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Everything posted by Grave

  1. Just a few questions. Why did NPO leaders try to hide evidence? Why did NPO leaders lie to Alex? Why did NPO tell GPWC players log in once every 15 days in order for access to scantalations ? Does NPO have a copyright license to the intellectual property? What did GPWC members get outside of scantalations that would be enough for them to give every dollar and every ton of resources their nations make for months? Can you name an instance where a much smaller score per player alliance funded even 1 billion dollars to a much larger score per player alliance for no in game benefit?
  2. Not including the gaslighting that is pretending they are the victims of the delay in enforcement and not coal A.
  3. One of many reasons everyone is mad at the Gov is for how they treated you, the worst in my eyes is the forceful removeal and keeping the narme himself, leader or not he had no right to keep the name and prevent you guys from using it again.
  4. "Kicked out" and "banned " by goons, yet they counter attacks against you, and you wonder why you aren't trusted.
  5. So you guys make untold billions , with current values (based on new cities and military funds you otherwise wouldn't have had in the tune of 200billion balue, and now thar you lost less than half of that its impossible for you to win? Untold extra damage to coal A and its membership count while we go nothing in compensation, ALEX admitted on the main post that with no way to fully reverse the damage he will leniently take some value from NPO bank COAL B IS STILL INFINITELY BETTER OFF THAN THEY WOULD BE WITHOUT GPWC EXISTING Its so weird that the side (coal B) that benefited from the delay is complaining about being benefitted while the side that was hindered (coal A) is just glad its finally done and not complaining about the friends and allies we have lost because of the delay
  6. Does that mean you are also going to default on your old ally and your current sense (lack) of morals, maybe trade your lack of morals in for something more comprehensive and empathetic.
  7. Well fought USN, Congrats on your peace, you earned it.
  8. Its sad i have to say this to another alliances members, please if any Ex goons are seeing this, dont leave the game, there are many netural alliances that surely would love to have you on top of those in both coalitions who would welcome you if you wish to remain in the war. This doesn't have to be the end, please give it a few days if you are thinking of leaving . Signed, - everyone who cares about the community
  9. That is referring to singular players, not two top 20 alliances .
  10. So GPA admitting to getting funds from two whole alliances who no longer intended on playing the game ? @Alex
  11. Everyone on NPO side saying Alex shouldn't have waited 7months , you are right. If he did it right away you all would be much worse off than you are now, his delay in judgement has only benefited you. Delay or not it was a rule that was broken, and im just glad its finally been enforced I play a game called kingdoms at war where after 10 years of not enforcing rules - Some Players own 50-60 accounts themselves, war bots are rampant (imagine down declaring and by the time you can get your first hit in a bot has already bought military units, attacked you twice, donated everything not necessary for war into the alliance bank, puts an alarm on the players phone to wake them up / get their attention) - Epic battle bots (kinda like baseball but its the only source of pve income) run rampant, player #1 has 50x more actions than player #50 (everyone gets 70/hour) - Players get people who live in countries that have massive inflation to buy paid in game items on their account for cheap while giving that buyer a porfit . - Spending and activity per player is at an all time low because you can just buy anything for cheaper than the store offers it off of players + Entire out of game markets for in game items including hundreds of players in single discord chats . - Pvp clans can't accept any player we haven't known for years because they are almost all alts. - More playes than P&W still but fourms have been a ghost town for 3 years since maybe 700 are acutal players We dont want to go down that road, ever, trust me. A game I've put thousands of dollars and hundred if not thousands of rl hours into over the course of my 8 years there , i only play to ensure my alliance doesn't die . Its gotten so bad ive basically changed that game out for this one . And that used to be a top google play game with over a million players, and dozens of staff making an average of 47cents per player every day .
  12. More willful ignorance, you obviously haven't read the majority of posts on this very thread Please, count up positive and negative posts, ill give you an advantage by allowing jokes to be counted as negative.
  13. So you are just going to ignore that vast majority of positive posts so it fits your worldview? Got it. Coal A isn't perfect but we have given so many liberties , the benefit of the doubt, pleas that you remain in game that were never remotely shown to us, infact the opposite To say that coal A is even on the same plane as toxicity as coal B has been since atleast October, (maybe earlier but I wasn't around for that) is willful ignorance and I have no time for that.
  14. Well fought Goons , enjoy the rebuild, much respect to your members, see you on the baseball field.
  15. Well fought , good luck on the rebuild
  16. I sincerely hope you change your minds, if those who are staying are remaining in the war, I wish you good luck , see you on the battle field .
  17. Id like to simply quote two goons Jazz, you're gonna love this one: "this isn't going to age well" And Can we see the trophy before you destroy yourselves?
  18. My condolences BK , you truly don't deserve this (except Leo and anyone else in on the false accusations against George) may you find great alliances to call home. (Anyone but NPO really)
  19. For the thrill of battle of course. This is the most fun ive had since starting my nation
  20. Like no one ever wants too. Welcome people of Orbis, this is my first fourm post so I apologize if its Garbage quality, Anyway let's get right to it. See, I have a very odd personal goal in this war, some of you that hail the net damage stat as king may even find it counterintuitive. My goal? Become #1 damage recieved in GW14 ("sub conflict") since the new front opened while still doing massive damage (remain top 100 damage dealt) Top damage dealt is well out of my reach since I didn't have hundreds of 2k infra players open to me at the start and only city 15 , but my desire to be the very best has outdid me once again. Before you ask, no im not running my alliances bank dry (dont take aid for war) and infact voluntarily run at 100/100 using baseball &credits for monies Now obviously I can't do this by all myself, im going to need to be declared on more and attacked more often, ill even promise to exit any beige given immediately if I have an offensive war slot open (shouldn't take more than 48hrs max) TL;DR: hit me harder daddy
  21. See, its already working, Goons don't even know what tanks are anymore I had already spent it, what i turn it into is should only be important to me and the poor souls who make the mistake of declaring against me
  22. Im willing to play ball on the meme war too
  23. Knock a goon down? How about 6? https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=180807 I cant speak for all Immortals but from what I've seen we actually very much respect your dedication to eachother, dedication to your strategy and dedication to war and laugh at your(funny) memes It seems its your side who is doing quite a bit of seething at our very presence in the war, you keep such a desperate focus on attacking us because you know what we are capable of when we have our military built up. This is a battle of willpower and dedication to the game and we have a 6 month head start. I sincerely wish you good luck Goons, we are still on the starting ramp of this rollercoaster ride and we might've knocked a few screws out of your seats
  24. Easy solution: 1. make a max of 100 home games a day or 10 games /turn (120 home games /day ) 2. Give away teams 20% profit and no limit on games 3. Make it worthwhile maintaining teams by multiplying revenue per game by 5 Everyone wil get their games easy Another nerf to make those who dont play happy save the time people have to spend playing by 9/10 will make baseballers happy regardless of the nerf makes bots less useful and in turn hopefully eliminated from baseball entirely Gives those on the fence real incentive to try it and make it more widely used, evening the playing field further Please upvote if you like the idea, regardless of what you think the change revenue per game and max games / day should be
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