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Everything posted by Mandystalin

  1. IMO Hangers & airfields come together, that is assumed. Why enforce an additional improvement onto our cities, wasting a slot? In an odd turnaround from my last point, the mini projects just seem like a way to bypass improvements in cities, getting benefits without using improvement slots.
  2. ODN have always been genuinely classy. I might well message you about point 2, if I can be bothered.
  3. Disclaimer, obviously this is one part of your plan so maybe other things have knock-on effects. But... Firstly, needing a double-buy simply disadvantages everyone living in inconvenient timezones. Like Europe and Africa. Secondly, I'm doubtful that even a 2/3 rebuy will be enough, given how wars are currently fought. Just as an example I got blitzed when HS entered the war and the opening attacks took me from 1400 aircraft to 400 aircraft (1/3 rebuy gets to 866). By update I had 0 aircraft, giving me a max rebuy of 933 which is effectively worthless. All this change will accomplish is allowing the aggressors to keep at 100% troop levels, while squashing their opponents. 100% (or more) rebuy is the only option that will change anything
  4. I like the idea of minor rewards for Achievements, a bit like the Objectives early in the game
  5. Maybe you're saving up for a nuke
  6. I can't support a penalty for hitting 12 MAPs. What if it happens while you are at work, or overnight, or some other occasion when you can't check your nation for a reasonable period of time.
  7. Surely any competent alliance knows who is in the alliance they are at war with, so can spot (and follow up) probable offshore-leaver nations
  8. Just make the amount of military units you can buy per day larger. That fixes pretty much all of the war problems
  9. Think of rude words beginning with c. Obviously it isn't similar, but I struggled to think of many Christmassy c words
  10. Why not make the entire thing Christmas-themed? Shit becomes Sleigh !@#$ becomes Chimney Wanker becomes Reindeer Etc Edit: wow our filter has a low bar
  11. Communist? So you're a supporter of regimes that indulge in mass-murder and politically-motivated inhumane incarceration? Maybe I should report you ? (Just backing up Sir Scarfalot's point)
  12. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-50840934 So Congress voted (mostly along party lines) to impeach Trump, and it now goes to the Senate to decide on whether to punish or not. Given the partisan nature of the debate and vote, and the expected outcome of the Senate vote, I wanted to hold our own little poll
  13. I'm oddly pleased that I had to Google that reference. It rather depends where the minefield is. If it is outside the port of the attacking nation then it can easily do both. The attacking fleet steams into the minefield and takes losses. The fact that the approaches to the home port are mined means that their merchant fleet cannot sail, hence a blockade. It kinda works
  14. Using the Iraqi 'Highway of Death' to say that real-world airstrikes are massively effective against infantry is rather disingenuous. Yes, aircraft will inflict high amounts of damage attacking a dense column of slow-moving, troop-filled vehicles following a road and with no cover. See also the Falaise pocket. But aircraft attacking dug-in troops, properly dispersed and camouflaged? Not so effective. In fact even with all your fancy modern weaponry there is still a high chance that such a strike will miss its target altogether. Reality falls, as ever, somewhere between the extremes. But hey, if you want realism, let's add 'friendly fire', and give the attacking nation some tank/infantry casualties too
  15. I still think a good stick is the best option, a punishment for an aggressor if the war expires rather than being won. The actual punishment can be debated, but I had a few ideas. Essentially it relates to your citizens being extremely dissatisfied with how the war went and rioting Obviously some sort of infra damage, maybe similar to what a losing nation would suffer In addition, because your armed forces are busy with the rioters you can't declare a new war for a few days, and if someone attacks you then you have fewer MAPs to start with What do you think?
  16. I've just read the entire thread in one go (perhaps I am a tad masochistic) and actually it has been quite fascinating watching the progression of the response from Col B. But my favourite little nugget was this post quoted above. So the rank and file of Col B are apparently fully informed of the deliberate 'no peace' policy of their leaders and presumably tacitly approve. Nice.
  17. I believe I do. My brain and my fingers were apparently not communicating properly
  18. Perhaps a carrot would be better than a stick. Impose penalties on the nation who declared war if it expires rather than one side winning
  19. Perhaps we should be wondering about the realism of a war where one side has clearly won, the other has surrendered, and yet the winners deliberately keep the war going over several years (Orbis time). When was the last time that happened in reality... ?
  20. When I saw the title I thought this was going to be about awards for alliances rather than individual nations. Eg, have >100 members etc
  21. See, this is why we can't have nice things
  22. The problem with, well any ideology be it political religious etc, is that it is implemented by people. When the Revolution began in Russia, it started up in accordance with dogma. Communes being in charge, the mansions and palaces of the rich being used to house the poor, etc etc. But sadly you then got fighting between various 'Communist' factions, plus the 'Reds vs Whites' war, and what came out of that was tight state control. And it was goodbye Communism, hello dictatorship. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Basically, any utopian scheme only works with a small group of like-minded people, and rarely survives successive generations. Because people love to conflict. There is a jokey story that covers it nicely: If there were two people who crashed into the sea, one would want to swim to an island so they could maybe survive, while the other would want to swim out into the shipping lanes so they could maybe be picked up by a ship
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