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Everything posted by Zaksaeling

  1. Have you ever heard a doctor talk to your mother about fetal alcohol syndrome?
  2. You and no neck casey really do deserve each other.
  3. I'm more curious where he received $63 million from. But t'oh well. Good luck.
  4. Are you the drunk uncle at thanksgiving/championship parties who goes on for hours about X player blows and Y coach will really turn things around, then passes out later on with your dick in one hand and a bud light in the other?
  5. I think Americans, and people in general, are just starting to see the slippery slope has no end point. First, it was acceptance for Bisexuals and Homosexuals which I think most people find reasonable. Then, it is acceptance for Trans, which is on a lot shakier ground. Now, it is acceptance for grown men pretending to be little girls. People claiming to not even be human with the whole -kin nonsense. People claiming you can be a girl at 2pm and a boy at 3. There's even a push for accepting pedophilia on the basis of it being just another orientation. Mainstreaming robot love won't be too far behind with the explosion of the sex robot industry. Where is the end point? On top of this, you have people from the LGBwhatever crowd attempting to control the language, and stifling freedom of speech. They scary part is people believe their drivel and are passing laws taking rights away in the name of "social justice" and "respect". Of course one could argue that those saying the above are just from a vocal minority; they don't represent the movement. Which, of course, makes sense. However, my follow up would be "where's the disavowal?", considering no one in the movement is attempting to shout these people down. The above, added with things like pride parades and the general fear most have when discussing any of these issues publicly, turns people off. These stats aren't surprising.
  6. Burn the heretic! Er, uh, wrong game...
  7. Before I begin, just in case the "Perspective" word didn't give it away, this is merely what I observe. Don't take anything I say as a slight. I hold no hatred for any person or alliance in this game. As the title says, I'm a recurring noob. From what I can recall, I've had four trips on this world. The first trip happened shortly before PnW exited beta, and the fourth trip being now. And as the title says, I'm a noob. My trips have been relatively short, with my longest having been a bit over a year. My stats have told me 99.5-100% of you don't give a shit, which, I don't blame you. However, I kindly ask you give my perspective some thought, simply because it comes from a unique place. Most of you in threads of a similar nature just continue the back and forth shit throwing you've been doing to each other for years. For those who crossed worlds, over (or almost) a decade now. I have never broken (not that I've particularly tried) to break into the "scene". The only thing in AA that had my name attached was when I created the alliance the Hansa (Cause of Death: Inactivity) a few years back, and Brotherhood of the Clouds came to us and offered protection. I've always been low tier, and haven't really flung any chocolate pies. Here's what I see: A bunch of (figuratively) old men, dying on old thrones, clinging to old ideals and old rivalries while Nurgle stalks the countryside. We need fresh blood, fresh wars, fresh rivalries. The current environment favors the old over the new, sadly. There's several examples of this. The most egregious I've seen being Kastor* coming back at the helm and getting five protectors right off the bat (including NPO, essentially meaning half the !@#$ing planet will come to protect him) along with a conga line of gifts and concessions, while the dozen or so completely new micros (meaning no old faces) that spring up over a few months time are lucky to get a favorable trade deal**. Everyone is at fault here. I'm sure if I cared enough to check plenty of freshly printed treaties for X player returning or Y player wanting their own alliance would be seen from the "EMC" side. What the world really needs, as I stated before, is fresh blood. Encourage your player bases to get more involved. Encourage involvement in your FA departments. Abdicate the thrones of your alliances and coalitions and let some unknowns take the helm. Also, consider your free will and trash treaties you've signed only to make your coalition leader happy. Don't be a shill. And don't be afraid of a rolling. If pixel farming is the only way to keep, or the only way you've kept your base happy, you've built your empire on a foundation of sand. Leading to a sinkhole. Overlooking Hel. Dick Waffle. Finally, the main reason for me posting this is to continue discussion and hopefully spur some change. I really enjoy this game, and have enjoyed the genre for years. I was on Bob for years. I was on SC for a long while. I loved PT before it turned into a more neglected Chernobyl. I don't want this game, or the genre, to die or descend into whatever the hell Bob turned in to. *Just an example. I've talked to Kastor and he seems like a good dude. I was a dick for ignoring him **Inb4 jealous much hur hur muh stats. When my Empire was strong (and alive), we were flirting with a paperless idea, as well as a big ass confederation of micros. We didn't want a perma protectorate *cough cough* ODN *cough*. Your shitposting is moot.
  8. I believe the role of the state should primarily be two fold: protecting consumers from predatory and/or dishonest business practices, and protecting citizens from external and internal threats. The state, personified, is a stumbling, bumbling buffoon with the strength of a deity. Looking back at the horrors of the 20th century, which were primarily committed by strong, iron fisted governments, keeping as much power away from the buffoon is necessary to secure both life and liberty. However, through those horrors, we have also seen how a delicate balancing act can keep the buffoon both satisfied, and strong. Free markets and democracy won the century as much as blood and steel have. Both the despot and the president are humans. Humans are imperfect, as we know, and are likely to become evil if given a lot of power. Keeping the buffoon weakened is best for us, the citizens. However, the buffoon needs some strength to fend off citizens who would wish to abuse their fellows. Without oversight, businesses are likely to cut corners to save some cash. There's not much I could do to stop the local sewage plant from spewing sewage all over my lawn if I don't have the buffoon behind me who says that's a no-no. tl:dr, the ticker should be right before allowing McDonalds to have a private McArmy, but well before the state has the right to nationalize or destroy the golden arches based on "muh ideals".
  9. The treaty web is becoming more complicated then a 10+ person game of (insert paradox title here). Nice.
  10. ^ Erich von Daniken would politely disagree. Probably. Or he'd bring on the guy who blames aliens for a missing sock.
  11. A communist complaining about a lack of political freedom. Heh. Anyway, congrats. Hope things go well.
  12. The church shooting in Texas is the worst case for any leftist to try to push gun control. Not only was the shooting stopped by a guy with the oh so scary AR-15, but the gun laws in place would have worked IF our super competent government would've done what they we're supposed to do. Gun control won't fix human error/stupidity.
  13. What if they relent, though? That wouldn't be very entertaining.
  14. Have fun, lads! I don't know how strong the mummies will be, but good luck regardless!
  15. Everyone is too scared to be on the losing side of a conflict. Can't lose those precious pixels that could be rebuilt in a month or two!
  16. The real problem is everyone - talking - about the problem instead of - doing - something to fix the problem. A lot of people here have had a lot of good ideas (a lot of which were said back on Bob), but would rather someone else make the first move rather than do it themselves.
  17. Please don't disband. We luv yew lordareoaran <3
  18. Except Harry Potter actually has some action in between the long stretches of exposition, intrigue, and threats. Although they both are a waste of time to read.
  19. Yeesh. If the punishment for instigating a world war is some harsh language on here, why doesn't this happen more often?
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