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Everything posted by Smith

  1. To be fair 6 months is a long time and gives a lot of chances for it to come up
  2. We couped pantheon so we could put a puppet leader in place. Then once we had him in place we made sure he created tension between Pantheon and TKR's only MDP treaty partner. Once this was succesfully accomplished we decided to have them ally t$ rather than sign a treaty with us. Why you ask? Because it is dynamic.
  3. Who are you including in the TKR, Rose, and AIM groups?
  4. You can become as big as you want but keep in mind that the large nations who were around already will be growing too. The odds are against you in making the leaderboard for nation score, but it's not impossible.
  5. Sculpted from clay and brought to life by Zeus. "I will fight for those who cannot fight for themselves"
  6. I didn't really know you but it's always sad to see people you recognize call it quits. Take care
  7. I always enjoyed your stories and RPing which is something I think this game sorely lacks. Enjoy life outside PnW
  8. *I put on my robe and wizard hat*
  9. Rose without Sketchy, Durmij, or Abbas is certainly a big change from 6 or so months ago and it will be interesting to see how you guys evolve. Good luck in the future Rose
  10. Am I the only one who finds it funny that so much was written in response to Buor saying "Oh ok. Cool"
  11. I'm pretty sure it was 3 which is more of a raid (a small one at that) and less of a war. As members of your own alliance had said when they were baiting us to hit you or nuke bloc, NB really wasn't involved in the global conflict. It's not as if they got hit right after your war started either so there was also no reason they couldn't have declared in the opening rounds if they really wanted to like other alliances had. It was almost a full week later, so they had time to get involved if they wanted to. And as the war progressed they would have been less capable of joining in due to their tiering just like they were in Trail of Tiers (which they also sat out).
  12. I remember seeing three wars in total
  13. Let's look at the positive side of a majority of the game agreeing not to fight each other for 6 months: Alliances can cut expenses by getting rid of their milcom departments @Alex The next half of a year will be the perfect time to change/update the war mechanics, since nobody will be having any wars PnW can change it's name to the much cleaner and concise title "Politics... sorta" Less fighting will give us more time to find a new hobby to replace this one
  14. My excitement seeing TheNG has made a new thread is only matched from when I would see Ripper had made a new comic
  15. Welcome to the game @[email protected] A lot of your enjoyment here will be tied to the alliance you are with, I'd definitely recommend joining an alliance in the top 50 (preferably top 30) to get a better understanding of the game.
  16. I've got somewhere you can put it
  17. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_Arms_Limitation_Talks
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