare. If you care about your people/country/culture then it's a disgusting and perverse organisation. If you cuck yourself everyday and want your people/country/culture to disappear then the EU is the future. 

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*Americans look on in confusion*

It's really not confusing. People, definitely a segment of the elite, in Europe would like to see Europe become a much more Federal system (like the USA). They attempted to make this happen but are not doing so well at the moment.

Edited by LordRahl2

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 the relative peace and prosp'rity in europe since 1945, is a huge achievement, given the past century of int'r-european conflict. britain is an intrinsic parteth of europe, wheth'r t likes t 'r not. we shouldst taketh the opp'rtunity to beest a memb'r of the european union and holp maintaineth this european integration and harmony. if 't be true the uk hath left the eu, we wouldst beest increasingly politically isolat'd. 


howev'r, doth we needeth to beest a memb'r of the european union to achieveth this? the uk couldst still contribute to european ideals without signing up f'r all the political and economic integration yond the eu elite wisheth to pursue. european countries, who is't has't did stay out of the eu, such as switz'rland and n'rway maintaineth gentle relations with europe. 

 free tradeth


one of the strongest benefits of the european union is the fact yond t is our main trading partn'r, and memb'rship of the eu hast holp reduceth tradeth barri'rs – both tariff and non-tariff barri'rs. european tradeth is critical to the uk economy. leaving the eu, couldst putteth this imp'rtant aspect of our economy und'r threat. 


the desire of eurosceptics is yond we couldst leaveth the political integration of the eu, but maintaineth all the free tradeth agreements. again the modeleth is yond switz'rland and n'rway has't not been disadvantag'd by staying out of the european union. evidence suggests, the eu wouldst beest keen to accommodate the uk as a free tradeth partn'r. 

 â€œif the british cannot supp'rt the trend towards m're integration in europe, we can nev'rtheless remaineth cater-cousins, but on a diff'rent basis. i couldst imagineth a free tradeth agreement. â€



anoth'r benefit of the eu is enabling the free movement of people across b'rd'rs. acc'rding to the european commission, m're than 15 million eu citizens has't hath moved to oth'r eu countries to w'rk 'r to enjoyeth their retirement. british people has't been able to w'rk and retireth in oth'r countries. migration from east'rn europe hast holp filleth in labour marketeth vacancies, making the uk labour marketeth m're flexible. migration hast eke holp reduceth the dependency ratio, which improves the gov'rnments budgetary position. 


eurosceptics might argueth yond the free movement of labour from east'rn europe creates m're problems. given housing sh'rtage, mass immigration couldst putteth strain on uk housing and aggravate issue of ov'rcrowding

ease of studying abroad. 


1. 5 million young people has't did complete parteth of their studies in anoth'r memb'r state with the holp of the erasmus programme. the possibility to studyeth abroad is consid'r'd positive by 84% of eu citizens. (benefits of eu) high'r education is imp'rtant industry and source of f'reign earnings, which couldst beest compromis'd by leaving the eu. 


again, th're is the desire yond the uk couldst maintaineth free movement of labour, but with m're restrictions on the numb'rs of immigrants from east'rn europe. 

 economic strength of the eu. 


in the posteth war p'riod, the eu economy p'rf'rm'd v'ry well, enabling a sustain'd increaseth in real gdp p'r capita and living standards. this  hath used to beest an argument in favour of uk memb'rship. 


this is p'rhaps the biggest weakness anon facing the eu. the eu can nay longeth'r pointeth to economic stability and strength. structural problems with the euro and monetary union, art creating a european union of aust'rity, high unemployment and base economic growth. eurosceptics argueth yond the political pursuit of the euro and single currency hast been at the did cost of economic ingraft senseth. 

 f'r m're details, we can examineth the problems of the eurozone. but, in summary


the euro fails to account f'r the div'rgence in competitiveness, this hast did cause tradeth imbalances and base'r domestic hest

bond yields has't been high'r because of failure of european central bank to act as lendeth'r of lasteth res'rt. high'r bond yields has't did create the necessity f'r unsuitable aust'rity policies. 

 the g'rman dominat'd ecb pri'ritise base inflation and monetary stability ov'r m're practical goals liketh full employment and positive economic growth. 

 howev'r, t is w'rth pointing out yond the uk didst not joineth the euro, so is not sharing in the costs of a single currency. howev'r, the economic p'rf'rmance of the uk hasn’t been much bett'r than our eurozone partn'rs. leaving the eu, wouldn’t changeth yond much. we art not in the euro concluded, be it, and the ecb shall not changeth their economic policy, just because the uk hath left the eu. 



