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Samwise last won the day on April 10 2018

Samwise had the most liked content!



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  • Alliance Name
    Grumpy Old Bastards

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  • Discord Name: Samwise#2461

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  1. Meanwhile in Grumpy... SRD: "I just want to take a moment and thank some people for their contributions to the success in this war... Tiny Tots! Hillbilly, Zig, Zero, M3, Hodor, Brumble, Sammy, Azazel, El, putting in some work all fighting in over 15 wars, helping to secure our “lower” tier which was huge in helping us pull out a win." When you're at 36 cities and considered a "tiny tot". EDIT: Shoutout to my opponents this war. Y'all were great! Thanks for the radiation.
  2. For all those wondering, Pres is the lady.
  3. @Sphinx I heard you sold off $3.5bil worth of infra for this war. I just wanted to let you know that you’re not alone. I sold off my 10 nukes for this war. C’mon buddy. Let’s go have a beer. First round’s on me. RIP my nukes
  4. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=LSMFT urban dictionary says “means”. They also got a few saucy alternatives acronyms for it that I added to my TIL. ?
  5. Confirmed: I’m a rich b... :3
  6. I dunno. I find Snorlax oppressive, and I find great joy in knowing he’s dying a slow painful death in my backyard right now.
  7. It would break the internet to disprove the age old theory that there are no girls on the internet. Probably best this way. Good game, @Arch. Congrats man.
  8. Snorlax got you down? Tired of being interrupted at server turn? Wish you could do something about it? Well now you can! If I take first, that bastard Snorlax will finally get what’s coming to him and I’ll record it and post up his demise!
  9. I used to think that the worst part of any war Grumpy is involved in was when SRD made his way to the OWF. *Enter Seph* Side note: Y’all have only yourselves to blame. I can only do so much to delay it before it starts. Oh and 10/10 prop thread.
  10. Currently, you have to declare war on a nation to collect a bounty. However, if you are declared war by somebody who has a bounty on them, you should still be able to collect if you defeat that nation in your war. Current System Example: Nation A has a 25 mil bounty on them for an attrition war Nation A attacks Nation B with attrition type war Nation B defeats Nation A in attrition type war, but collects no bounty Proposal: Reward nations who beat back their aggressors if there’s an available bounty to be collected.
  11. Welp. SRD has broken free of the old folks home and is rolling west, naked down Main St in his hoveround. Somebody call 9-1-1.
  12. Image Type: Nation Flag Image Link: https://image.ibb.co/kXk5cJ/samwise_flag250_150.png Nation ID: 405 https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=405
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