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Saudi Arabia Named Head of Human Rights Council


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I agree with Ibrahim on this topic

Caliph of The Caliphate of Arabia. Caliph of the Islamic State of Arabia. Principle of The Principality of Chechnya. Grand Emir of The Emirate of The Caucus. Emperor of the Empire of Persia. Sultan of The Sultanates of Turkey and The Crimea. Czar of the Tsardom of The Balkans. Archon of The Archonate of Greece. Supreme Consul of The Consulate of Italy. Shah of The Shahdom Of Khorason

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Go awaayyyyy

I will eventually. 


Why are there so many Salafist themed trolls here these days? Did Sheepy piss off ISIS?

Edited by Fox Fire
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<Jroc> I heard \ is an anagram of cocaine
<\> I can't be rearranged into a line, I already am a line.

--Foxburo Wiki--

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Is killing innocent people in Palestine not an abuse by funded by america

is taking their homes and forcing them to starve not a violation

israel is the state of terror

israel is funded by america


israel and america don't deserve capitals

we are not trolls we stand up for what we believe in

Caliph of The Caliphate of Arabia. Caliph of the Islamic State of Arabia. Principle of The Principality of Chechnya. Grand Emir of The Emirate of The Caucus. Emperor of the Empire of Persia. Sultan of The Sultanates of Turkey and The Crimea. Czar of the Tsardom of The Balkans. Archon of The Archonate of Greece. Supreme Consul of The Consulate of Italy. Shah of The Shahdom Of Khorason

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Is killing innocent people in Palestine not an abuse by funded by america

is taking their homes and forcing them to starve not a violation

israel is the state of terror

israel is funded by america


israel and america don't deserve capitals

we are not trolls we stand up for what we believe in

Oh I agree. Israel is a disgusting child murdering nation and Zionism is the Jewish version of Nazism. Gaza is basically a giant concentration camp. 

I won't disagree with you on that one at all. 

As for America, our foreign policy is ass backwards, our military industrial complex is absurd and our leaders are incompetent. Unfortunately, our politicians are bought, rather than elected.


But on the other hand, Sharia law can suck a dick until it's lips fall off.

Edited by Fox Fire



<Jroc> I heard \ is an anagram of cocaine
<\> I can't be rearranged into a line, I already am a line.

--Foxburo Wiki--

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Israel is a nasty peace of work, in fact I would say that most of the nations in the Middle East are not particularly pleasant. The thing that has set Daesh apart is its glorification of the savagery that it is well known for. Daesh is just a terrorist organisation without any redeeming features.

Still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest

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You forgot that women have to cover themselves, can't drive, can't go out in public without a male escort, can't use swimming pools or interact with men they are not related to. Further more, in the majority of rape cases the victim is also punished and sometimes the rapist isn't. In court cases, a woman must have 2 men testify as to her identity, then 4 other men must testify as to the credibility of the first 2. The list goes on and on. Saudi Arabia is a joke and yes, so is the UN.



Good thing all those religions are utter bullshit.



Just what every forum needs. A radical, hateful Muslim to tell everyone how hateful they are for not killing homosexuals. You sir, are brilliant. Can I join your club? I'm only half gay.

Welcome back. :P

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i am the counter-counter troll

Caliph of The Caliphate of Arabia. Caliph of the Islamic State of Arabia. Principle of The Principality of Chechnya. Grand Emir of The Emirate of The Caucus. Emperor of the Empire of Persia. Sultan of The Sultanates of Turkey and The Crimea. Czar of the Tsardom of The Balkans. Archon of The Archonate of Greece. Supreme Consul of The Consulate of Italy. Shah of The Shahdom Of Khorason

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There is anti-Semitism and criticising the nation of Israel, these are two different things in spite of what some people might think. I have no problem with the Jewish people, I don't even have a problem with the existence of the nation of Israel. I do have a problem with the thuggish bully boy behaviour of the Israeli government and their allies.

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Still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest

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There is anti-Semitism and criticising the nation of Israel, these are two different things in spite of what some people might think. I have no problem with the Jewish people, I don't even have a problem with the existence of the nation of Israel. I do have a problem with the thuggish bully boy behaviour of the Israeli government and their allies.

Judaism does not equate to Zionism. More Christians I know are more Zionist than my Jewish Uncles and Aunts.