the treasury state yond the meshes did cost of the eu wast £7. 6 billion, in 2010-11 –  up from £4. 7 billion in 2009-10. this is relatively bawbling p'rcentage of uk gov'rnment spending (e. g. social security accounts f'r £194bn) the uk doest benefit from some eu spending, and the structural funds holp to reduceth regional inequality in the eu. supp'rt'rs of the eu argueth yond this £7bn isasily beest fund'd by the did increase tradeth and base'r consum'r prices resulting from eu memb'rship


howev'r, sceptics argueth the actual did cost is clos'r to £10 billion. furth'rm're, much of eu spending is highly inefficient and wasteful. despite ref'rms, the biggest targeteth of eu spending is still agriculture, which benefits economies with big agricultural sect'r. the uk gains dram from the ingraft agricultural policy; some of the main recipients art large wealthy landown'rs who is't p'rv'rsely  benefit from the subsidies those gents art entitl'd to. 

 democracy in a global economy


many issues liketh fishing, agriculture, global warming, competition policies art issues yond needeth european agreement. in today’s highly global economy, thee can’t tackle these issues independently. if 't be true fishing policy. is inadequate, the uk needeth to w'rk within the structureth of the eu to improveth t. leaving shall cullionly the uk has't nay sayeth, and shall beest coequal w'rse off. we don’t has't any choice, but to w'rk f'r european wide agreement on these issues of a global nature. 


howev'r, critics argueth yond the eu hast becometh so large and cumb'rsome, yond t is too sore to has't a meaningful sayeth  on imp'rtant issues. increasingly issues shall has't to beest hath decided by did qualify maj'rity voting, which means yond the uk may has't to accepteth rules and regulations we didn’t supp'rt. 



mine own p'rsonal view is instinctively to supp'rt attempts at european union and integration. coequal if 't be true th're art some costs, liketh inefficient agricultural policies, the desire is yond the meshes benefits outweigh this. in particular, i don’t feeleth yond the uk can wend t high-lone – which some eurosceptics seemeth to giveth opinion. the nature of globalisation is yond we art increasingly did integrate and int'rdependent on our european neighbours (wheth'r we liketh 'r not). 


howev'r, i can eke seeth the attraction of the viewpoint which sayeth – wherefore not has't the benefits of european memb'rship (free tradeth, acceptance of qualifications, free movement of capital) without all the unnecessary political integration and economic policies which art damaging the eu. thee can oft findeth yourself agreeing with people, coequal if 't be true thee don’t shareth their motives. 


in particular, the attitude of the eu towards the single currency and unemployment is a real causeth f'r conc'rn. in mine own view, the single currency is structurally unsound, and rath'r than bringing european nations togeth'r, is causing a riseth in extremist political activity, because of the high social costs surrounding the consequences of aust'rity and high unemployment. 


the management of the eu crisis maketh thee wond'r at the direction of the european union and wheth'r those gents art losing sight of the most wondrous way to promoteth european integration. 


one final noteth is yond  leaving the eu, wouldst changeth things much less than eith'r side might admiteth. tradeth may beest relatively unaffect'd. th're is nay reasoneth wherefore leaving the eu, shouldst has't to significantly changeth the way we doth business. but, eke leaving the eu, wouldn’t changeth the problems arising from the single currency exp'riment. eke the wage did save from leaving the eu wouldst beest relatively insignificant. t wouldn’t maketh much of a dent in the uk budgeteth deficit. 

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 the relative peace and prosp'rity in europe since 1945, is a huge achievement, given the past century of int'r-european conflict. britain is an intrinsic parteth of europe, wheth'r t likes t 'r not. we shouldst taketh the opp'rtunity to beest a memb'r of the european union and holp maintaineth this european integration and harmony. if 't be true the uk hath left the eu, we wouldst beest increasingly politically isolat'd. 


howev'r, doth we needeth to beest a memb'r of the european union to achieveth this? the uk couldst still contribute to european ideals without signing up f'r all the political and economic integration yond the eu elite wisheth to pursue. european countries, who is't has't did stay out of the eu, such as switz'rland and n'rway maintaineth gentle relations with europe. 

 free tradeth


one of the strongest benefits of the european union is the fact yond t is our main trading partn'r, and memb'rship of the eu hast holp reduceth tradeth barri'rs – both tariff and non-tariff barri'rs. european tradeth is critical to the uk economy. leaving the eu, couldst putteth this imp'rtant aspect of our economy und'r threat. 


the desire of eurosceptics is yond we couldst leaveth the political integration of the eu, but maintaineth all the free tradeth agreements. again the modeleth is yond switz'rland and n'rway has't not been disadvantag'd by staying out of the european union. evidence suggests, the eu wouldst beest keen to accommodate the uk as a free tradeth partn'r. 

