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Everything posted by DemonSpawn

  1. 22 Minutes of blah blah blah. How is your....what...6th retirement going for you?
  2. Thats what happens when the RnR here is a washed out and poor recreation of the former R&R. But hey, what do I know. Also, I kinda respect the &.
  3. We've heard this story before.
  4. Yea that is kind of what happens when 20+ TCM members decided they don't want get trapped in a Coal Mine that is in the process of collapsing in on itself due to poor maintenance and poor management.
  5. We would have loved to leave your Gov alone. Except that your Second In Command is a clown who got caught trying to be a shit raider. And we can't help that some of your other Gov members reached out to Swamp to find the truth as to why wars where occuring, and they agreed Shadow and TCM in the wrong. We didn't come looking for this conflict. Your genius 2IC did that for you, and we finished it.
  6. Pretty ballsy coming from you. One of your own Gov members came to & talking about he only declared wars because he was ordered to, and didnt agree with anything he was told, and agreed you where in the wrong. And if your bot doesn't lie, then post proof of these "1 Billion" in damages. And I can't tell you how many people wish you would try again.
  7. Good thing I actually like this song, since it's been in my head since all the little toxic assclowns had to do their jobs to amuse most of us this morning. Kinda sad the even with all the toxic douches who got kicked from "IQ Leadership" that we would have to still be stuck with these garbage humans. Anyway, congrats to our Prots VT and GATO, damn fine work guys.
  8. Congrats little brothers. I am happy things are moving in the right direction for you guys. Can't wait to see what the future holds for The Void Touched.
  9. Hey there Mr. "Why no, I don't have and control multiple nations" why don't you calm yourself down over there sweet tits.
  10. Ladies and Gentlemen, Long ago, in another land, there was once an alliance, who felt neglected and mistreated, because they weren't able to represent themselves properly. Due to the...poor nature of the game, this majestic and amazing alliance, was not able to use the lovely symbol &. Now, there are some who still gather about, now and again, and speak of the old days, and our love for the &. Now, here in this realm, we can be our true selves, and worship The Ampersand appropriately with beer, prostitutes, and illegal drugs (Yes, I'm looking at you Filmore.) Without further adieu, and because I'm tried of being harassed by Filmore and other, here is our official DoE. Commanders Alexio DemonSpawn Kilo 2IC HannaH Tactical Major Abrams Intelligence Major Fulcrum Major RagDoll666 Technical Major Galerion Interior Major Fulcrum Captain Lucifer Morningstar Minister of Silly Walks Filmore
  11. So.....you guys declare war, and as of this post, have only declared one war so far? I know we are all a bit war weary....but are actual blitzes still a thing?
  12. You know I can't stand IQ and its leadership, and the way they are actively trying to kill the game. However, this couldn't have happened to a better person. Carry on boys.
  13. Classy as always IQ. Classy. Quite funny how Alex went and deleted the other leak thread, because I guess it was hurting his pals in IQ. I wonder how long it will be until this thread is deleted as well?
  14. LOL That didn't take long to circulate!
  15. Well I guess we will be seeing GOONs in the Coordination channel here soon, since we all know what happens when someone does something that doesn’t line up completely with good ol’ Leo-Thanos-Aragorn (or whatever dumb*** name he’s going by these days...) and Roq’s plans.
  16. Oh surprise surprise, The Super Sekrit And Not Real IQ is doing it’s same bullshit once again.
  17. I am not going to try and convince Alexio, or anyone else of anything. The headaches that are upon you right now, are because of what comes forth from your fingers on your keyboard. Again you probably need to take a break from the game man.
  18. Noctis, I have typically stayed away from the idiocy that seems to follow you. But all this crap you’ve spouted off in this thread, is even a new level of “speshul”, even for you. Not that I think you care, but I would like to echo what others have said. Take a step back, and take a break from the game. This is all a bit much, even for you.
  19. With all your posturing, did you actually think he would accept?
  20. Just thought I’d leave this here.... https://imgur.com/a/8eMlDRA
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