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Judaism does not equate to Zionism. More Christians I know are more Zionist than my Jewish Uncles and Aunts.

Good point. I think that is part of the problem with American politics regarding Israel.

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Still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest

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Good point. I think that is part of the problem with American politics regarding Israel.

Welcome to Evangelical Christianity and a bad use of Dispensationalist Dogma resulting in a bad interpretation of Genesis 12:3 “I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed," referring to Israel. The majority of the War and Pigeon hawks in DC uphold some form of Evangelical faith and thus deem it necessary to maintain strong relations no matter what Israel inhumanely commits, as we are to bless them and coddle them because God will bless the United States if we do so.

Completely logical reasoning, right?

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honestly the AIDS epidemic is probably one of the only diseases people get and rather than focusing all of our energy trying to find a cure and help people suffering, we'd rather attack the action that got you aids.




imagine if we did that with people go got cancer. 


you want to murder and imprison people who are outside too long and develop skin cancer? ignore their suffering bc you don't like what they're doing??


what about people who get diabetus? want to be michelle obama to the square root and just shoot up fast food restaraunts bc rather than trying to help people ease their suffering you want to marganalize innocent people for what they do in their life??


since when did we lose our compassion?


since when did we regard certain human beings as less, just so we can inflate our fragile ego and feel better about ourselves, as if our lives are the best thing in the world?


do any of you homophobes realize that if the governments around the world stepped in to help these people being affected by the disease, A LOT LESS people would have died and the disease wouldn't be as spread as it is now? most of the victims of the AIDS epidemic didn't even know they had it before it was too late. 


stop focusing on the action all the time.


gonna blame people for having sex and having fun? especiallty homosexuals who have been attacked and rejected and erased from history and society, so much that they were forced to live underground? going through so much stress and hate that they find the need to do drugs, have sex, drink just to relief the stress? 


western society drove homosexuals and transgender to do these things, to take drugs and drink and &#33;@#&#036; 24-7 bc they were constantly rejected and now that a disease spread through their vulnerability, a vulnerability WESTERN SOCIETY CAUSED and ya'll attack them as if its their fault? &#33;@#&#036; outa here u idiots


stop focusing so much on labels and please just look at people as human beings. 


i am a gay man, but i am NOT a "gay" man. 


i am a human being with a lover of my own. with ambitions like any other man, with plans and dreams like any other man, and a family like any other man.


i am not what society says I am for I am me. 

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the spice girls started the cold war

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Wow what a lot of bullshit.


Ibrahim, try worshipping Allah, and find your peace. Or try Christ, or Yahweh, and Trump. As long as you keep worshiping a book, you seem to be missing His point.


This reads more like a legal brief than anything that actually matters.


And BTW The New Testament does not say that anyone should kill homosexuals. It just says that it is a sin, and they will have to answer to the bearded man in the sky.

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Are you originally from Earth, too?

Proud owner of Harry's goat. It's mine now.

I now own MinesomeMC's goat, too. It's starting to look like a herd.

Yep, it is a herd. Aldwulf has added his goat, too, and it ain't Irish.

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There is anti-Semitism and criticising the nation of Israel, these are two different things in spite of what some people might think. I have no problem with the Jewish people, I don't even have a problem with the existence of the nation of Israel. I do have a problem with the thuggish bully boy behaviour of the Israeli government and their allies.


I would also say there is a difference between criticizing Israel and using the kind of language that people like Fox Fire did in that "criticism".  To me the language used matters, it is very easy to find the kind of vitriol that is easy to mistake as hatred for much more than a government.  Plus the fact that no matter what is being discussed Israel has to be brought up somehow.  Because it is their fault whenever anything goes wrong in the Middle East.  Oh and the United States as well, can't forget us.

There are no men like me, there is only me

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I would also say there is a difference between criticizing Israel and using the kind of language that people like Fox Fire did in that "criticism".  To me the language used matters, it is very easy to find the kind of vitriol that is easy to mistake as hatred for much more than a government.  Plus the fact that no matter what is being discussed Israel has to be brought up somehow.  Because it is their fault whenever anything goes wrong in the Middle East.  Oh and the United States as well, can't forget us.

