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Everything posted by Odin

  1. Send 1 food for the price of 1,000,000$ (or something like that) as a personal buy offer.
  2. I think it is okay. The first people you want to get into playing a game are normally your brothers/sisters or friends. And it actually happens very fast with the friends to end up in the same wlan. Even before you could just log in with a proxy or your smartphone and create a new nation. Especially later on, the higher a player is in the rankings, the more his transactions get watched by others. "Winning" with multis is barely possible at all. The only problem would be spies everywhere. But hey that what we have elite alliances for
  3. Nation name: Nordland Nation link: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=5674
  4. Nah, WUDAC stands for "Won't utilize dots and commas".
  5. Totallytary depends on the guys running it I guess i'd try out your nation. Texas style North Oman sounds interesting.
  6. Kek. When the sand hits that meme just right.
  7. I don't think they're getting removed. The cases in which nations get deleted or renamed are explicit uses of "Hitler" "Genocide" "Nazi Germany", KZ -Doctors, "Goebbels", "Himmler", etc. The extremely obvious stuff so to say. There are a lot of nations with "Reich" here too, which aren't deleted: "https://politicsandwar.com/index.php?id=15&keyword=reich&cat=everything&ob=date&od=DESC&backpage=%3C%3C&maximum=15&minimum=0" It simply means Empire in german, nothing more, nothing less. Or else Österreich (Austria) or Frankreich (France) are evil too You can even roleplay WW2 Germany with historical leader names. Just take some normal field Generals without hardcore genocide background (von Manstein, Rudel, Mölders, Dönitz, whatever) or this one here is interesting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_August_Wilhelm_of_Prussia There are a lot of possibilites to rp the borderline stuff while avoiding illegal symbols and respecting the forum/game rules. WW2 Germany yes, explicit NSDAP content no. And if your whole Nation is India themed, i doubt anyone would report some backwards swastika you put on your imaginery. Ps: Was Rommel forbidden? If so, that's a shame then. He was driven into suicide by Hitler =\
  8. Japanese original sound + english subs, tbh.
  9. I didn't say it's not about capitalism. I said in Germany all parties except the FDP have many socialist parts, though maybe them too, i didn't really care for them ever though. They're known as the lobbyist party. There is nothing like Libertarianism here so to say. You can basically vote for any party and always get your social security. What we need isn't a nazi party either. What we need is a change of the society. Germany is currently ruled by the thought "In doubt: left". And being left as in being socialist, to improve the living conditions, wages, possibilities of everyone, then i am being left as well (look at my nation page, that economic left part is not for jokes). We need capitalists, but they and all top/good earners need to be taxed so, that the lowest earning citizens can live a life with dignity, and even can travel away in vacancies twice a year, etc. (wage subsidies!!!) But currently being right here means instantly being a nazi, or everyone gets compared to Hitler + Caricature. The Nazi totally lost it's meaning. What was left in the past as written above has totally moved into pure social leftism. The economic needs of the poor and workers class (wages, living conditions, work hours, working conditions) aren't important anymore. Nowadays leftism is all about gender equality (+ invention of new genders), refugee welcome, enhancing Globalization!!, etc. Even though everyone knows that globalization is only a tool for capitalists to easily move their industries to countries with cheap workers. Left parties have shifted away from economic left to social left totally. Lobbyism and Marxism. Crazy, but that's how it is today. Even though we have for years either the socialists ruling directly, or as a junior partner, - the wages didn't increase, - the work hours stagnated or are even going to rise, - 20/30 hours work got normal (for less loan of course), - pensions get paid later and it's less then years ago, - indefinite employment duration contracts are getting rarer - part time employment is at a high - more and more pressure at work, thanks to job cuts My ideal country currently is btw Poland. - Real catholic, not some suicide watch case. - Patriots without being Nazis ("Whaaaat, how can that be? omg"). I compare them to a Bismarck-style rule. - Gang symbol Graffiti free - Beautiful landscape, and everything is very tidy. - Rebuilding their cities historically, and don't destroy old building for new architecture - social welfare state
