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Everything posted by Ramona

  1. Moral of the story: When someone reaches out to you for help, ignore and block them, then tell others to do the same.
  2. The projects are alright, I don't really have a strong opinion about their mechanics. But the prices are fricking ridiculous (this has been mentioned by other players in other forum posts referring to this update). $1.2b for 1 extra nuke a day and like $800m for GS. For comparison, UP to AUP is x2 the price and AUP to MP is x1.5 the price. Though these are econ projects and stepping stones for younger players to catch up so I understand they aren't supposed to be become exponentially expensive. So, I will compare 2 similar military projects, Missile Launch Pad and Space Program (I will just ignore that SP also gives the pathway to the GOAT Spy Sat and the other projects, though this also supports my point). MLP ($60m) that gives +2 missiles a day and SP ($120m) that gives +1 missile a day is only x2 up. Though I get missiles and nukes aren't 1:1 with the current stats. But does +1 nuke a day really demand x10 the price of the predecessor project? (like seriously wtaf) I suggest a much more reasonable price of 35k gas, alum and ura. Which with current prices is about $350m, about x2.8 the price of NRF, and I think that is even too expensive too, x2 would be enough. However, if this a whale only project and only intended for 30 people to get and 6 people to actually use for 5% of their time playing then feel free to ignore this criticism. PS: Econ Project ROI =/ Military Project ROI, sure there is an ROI on military projects but it is not 1:1 as Econ projects are measured.
  3. I mean, it will be abused in any situation it is introduced. Every player/alliance/sphere will use the mechanics to their advantage and to disadvantage their enemies. PnW summed up. I would like to see political corruption and possibly PnW gerrymandering, bloc stacking (like branch stacking), takeovers/rolling and factions. I think that +100 member alliances will claim one colour bloc as their's, a sphere might have one or two or possibly even 3 (the second one for perpheries of a sphere or smaller alliances).
  4. Sounds super convoluted, love it, I like the political side of it though. I would say one quick fix that could be made is to raise the Turn Bonuses cap from $75k to $150k per turn (or at least $100k). As 9 out of 14 colour blocs are above $50k and 5 colour blocs have hit the $75k limit already. And for the 5 at the top of the leaderboard it is actually ridiculous in terms of turn bonuses: Uncapped Green: $200k Uncapped Pink: $140k Uncapped White: $140k Uncapped Maroon: $95k Uncapped Orange: $83k I get capping the top one as clearly Green Prosperity is working too well (I am also on green), but having 30% of the game capped at $75k shows that the cap is outdated on current average income of nations ingame and should be raised in line with the incomes of today. Could probably raise the floor from $0 to $50k or something too to help smaller nations and alliances but idc. For extra data, over 60% of nations are above beige ($50k per turn).
  5. I will also be posting my Ls on the forums to keep myself humble.
  6. Safe to say that your job is secure cuz this shit is embarrassing.
  7. Me when I get beiged 8 times to save my infra. 😎😎😎
  8. A tad ridiculous but sure, I'll cheer it on I guess.
  9. To whom it may concern, Consultant Ramona for GO Associates here (on $50m/hr, and best believe that I have marked down 90% of those hours for skiing seshes in the strip club) to audit the accounts of Jim and TheKidMadeIt! (both under account number 203465). On the account of TheKidMadeIt: $210m loaned (confirmed) $50m paid (confirmed) $90m paid (confirmed) $4.2m paid (confirmed) $74.4.... paid (confirmed, numbers are for the diversity hires, i'm a nepo hire, no thanks) Loan confirmed completed. On the account of Jim: $950m loaned (confirmed) $160m paid (confirmed) $700m paid, This is where things get tricky, it appears my own tax avoidance strategy has caught up to me (I moved to Eclipse, uncommon Ramona L move) and it seems that these payments went through tax havens, the records I haven't got access to. I'll assume in good faith that this payment went through (and thus confirmed) as the party related to account number 203465 isn't known for breaching the terms of financial contracts. $125.61m paid, Read above, from reading the sheet I assume that I underpaid by the amount in brackets on the sheet (don't look back in anger yadda yadda). On the account of Madden Red: This name is not associated with account 203465 despite being under that account number, I put this down to a classic dumb admin keying error, god those admins are some dumb, part of the reason while they'll never have my job, other reason being that they don't have rich parents to give them high up jobs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unrelated Announcements: We at GO Associates extend our farewells to recently retired consultant MCM after she hit the glass ceiling. I will be working with the lobbying group Farmers Union to ensure farming nations get a fair deal in recent discussions with Game Devs on tackling rampant inflation caused by the low tier. I have also been researching of the behalf of smaller alliances to protect their spies from those who wish to gain kills off of their spies to "stat pad". No, there isn't conflict of interest in this affair. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to waive my incoming invoice through Accounts, do not send it to Legal.