 â€œif the british cannot supp'rt the trend towards m're integration in europe, we can nev'rtheless remaineth cater-cousins, but on a diff'rent basis. i couldst imagineth a free tradeth agreement. â€



anoth'r benefit of the eu is enabling the free movement of people across b'rd'rs. acc'rding to the european commission, m're than 15 million eu citizens has't hath moved to oth'r eu countries to w'rk 'r to enjoyeth their retirement. british people has't been able to w'rk and retireth in oth'r countries. migration from east'rn europe hast holp filleth in labour marketeth vacancies, making the uk labour marketeth m're flexible. migration hast eke holp reduceth the dependency ratio, which improves the gov'rnments budgetary position. 


eurosceptics might argueth yond the free movement of labour from east'rn europe creates m're problems. given housing sh'rtage, mass immigration couldst putteth strain on uk housing and aggravate issue of ov'rcrowding

ease of studying abroad. 


1. 5 million young people has't did complete parteth of their studies in anoth'r memb'r state with the holp of the erasmus programme. the possibility to studyeth abroad is consid'r'd positive by 84% of eu citizens. (benefits of eu) high'r education is imp'rtant industry and source of f'reign earnings, which couldst beest compromis'd by leaving the eu. 


again, th're is the desire yond the uk couldst maintaineth free movement of labour, but with m're restrictions on the numb'rs of immigrants from east'rn europe. 

 economic strength of the eu. 


in the posteth war p'riod, the eu economy p'rf'rm'd v'ry well, enabling a sustain'd increaseth in real gdp p'r capita and living standards. this  hath used to beest an argument in favour of uk memb'rship. 


this is p'rhaps the biggest weakness anon facing the eu. the eu can nay longeth'r pointeth to economic stability and strength. structural problems with the euro and monetary union, art creating a european union of aust'rity, high unemployment and base economic growth. eurosceptics argueth yond the political pursuit of the euro and single currency hast been at the did cost of economic ingraft senseth. 

 f'r m're details, we can examineth the problems of the eurozone. but, in summary


the euro fails to account f'r the div'rgence in competitiveness, this hast did cause tradeth imbalances and base'r domestic hest

bond yields has't been high'r because of failure of european central bank to act as lendeth'r of lasteth res'rt. high'r bond yields has't did create the necessity f'r unsuitable aust'rity policies. 

 the g'rman dominat'd ecb pri'ritise base inflation and monetary stability ov'r m're practical goals liketh full employment and positive economic growth. 

 howev'r, t is w'rth pointing out yond the uk didst not joineth the euro, so is not sharing in the costs of a single currency. howev'r, the economic p'rf'rmance of the uk hasn’t been much bett'r than our eurozone partn'rs. leaving the eu, wouldn’t changeth yond much. we art not in the euro concluded, be it, and the ecb shall not changeth their economic policy, just because the uk hath left the eu. 



the treasury state yond the meshes did cost of the eu wast £7. 6 billion, in 2010-11 –  up from £4. 7 billion in 2009-10. this is relatively bawbling p'rcentage of uk gov'rnment spending (e. g. social security accounts f'r £194bn) the uk doest benefit from some eu spending, and the structural funds holp to reduceth regional inequality in the eu. supp'rt'rs of the eu argueth yond this £7bn isasily beest fund'd by the did increase tradeth and base'r consum'r prices resulting from eu memb'rship


howev'r, sceptics argueth the actual did cost is clos'r to £10 billion. furth'rm're, much of eu spending is highly inefficient and wasteful. despite ref'rms, the biggest targeteth of eu spending is still agriculture, which benefits economies with big agricultural sect'r. the uk gains dram from the ingraft agricultural policy; some of the main recipients art large wealthy landown'rs who is't p'rv'rsely  benefit from the subsidies those gents art entitl'd to. 

 democracy in a global economy


many issues liketh fishing, agriculture, global warming, competition policies art issues yond needeth european agreement. in today’s highly global economy, thee can’t tackle these issues independently. if 't be true fishing policy. is inadequate, the uk needeth to w'rk within the structureth of the eu to improveth t. leaving shall cullionly the uk has't nay sayeth, and shall beest coequal w'rse off. we don’t has't any choice, but to w'rk f'r european wide agreement on these issues of a global nature. 


