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Everything posted by Artifex

  1. Whenever VIP runs out, all VIP custom images are reset. It's annoying, as I didn't save all the images locally, thinking they would be saved, as I figured deleting them would be something the game wouldn't do, as it just seemed like common sense/courtesy, but no... No courtesy, no sense. It's really nice being someone who buys VIP regularly and knowing that my hard made custom images are so valued that they're not thrown out the second my VIP runs out, thanks Alex! I'll totally follow your flood of ads demanding I buy more VIP now.
  2. Did you know that test makes up less than 1% of all alliances but is the cause of 100% of this game's problems?
  3. Even I think ya'll have taken the Noctis beating too far.
  4. WHO? Edit: I posted this to be funny and as a tradition of mine whenever something happens involving micros. It wasn't my intention to be as visceral as the following posts. Seriously ya'll need to chill.
  5. Poll is poorly worded and the answers need clarification.
  6. I've said it before, I'll say it again, PnW needs a finite resource to fight over. Zero sum games are way funnier than infinite boring resource games.
  7. Micros dropping out of a war they weren't prepared for isn't as impactful as a prepared and prominent alliance losing half its member base. Instead of showing this meaningless dribble, how about showing the same member retention stat format but for Coalition B?
  8. If KERCHTOG is so concerned about NPO and cares so little if they're declared winners or losers, then they should just surrender.
  9. And with our powers combined, we form a slightly less micro alliance!
  10. I wish NPO was just, "Weebs," maybe then they wouldn't be so insufferable. Nay, the greatest word to describe their ilk is simply, "Marxists."
  11. When will you make everything fun against the rules? The VM message was hilarious when people actually fell for it.
  12. Would be nice to have for people like me who like to gaze longingly into the treaty web.
  13. Generally, I think the point system is stupid and serves only to facilitate echo chambers and epeen measuring contests; often such systems become detrimental to communities because of these things and other similar downfalls. But what do I know? I come from and support anonymous free speech loving communities where posts, threads, and ideas must stand upon their own merit and not rely on the identity of the poster. That being said, generally your posts can't stand upon their own merit, as so often they read like low effort spam, and I may have downvoted them seriously in the past if only to quickly show my stance on your posts, as I couldn't be bothered to write something like this, but this time around is different, as now you seem to be asking for these meaningless downvotes and attention to your condition, and so I am happy to oblige.
  14. This was not worth a new thread.
  15. I didn't know excessive consumption of soup caused ADHD.
  16. Artifex


    I'm sorry, but you know too much.
  17. Point is, there's nothing we in the civilized world are doing wrong (except Australia and Canada,) and there's nothing much we can do except pressure other countries. Like the Paris Accord, a forest conservation agreement among the Western powers would do nothing as most of the people reading this are not part of the countries that are the problem. Of the ten most polluted rivers that feed the ocean 8 are in Africa and 2 are in Asia, and Africa and South America are the greatest defoliators by continent. And even if we were to pressure the wrong doers, (In either the matter of pollution or deforestation,) you know a certain group of regressive luddites would come barking and probably demand something inane like we accept more migrants from the backwards countries and attempt and fail to reeducate them instead of actually doing something that's productive. Want another example of the insanity of the same regressive luddites I refer to within the context of environmentalism? Take the recent plastic straws fiasco. Plastic straws make up practically zero of the plastic waste in the ocean, and yet there was a move to replace them with paper straws on the grounds that paper straws would be better for the environment and help eliminate plastic waste. But you know what? Paper straws are more damaging to the environment as they're less recyclable and take more materials and power to produce! I'm here today to say, I love the environment, but screw alarmism and finger pointing at the wrong people!
  18. Alliances can do whatever they please. Any arbitrary law based around treaties is pointless and foolish.
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