  10. First time i heard of this term (alt-right). Never have been on /pol/, 4chan (the layout is confusing) and Twitter. Every nation here is a fantasy world. No one seriously roleplays (for example) a Obama USA here >_> Though irl it's no fantasy. The changes are coming, FPÖ in Austria has more then 50%, AfD in Germany 25% in the East. The Brexit has happened. Eastern EU blocks the crazy Brussel attempts to permanent install religious fanatics. Trump might win the US. Le Pen might win in France. LOTS! Some examples (all over the place): - Gender propaganda in the Kindergartens, to teach under 6 year olds of gender diversity. - Christopher streets day. Should be abolished. Nothing against homosexual people. But damn, on that festival, they look like crazy colourful chickens there. Why are they even doing this? :| Only to annoy straight people. - GER plans 3,5 billion € now (18.08.2016) for refugee education. At the same time we have no money for Teachers, Kindergartens, municipalities. So where's the priority? Not with the own people. - We have social-democrats-conservative parties ruling for 70 years now. The poor are still poor, the rich are getting even richer. The poor-rich-divide at least couldn't be solved by those left parties. ( Please note: Left/Right in Germany isn't about socialism vs capitalism, it's about internationalism vs patriotism. All parties except the FDP have many socialist parts in their programms.) - USA started the war vs Iraq, and fought it alone. Then the ISIS appeared in this now unstable region. And the refugees fled to Europe and we idiots took those desert-ers (hehe). Nothing against the US here, this was our insane decision. They're not refugees. Because refugees have to be persecuted by someone. They left on their own initiative. Could as well have stopped Assad or helped him, whatever, to stop what happens now in Aleppo. - Every person who has died or got raped in Europe by refugees, had his fate delivered by the politicians who let them in. If they'd stopped them right at the beginning, they'd be still healthy. - The Media is fully in the hands of the state. Every channel and every newspaper is saying the same shit. And their circulations are dropping rapidly. The people don't believe their crap anymore. - People (Professors mainly) lose their jobs if they say things that don't suit the mainstream oppinion. >
  11. lol. Even if it's true what you say. There's always one thing that makes the monetary abuse of the state possible in the first place. The ruling Government. If the people voted them, then the majority voted "Ok" to abuse. That's democracy. And everyone who abuses it isn't stupid, he just uses his possiblities to the maximum, and if it's enough to live from , then Congratulations. Don't know how far there are any biological differences besides the obvious phenotype. Norsemen have more muscles then blacks! Though blacks are the only ones i've ever seen jumping on cars full of rage in footage. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ What was even the thread's topic?
  12. You're american or? French doesn't sound like Italian, even though they're both latin languages. And the religion isn't much of a factor anymore in Europe. I hope you didn't just say "They're all the same Europeans in Europe." I don't want to start a lecture about the origin of races here. Cheeki Breeki. But, sometimes it is easier then you want to accept it. Goy, do you even have the slightest idea how the borders in that region would have been without the first World War, without the Balfour-Declaration etc.? I can tell you 2 things: Either still Ottoman, but united. Or some big Levantine Arab blob. The current borders were drawn by France and GB randomly across the landscapes. Problem with you social-liberals (I take you as example for all, not personal here) is, that you tend to overcomplicate things that much, that you basically never get a result. At the end of every 20 pages forum thread filled with felt 1000 words per post the final answer is always the same: instead of giving an answer how to solve Problems. Critizising others for their problem solution suggestions, but never providing own solutions. And for the lack of innovation you even invented a fine word to silence the opposition and cover your own lack of capability: Populism. For example: Wouldn't the settler problem be solved if they just finish their settlements? What you call war crimes here is just a logical conclusion of a lost war with territorial gains. Would you say the complete german relocation from Silesia and Prussia to west of the Oder-River was a racist and/or criminal act? Probably not. Was it a solution to the German-Polish tensions? I'd say yes. (Not that i like it of course as a german, but it still solved the problems, there is no discrimination anymore.) Okay, could be a religious thing then, since poles and german are christian, and it can't be compared. Whatever, i give up, GG no re.
