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    Knights Templar

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  • Discord Name: Viper#0069

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  1. Well played, this was elaborate enough that it actually had me thinking it was real for a moment.
  2. thanks for the deep insight Lachlan
  3. Thanks for the birthday surprise @ODOO @ROSE. Deus Vult!
  4. @KindaEpicMoah Just wondering if you can confirm a few things about the update post. First, what are friendly battles? Are they just training battles that give you 10% more XP? Do they share the same limit of once per day or twice per day with academy upgrade as training battles? Do they also give the same base XP as training battles? Also, based off the update post, would the following be correct? 1. Military Exercises: - 12 XP daily (15 with 90 XP academy upgrade) 2. Offensive War Attacks: - IT gives 8 XP (11 with 180 XP academy upgrade) - MS gives 24 XP (32 with 180 XP academy upgrade) - PV gives 40 XP (54 with 180 XP academy upgrade) - UF gives 8 XP (11 with 180 XP academy upgrade) - IT XP reduction to 4 XP / 1 XP for attacking with more than 2x / 3.2x opponent’s military. 3. Training Battles: - 30 XP (60 with 450 XP academy upgrade), multiplied by 1.1 if against alliance mate - Once per day (twice per day with 270 XP academy upgrade)
  5. Alliance of the Year: Eclipse Most Improved Alliance: Carthago Best New Merged Alliance: Singularity Best Rookie Alliance: Weaponized Assault Penguins Best Alliance for New Players: The Enterprise Most Likely to Succeed in 2024: Eclipse Most Likely to be Rolled in 2024: The Coal Mines Most Honorable Alliance: Yarr Best Fighting Alliance: Knights Templar Worst Fighting Alliance: Castle Camelot Best Alliance Growth: Rose Best Foreign Affairs Team: Best Foreign Affairs Move: Worst Foreign Affairs Move: Midgard kicking Aurora Alliance with Best Propaganda: Most Missed Alliance: Biggest Alliance Decline in 2023: House Stark
  6. 1 guy = KT gets one guy'd and immediately comes to forums to make multiple comments about us
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