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Everything posted by katashimon13

  1. yall are supposed to be a retirement home ? get with the program rawr
  2. or yall can actually try to engage with your respective members instead of treating them as pawns in a power fantasy rawr
  3. can we focus on the fundamentals first b4 expansion T_T is this too much to ask also satellites would help more than a moon landing/base for targeting purposes rawr
  4. 1k ish more to go >;3 rawr
  5. if ramping timers is to be a thing it should at least start at 5 cities not 1 ? maybe even eight i have no idea how u came up with lets wait 12 hours for any actual progress ignoring the glaring player retention issue....we already have enough players building far too much infra for thier city counts ? rawr
  6. off topic but linear warchest requirements are bad and whoever uses them for the first 17~ cities is bad xP rawr
  7. but i like holding pplz down with no money ? rawr
  8. can we get the promised tutorial and guides on how to properly effectively play the game out before bending to the will of the uninformed wich would keep pplz from buying stupid amounts of infra at for at say 7 cities? getting declared on by a 19 city nation cause they have 4k infra (this doesnt happen as often as it used to but the same concepts rings true today) also id prefer sumthing less linear say 50-75 -100 for 0's 10's 20's+ i see the value in easier counters from 0 mil but lowering the complexity in buy time doesn't feel (skill floor/ceiling nonsense goes here) like the best idea buuuuut i see how it can help newer pplz grasp the system slightly faster anyway i cant seem to get my brain to properly think about these proposed changes and others have said plenty across 4 topics rawr
  9. normally with minimal proof of competence rawr
  10. we dont ask we just offer gov spots for free ? rawr
  11. would be based off nation age? rawr
  12. when i click alliance trade offers can it default to bought and sold and ascending or descending.... cause right now its just extra clicks to get to where i want ? since it lands u on a blank page usually rawr
  13. clearly need to since they got that need to travel symptom that comes with covid 19 ? rawr
  14. the real conspiracy here is y ur in vacay mode ? rawr
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