  13. - Nationalism: Love my countries history. Lots to be proud of. Hate my current Government though, doing a damn good job ruining it. I like foreigners loving Germany much more then Antifa Idiots from the own rows. - Egalitarian Liberalism: Every citizen should be treated the same, with the same rights and duties. No special rights for minorities, majorities, genderqueers or Helicopters. Maybe for the disabled though. - Social market economy: The state should support small and big business in the country to preserve employment, even if these businesses couldn't survive without subsidies. Minimum wages are a must! Unions should play a much more important role in companies to support the worker's rights, though should step back in harsh time (wartime for example). Assurances (like health or contents assurance) are very important, and should be mandatory. Private assurance should be forbidden. Everyone helps everyone, asocial behaviour sucks. I'm even for a somewhat for a basic income, though it should only be paid if one works at least 20h per week, so to say additional to the normal wage. Military: There should be a 1 year conscription for everyone, with harsh terms to avoid it. Women should serve too at the weapon, but it should be avoided as far as possible to send them to the frontlines. Men fight for their land and their families. If the family sits besides him at the front, what do we fight for, if not for the rich fat cats? - Racism: Racism should be uhm.. avoided? Well, some racism is justified. Gypsies always do shady Gypsy things for example, or muslims sometimes self explode. That's how it is. And it's only naive to deny it, for silly political correctness reasons. Foreign relations: Yes to Israel, no to Palestine. The Israelis have 1 country in the world, and before the spread to everywhere again, they shall protect their coastal line. Damn Palestines, they're sunni arabs, there are lots of similar countries around them. That's what a lost war is about: Relocation. And if Israels neighbours don't take their own brethren, then sorry, but they're all !@#$. No foreign aid to states. And if, then the foreign aid should go into directly controlled NGO's. For what-do-i-know 60 years there's foreign aid going down to africa and the likes, and what has actually been accomplished with that? Anti-Imperialism. I don't like having colonies at all. Every people should have their part of the earth, every people should have a playce they can deported to when the !@#$ up anywhere (unwanted refugees for example). On the other side, there are historical borders. Denouncing them totally is idiotic either. Schlesien, Preußen and Pommern are German for example. North Iraq and southern Turkey is Kurdish, Eastern Turkey is Armenian. Western Turkey is Greek. Ha, that country could just vanish USA vs Russia. Germany was always neither western, nor eastern. Always a central (power), and should seek the balance between those two. If in the future Clinton should win, i fear for combat actions along the border, while Trump looks like a guy to be chummy with Putin.
  14. I critized it often, that it's.. well not exactly p2w, but it's getting more and more unfair towards new and (intentionally) small players as the game gets older. And because these credits are ridiculously expensive to buy with real cash if you're not american. For 1 credit i can eat 2 days, and for 2 credits i can buy a crate beer... in Euros. (Dollar to Euro exchange rate development) That to be said, a normal wage here is about 2200-2500€ gross, and that gets taxed by about 36%. Complaining as a german, dunno how it stands in SEA states or Eastern Europe or elsewhere... They're too expensive for the cosmetic things and 50 Infra (and especially ressource packs, lol) and maybe even for the City timer. The more the game progresses, the later new players will get the chance to use credits.
  15. OOC: I once called myself catholic, and am still registered as one. Sadly our priests degenerate more and more to muslim and pc worshippers. Can't listen to their daily bullshit anymore. Asatru (as it's called nowadays) is at least the religion of my local ancestors. Walhalla awaits me
  16. City Images have the Ratio 1500x300, if you don't want them stretched or anything. You can try to use a graphic programm and rescale your Image and fill the side with white or transparent and try again.
  17. 31% Conservative, 69% Liberal Haha. Though, can't conservative be liberal? Should be progressive vs. conservative vs reactionary. Or libertarianism vs socialism. Whats even the opposite of liberalism... restrictivism, who even wants that? >_>
  18. It's a fresh map of 2016, dunno if they've released any data for that. But i found a good comparison in the example of the city Hamburg in 2015. I translated it as good as possible. Original: https://freiheitswelle.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/2_img_20160424_101610.jpg?w=705 Link shown in the image: http://www.hamburg.de/polizei/polizeiliche-kriminalstatistik-np/
  19. Refugees/Migrants from Africa/Arabia, Muslims and Africans in general. Everything that makes Europe less European. Except Asians, they never do anything except photos, food and copy/paste things . Btw, "Einzelfall-Karte" means Single case map. Single case because the media says everytime "It's just a sad single case and he had psycholic problems, blabla". If you look at the map you can see the irony
  20. I can confirm the authenticity of this map. This map does not include rumours. Every entry is linked to a newspaper article of standard newspapers, not biased right-winged publications.
  21. You're doing it wrong. Welcome to the fray!
  22. Indeed. -Balls -Infra Choose one. Rose/UPN bloc dares not to attack in the future. BK/tS Bloc might attack in the future. Only whales will profit, since one side has none (except when Alpha grows to former size). Not a good treaty for the game, even if it's only 1 of many.
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