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Everything posted by Zygon

  1. Interesting....Good Luck I suppose.
  2. By parti-boi! Hilmes is pretty kinky so I’m down with this change. Also bye bye AK
  3. That's one way to do it. Good Luck, you'll need it.
  4. I would like an update on this subject ASAP, I need to know who to congratulate!
  5. A fleet of ships cut through the waves at sea, on the lookout for their targets. The North had been on the lookout ever since word had gotten back to them about a sinister plot that The Knight’s Radiant and The Commonwealth had conspired against them and their allies. Now they were just off the coast of TCW, hunting their ever elusive prey. Jroc was up in the crow’s nest of the flagship, gazing intently across the waves. Suddenly, a plume of water shot up just to their right and Jroc’s eyes snapped to that spot, hoping that it hadn’t been his imagination. His staring was not in vain, for more plumes began to erupt from the ocean, and finally a giant mass breached the water. “Whales, whales!” wailed Jroc “Starboard side my liege! Maybe I can teach this one to jump out of its tail like I did the last time!” “Excellent! Bring us about!” Zygon shouted to one of his men. The ship began to turn to give chase to the whales and the rest of the fleet followed suit with shouts of joy. Their prey had been found at last. Like a moth drawn to a lamp, Darth Revan’s ship surged ahead of Zygon’s, since it wasn’t weighed down with dictionaries and spelling books. All around his vessel, whales were breaching and slamming back down into the ocean. “Prepare the harpoons!” Revan yelled to his crew before giving the wheel over to Ballard, “Hold her steady, so I can draw first blood.” He ran to the prow, harpoon in hand and waited for the perfect whale to breach. He could see in front of him the water begin to move aside. If he could get this whale then House Stark could feast for months. When the whale breached it blotted out the sun with its massiveness, yet gave off its own luminance in its golden adorned skin. Revan drew back and threw his harpoon and knew instantly it would pierce the blubbered whale’s heart. Before the harpoon even made it halfway to the whale, the whale had disappeared mid breach. Not back into the ocean’s depth, but out of thin air it was just...gone. Revan turned to Ballard. “What kind of black magic was that?” he yelled across the ship “I don’t know, maybe he went on vacation!” Ballard said with a laugh. Revan’s whale wasn’t the only one to disappear, a couple other vanished completely as well. The rest of them were making their way to a nearby beach where a crowd had formed to watch the slaughter. Zygon’s ship pulled alongside Revan’s. “Hey! They’re headed towards the land called The Commonwealth. Once they beach themselves it should be an easy day!” Zygon shouted across to Revan, “Let’s corral them in with the fleet and have our day.” Revan nodded and they conveyed their orders to the fleet. As one, the fleet moved forward, and the whales made a beeline straight to the beach. They didn’t hesitate to launch themselves onto the land and the onshore crowd ran towards them. The Stark ships slid smoothly onto the sand and the Men of the North leapt over the sides and began to make a mad rush towards the whales with Zygon leading the charge. As they drew closer, the slowly came to a stop, confused at the crowd in front of them The crowd was petting the whales, comforting them. Some of them appeared to be eating Cup O’ Noodle© BC. As one they turned from the whales and walked towards the Starks, tilting their heads this way and that, whispering something almost chant-like. Zygon turned to Revan. “What in the North are they saying?” he whispered “I don’t know but it’s getting louder.” Revan replied. The Commoners continued forward until they were about twenty feet from the Starks. Then their chanting got louder. “Owo what’s this? Owo what’s this? Owo what’s this?” The Northerners began to laugh amongst themselves. This was the people associated with the whales? Zygon took a couple of steps forward, removed his sword from its sheath and planted it in the sand. “Where is your leader? I need to talk with him.” He called out. The chanting stopped and the crowd began to look around in confusion. Finally a figure stepped forward. She had a Cup of Noodles in her hand. “Hello, I’m Purplemoon. We had come to the beach looking for our Senpai but we couldn’t find him. He said he was going for a swim with our whales.” “What kind of pie is that? Like a cherry pie?” Zygon asked “Senpai is our leader. You probably were attacking him when you came after our whales. This is an unforgivable atrocity” “Listen, I’m coming after your whales because of what you all planned to do. If you can’t understand that then I don’t know what to tell you.” Zygon replied Purplemoon tilted her head, “owo, get off of our beach and leave our whales alone.” Zygon sighed “ I can’t do that. See, justice must be served. Step aside and let us do our work.” “You’ll never touch our whales without getting through us.” “Very well. Then I, Zygon of House Stark, First of His Name, King in the North, Protector of the Realm, Misspeller of Werdz, Killer of Dragons, and Harbinger of Justice declare war on the land of The Commonwealth.” He picked up his sword and the army behind him readied their weapons. Purplemoon, realizing that she only had a Cup O’Noodles with which to fight, threw it at Zygon and turned tail to run. The Northerners surged forward, rushing the Commoners and whales. Some of the Commoners ran towards the Starks, yelling about the power of the gods and anime being on their side, but the Starks were fortunate enough to not know what anime was and so they were unphased. They began cutting down the whales and Commoners tried to fight back but watching katana videos on YouTube™ BC in no way prepares you for a horde of Northerners thirsty for blood. With every whale cut apart the beach was showered with gold and riches. The Commoners came to the realization that they should have gone to the beach with their dear leader but instead they done diddly messed up. House Stark Declares War on The Commonwealth
  6. Awh I'll miss bothering him Congrtaz on retirement! Welcome new guy....I guess
  7. How do i put the rest of my shit in BKnet Please help me papa leo!
  8. This will probably be removed from alliance affairs as it does not pertain to any specific alliance of any significant announcement.
  9. That's quite generous. Since I'm banned because of hope I say 1 week <__<
  10. When a King in the North marches south, very rarely does it turn out well for him. On this occasion, the luck of Zygon has played out and the Men of the North find themselves in the company© of a people who smell of Roses. Although originally wary of each other, they have now agreed to work together for the prosperity of their people. House Stark and Rose officially engage into a MDoAP. Article I – Independence The two signatories remain independent of each other in internal affairs and will respect each other’s sovereignty. Neither will hold faux or ridiculous copyright laws over the other because they are not Bad. Article II – Send a Raven Should either signatory receive information paramount to the well-being of the other, they are required to share this information. Article III – Thorny Grasp Should either signatory be laid siege upon, the other will respond. If either signatory is engaged via a third-party treaty, the other is not obligated to assist in defense. Article IV – The March to War Should either signatory march on the field of battle the other may but is not required to join them. Article V – Red Wedding The signatories shall solve any internal quarrels in private. Should either signatory no longer wish to be engaged with the other, then this treaty may be canceled with 72 hours’ notice. Signed for Rose: Dynamic - Sovereign Belisarius - Regent Mhearl - Ephor of State Signed for House Stark: King of the North: Zygon Hand of the King: Darth Revan Battle Master: TSA Master of Coin: Darth Revan Three Eyed Raven: Cypher Archmaester: My2Lemons
  11. Is that how people go to war? Damn, I'm doing it wrong.
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