  10. Why adding projects won't fix resource inflation in the long-term/isn't the best way to combat this resource inflation: I'm not gonna bother tagging everyone who was suggesting that game devs should just add more projects, I don't really care. Disclaimer: I am a Goober shill. 1. For most novelty projects people may be inclined to buy it at first, but as the weeks/months/years pass people will stop thinking about buying it. For e.g. Moon Landing, 32 people bought it in 2020 and 40 people have bought it in the last 2.5 years since. A ton of people would have to buy a project at a consistent rate over a couple years to control inflation through this "project measure". 2. Most people/alliance governments' first questions on a new project is "Is this a good investment? What advantage will this give? What is the ROI?", I believe the answers to these questions have the biggest impact on whether a project will be bought, i.e, will the project be a Clinical Research Centre or a Military Salvage? Onto my point, the ROI amount would effectively be setting the a PPU at which the project would be a buy or not a buy. Ignore this point if you are imagining a purely novelty project and proceed to 3. 3. Project slots, honestly if project slots were purchasable they could fetch more than the project itself is worth, just a comment on the value of project slots (you can actually purchase a project slot, so there is an actual price of a project slot). Like 99% of players won't build a novelty project to sacrifice growth. Especially if the price of the project is high (Like $200m+). There are about 13 projects (imho) that are must/should buys (yes of course spy sat is on the list, no it is not up for debate) the amount of slots needed to get these 13 is equal to a c25 with 2.5k infra each city or about 1500 nations above this threshold. In a game with like 6000 nations in alliances would 25% of the nations buy enough novelty projects to make sure inflation get out of hand? I doubt it. 4. I mentioned in 1. that only 72 people have bought Moon Landing (PnW's only/most important novelty projects), I will be fair and say some people who have bought it have deleted, so i'll say 100 have bought it ever. But yes, only 72 people have bought Moon Landing. And I don't believe people are just waiting for the right novelty project to purchase. And of these 72 nations most of them have a lot of cities, just scroll through the list and you will see some of the biggest nations in the game. Most of the time, only bigger nations are willing to build novelty/meme projects. 5. Compared to other measures for fighting this inflation problem, most of the ones that are being considered are measurable to see their future impact (for e.g. increasing food consumption). How would the consumption of resources by project purchasing be controlled in order to control inflation, as the main goal of the initiatives to cause deflation of resources is to also imho to control it to bring it down to a reasonable level. If there is a way to achieve control, I would genuinely be open to hear it. But I think the reality shown in 1 would kill any sort of control. The only way I can see it being controlled is if values relating to the project and adjusted per week, in which look at 5. 5. This may work for other games/MMOs but as i've explained, it wouldn't work for PnW. Also given PnW's current state, I doubt the game devs would be willing to put a lot of time into the game, esp for making and tinkering with novelty projects. I'm sure some dork could pull some voodoo API to show the DGAF about growth API stats in some very impressive Desmos chart. Feel more than free to do so. My accreditations: I'm #25 on spies killed leaderboard.
  11. Ramona


    Also, keep buying spies. @Codename V 👍
  12. Finally a leader in Orbis that understands that without EVERY Ockey, there's no Ockeys. 💙🐊
  13. Glad to see the secret treaty has finally kicked in, meet your match Fortuna.
  14. This nation (https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=164932) has a quote from Hitler's ("great man") Mein Kampf that has been translated into English. It appears that this user has also tried to avoid people finding this easily by making the font blend in with the background (showing as I had to highlight it for it to be visible).
  15. May the memory of Llojsa Stay Alive Forever! Upvote if you are a Llojsa enjoyer
  16. I believe that game started in the 1980s ingame, maybe late to mid.
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