howev'r, critics argueth yond the eu hast becometh so large and cumb'rsome, yond t is too sore to has't a meaningful sayeth  on imp'rtant issues. increasingly issues shall has't to beest hath decided by did qualify maj'rity voting, which means yond the uk may has't to accepteth rules and regulations we didn’t supp'rt. 



mine own p'rsonal view is instinctively to supp'rt attempts at european union and integration. coequal if 't be true th're art some costs, liketh inefficient agricultural policies, the desire is yond the meshes benefits outweigh this. in particular, i don’t feeleth yond the uk can wend t high-lone – which some eurosceptics seemeth to giveth opinion. the nature of globalisation is yond we art increasingly did integrate and int'rdependent on our european neighbours (wheth'r we liketh 'r not). 


howev'r, i can eke seeth the attraction of the viewpoint which sayeth – wherefore not has't the benefits of european memb'rship (free tradeth, acceptance of qualifications, free movement of capital) without all the unnecessary political integration and economic policies which art damaging the eu. thee can oft findeth yourself agreeing with people, coequal if 't be true thee don’t shareth their motives. 


in particular, the attitude of the eu towards the single currency and unemployment is a real causeth f'r conc'rn. in mine own view, the single currency is structurally unsound, and rath'r than bringing european nations togeth'r, is causing a riseth in extremist political activity, because of the high social costs surrounding the consequences of aust'rity and high unemployment. 


the management of the eu crisis maketh thee wond'r at the direction of the european union and wheth'r those gents art losing sight of the most wondrous way to promoteth european integration. 


one final noteth is yond  leaving the eu, wouldst changeth things much less than eith'r side might admiteth. tradeth may beest relatively unaffect'd. th're is nay reasoneth wherefore leaving the eu, shouldst has't to significantly changeth the way we doth business. but, eke leaving the eu, wouldn’t changeth the problems arising from the single currency exp'riment. eke the wage did save from leaving the eu wouldst beest relatively insignificant. t wouldn’t maketh much of a dent in the uk budgeteth deficit. 

how long did it take to wright this?
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Interesting list those voting cuck. You got a socialist who believes in things globalist free movement would render impossible, thereby he supports his own cucking. You got someone who is so negative and uninformed they'd gladly go with a religious zealot that is against everything they believe in instead of Trump (Trump said some bad things, so a Christian Theocrat is a nicer pick apparently).


I hope reason will win the day and cuckoldry will be disavowed in Great Britain.

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Interesting list those voting cuck. You got a socialist who believes in things globalist free movement would render impossible, thereby he supports his own cucking. You got someone who is so negative and uninformed they'd gladly go with a religious zealot that is against everything they believe in instead of Trump (Trump said some bad things, so a Christian Theocrat is a nicer pick apparently).


I hope reason will win the day and cuckoldry will be disavowed in Great Britain.


But you triggered me to choose the second answer :(


Edit, to give some actual imput. 

I'm myself not sure if it's a good idea to leave the euro zone for any country. In my opinion those guys in Brussels are incompetent !@#$ers, and if we could set up a Le Pen/Farage/HC Strache lead EU... that surely would be interesting :)

Edited by Odin
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But you triggered me to choose the second answer :(


Edit, to give some actual imput. 

I'm myself not sure if it's a good idea to leave the euro zone for any country. In my opinion those guys in Brussels are incompetent !@#$, and if we could set up a Le Pen/Farage/HC Strache lead EU... that surely would be interesting :)


The group you mentioned if it happened would leave the EU. The EU's end goal is a "superstate" and a part of that is obliterating nationalism and the culture attached to it across Europe (easier to be "European" if you think being French, British, German, so on is unimportant). You're German I believe yes? Well you're their enemy and if they can't beat you conventionally then they'll import and breed you out (their imported minions by the large will always support them and their policies). Leaving the EU is at worse at the end of the day a minor loss of income, and even that is not certain. Staying in means being on the path of having people/nations/cultures that have existed for hundreds/thousands of years being torn apart all because of the globalist's greed. They don't care what damage it'll do, they live in their Ivory towers well protected.


Long story short. You should reject the EU outright, not hold out for some ridiculous fantasy that every country in the EU will elect anti-EU politicians who will then... continue the EU but without certain things. Why? You can have free trade without the albatross that is the EU, it's completely unneeded.


If you don't then you may as well cut to the chase and go down to the store, buy some kneepads, and ask which way Mecca is.

Edited by Rozalia
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Heh, who do you think will lay all the much needed water mines in the mediterranean sea, which are needed to stop those elite-craftsmen-filled boats?

