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Everything posted by Kurdanak

  1. Just letting you know in advance that all five contenders from our bloc will be abbas karaoke.
  2. Yesss, more Star Wars alliances, MORE! Congrats on the merger folks!
  3. At this rate of escalation, this thread is bound to get locked for flaming in no time.
  4. iirc, that was The Orange Order, which became DEIC -> Acadia -> *poof*, presumably losing the IRON folks along the way but I can't really attest to that one way or the other. Gotta say, concerning that the only other guy to remember this was SRD. Does this make me officially old?
  5. Cheers, Atlan! Good luck, Poppa Onuris - big shoes to fill. o/
  6. hah, as if Phoenyx would show any mercy for anything even resembling the horse in question here. We'll be able to make paper out of it within a week.
  7. the next time I dare to have a thought like that I'll be sure to knock until every wood surface I own is turned to pulp or my neighbors call in a noise complaint 😰
  8. You know, I was thinking just the other day that it had been an impressive while since the last Phoenyx thread. Should've knocked on wood, I guess. >_>
  9. uh oh, Partisan is already reverting back to TJest form
  10. I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised. Congrats on your bloc and good luck!
  11. Welcome! It would be neat to see IRON (as well as other old CN communities) really get established here and properly adapt to P&W. Great opportunity for a fresh start as well, if needed. I don't know of the events of CN past 2013 in the slightest, but with NPO being non-existent here and any sympathy for them being mercilessly stamped out (and rightfully so), I'm not too concerned about that type of conduct making a resurgence from any cross-over alliances. Best of luck in bringing more players over to the game!
  12. welp, time for another Star Wars fandom rabbit hole to go down - just when I had escaped the one Valk sent me on with the Eternal Empire, too. Congrats and good luck out there!
  13. I'm a big fan of treaties that need to actively be renewed (within the text), keeps things fresh. Cheers!
  14. Beware uttering They-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, you may even wake @WISD0MTREE!
  15. Certainly not his first dance, mind you The incredible part of this being that the rule danced around here was added specifically because of Greene's actions in the past - I've got to say, his tenacity is pretty impressive, at least.
  16. There's already a system in place exactly for this, in the form of the Moderation Support forum. See, from said forum's guidelines: The report forums themselves should remain as streamlined as possible, hence the NDF rule designed to maintain that. In the case of confusion or a genuine need of clarification/discussion regarding a rule, that's when it's (typically) a great idea to make a thread on the subject in the Moderation Support forum. Personally, I'd love to see it used more! (sans for flame wars )
  17. As someone who was mildly yet amusingly inconvenienced by this strategy last war, can confirm. It'd certainly be convenient to simply be able to view it, but I don't find that to be the point of the mechanic. If someone wants to invest in changing their DC (sometimes more than once) to trip up opponents, they should be able to. Much like an assortment of other nation information in which making public would unnecessarily nerf war strategy, the only people it should be available to is their alliance.
  18. Neat to see some older faces shaking things up a bit! Congrats on the DoE!
  19. Congrats to the new positions! and happy retirement! (for now, considering the quintessential inevitabilities in life - death, taxes, and Partisan as Syndicate FA 🤷‍♂️)
  20. womp, but at least you're taking it in stride - more than what could be said about a lot of others who've been banned over the years. Luckily Discord makes it easy to continue chatting with your P&W friends. Good luck out there!
  21. Apologies to all those who were nominated for Best OOC Poster. I'm a simple man - I see cat, I vote for cat. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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