Italy and Greece have no cash for that.

Europe must work together to make the way to Europe far more dangerous then just remain at home.


But having the old elite ruling without a EU doesn't change anything.

Having only nationalists everywhere without the EU brings basically 1930 conditions and makes Russia comparedly dangerous, even though i like them more then the NWO/ZOG America.

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Heh, who do you think will lay all the much needed water mines in the mediterranean sea, which are needed to stop those elite-craftsmen-filled boats?

Italy and Greece have no cash for that.

Europe must work together to make the way to Europe far more dangerous then just remain at home.


But having the old elite ruling without a EU doesn't change anything.

Having only nationalists everywhere without the EU brings basically 1930 conditions and makes Russia comparedly dangerous, even though i like them more then the NWO/ZOG America.


??? Uh... I'm missing it so you'll have to run it by me again. The EU wants more and more people and all this came about when they started saying it was dandy for those migrants to come. They'd never think of sinking those ships as you know, that'd actually stop the ships coming pretty quickly and they don't want that. Instead of that they'll be wanting to give all those people citizenship instead. 


Why must Europe "work together" on the path to a superstate? Must Asia work together to become one nation? Must South America? Must Africa? Why just Europe? If "unity" means cuckoldry then they can keep it.


??? Nationalists in charge equals 1930s conditions? If you mean the conditions for Nazism to somehow make a return then that condition is not a Nationalist being in charge, quite the opposite in fact. The current path puts us on course to create the conditions for that sort of people however. As things get worse the extremes shift and what might have been "extreme" at one point becomes "moderate". "Extremists" who want to shut down immigration start being looked down upon as weak by those who simply want to deport millions... given enough time even those who want mass deportations start looking weak to the extremes that will develop from the conditions they are barreling towards.

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The EU has a very strict rules and UK is really had enough of it


Having managed a couple of establishments in England I can tell you this is not exactly correct but on the right track.  The problem with the EU is that it has a lot of rules and only Great Britain is stupid enough to follow them.  Especially in health and safety.  Everyone else just ignores them.  If everyone followed them (especially Eastern Europe) it would be a different story.  Britain can do better.  Also Germany sucks.  What they did to the Greeks is vicious and cruel. Merkel is a witch.

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Having managed a couple of establishments in England I can tell you this is not exactly correct but on the right track.  The problem with the EU is that it has a lot of rules and only Great Britain is stupid enough to follow them.  Especially in health and safety.  Everyone else just ignores them.  If everyone followed them (especially Eastern Europe) it would be a different story.  Britain can do better.  Also Germany sucks.  What they did to the Greeks is vicious and cruel. Merkel is a witch.

well she sees groups of terrorists are more important then german people


she's an old hag that cares nothing for her country. she is probably working for isis herself...

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Europe needs to work together. The whole is stronger than the parts. Britain should be part of that. Living in splendid isolation is all very well but we live in an age of global problems which require global solutions. If we keep going as we are, letting nationalism and religion divide us, it seems to me that there is a fairly large chance we won't survive the next two centuries. The sooner we can all unite under one government, the better. A united Europe is a stepping stone towards that end. Nuff said.

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Britain leaving the EU isn't about regaining sovereignty or anything like that, it's about reorienting British foreign policy away from Europe and to America. Britain's conservative elites prefer being an American puppet state to being a EU puppet state.

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Europe needs to work together. The whole is stronger than the parts. Britain should be part of that. Living in splendid isolation is all very well but we live in an age of global problems which require global solutions. If we keep going as we are, letting nationalism and religion divide us, it seems to me that there is a fairly large chance we won't survive the next two centuries. The sooner we can all unite under one government, the better. A united Europe is a stepping stone towards that end. Nuff said.


The fact that Britain is subsidizing the EU makes your argument moot.  They are in essence subsidizing the lowest common denominator taking away it's manufacturing jobs because they can offer lower wages thanks to free money from Britain.


Britain leaving the EU isn't about regaining sovereignty or anything like that, it's about reorienting British foreign policy away from Europe and to America. Britain's conservative elites prefer being an American puppet state to being a EU puppet state.


I don't think Britain is wanting to jump into bed with America anytime soon.  As an American I would love closer cooperation with the United Kingdom but I am afraid we must earn it.

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The sooner we can all unite under one government, the better.

WTF ever! That New World Order shit will never happen. First off, there are way to many egos out there that would never give up their ability to govern their own people. I sur as hell woulbn't want some jackass in a country half a world away tring to tell me whats good and whats not....screw that noise!


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