Yes, exactly. I don't think you realize that the middle east is an area of the planet that is puzzle pieced together by foreign nations. We took over the Ottoman empire and dissolved it to fuel the industrialization of foreign nations. The perfect example of "divide and conquer". We then conspired with European Jews to fight the German Empire and flood foreign Jews into Palestine to create modern Israel. You don't have to be anti-semetic to believe that, you just have to accept proven and historically recorded, recognized facts. Almost all of the modern middle easts problems are a result of foreign intervention. Opposing Zionism is not opposing Judaism, hence why there are in fact, Jews opposed to Zionism. I certainly feel no reason why I should NOT criticize a nation for exiling and denying it's own people basic human rights.



<Jroc> I heard \ is an anagram of cocaine
<\> I can't be rearranged into a line, I already am a line.

--Foxburo Wiki--

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Israel is the problem in the middle east. It uses extra judicial killings. It starves, imprisons and kills people in the worlds biggest concentration camp. Gaza.

it kills innocent children. Then says they were members of Islamic State

ISRAEL is the problem not isis

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Caliph of The Caliphate of Arabia. Caliph of the Islamic State of Arabia. Principle of The Principality of Chechnya. Grand Emir of The Emirate of The Caucus. Emperor of the Empire of Persia. Sultan of The Sultanates of Turkey and The Crimea. Czar of the Tsardom of The Balkans. Archon of The Archonate of Greece. Supreme Consul of The Consulate of Italy. Shah of The Shahdom Of Khorason

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Israel is the problem in the middle east. It uses extra judicial killings. It starves, imprisons and kills people in the worlds biggest concentration camp. Gaza.

it kills innocent children. Then says they were members of Islamic State

ISRAEL is the problem not isis


Uh... no. There are many problems in the region, but ISIS is number 1 so the first priority is to put those lunatics in the ground.

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Israel is the problem in the middle east. It uses extra judicial killings. It starves, imprisons and kills people in the worlds biggest concentration camp. Gaza.

it kills innocent children. Then says they were members of Islamic State

ISRAEL is the problem not isis

Abu Haddad, question- do you recognize Israel as an independent, sovereign nation?

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In defense of our Jewish and Israeli friends:


- Israel was there first, and their record - the Bible - is the basis for their own religion, as well as Christianity and Islam 

- They have demonstrated more commitment to living peacefully over their history than pretty much any other culture in history

- As a culture, they chose commerce and trade as a way of life, and for literally thousands of years have shunned military careers

- They have suffered confinement, pogroms and local genocides more than a few times all over the world

- And yet, you would be hard pressed to name a single Jewish general before the 20th century besides David

- And this was surely one of the reasons why they have been so abused over history - no deterrent + the greed and jealousy of their neighbors

- Their actions since WW2 are understandable if you consider how they have been treated in the absence of their own country and army

- There are many Palestinian Israelis who accepted the negotiations in 1947-8, and those that did not have since proven that they would rather condemn their children to abject poverty than admit defeat. The sins of their fathers are revisting them.


If you take a long view of history, you see that the creation of Israel is just reconquering lands that were stolen from them - first by the Persians, then the Greeks, then the Romans, then the Muslims. In fact, the Islamic world has been losing the conquests it made in the first few hundred years of its existence for over a thousand years (Iberia, southern France, parts of Italy, the Balkans, Greece...etc). Many Muslim nations have become secular (the Turks may have won Constantinople, but it's fair to say that they lost the war), and Sharia is rolling back systematically all over the world for hundreds of years. The armies of western nations roam freely in the Middle East, and do so easily because the region is rife with corruption, slavery, and internecine conflict.


So, it is understandable that folks like Abu and Ibrahim take a defensive posture - how would any of us feel if we were at the tail end of a 1000 year downturn in our whole society. Imagine being a Roman in the late 400's AD.

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Are you originally from Earth, too?

Proud owner of Harry's goat. It's mine now.

I now own MinesomeMC's goat, too. It's starting to look like a herd.

Yep, it is a herd. Aldwulf has added his goat, too, and it ain't Irish.

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In defense of our Jewish and Israeli friends:


- Israel was there first, and their record - the Bible - is the basis for their own religion, as well as Christianity and Islam 

- They have demonstrated more commitment to living peacefully over their history than pretty much any other culture in history

- As a culture, they chose commerce and trade as a way of life, and for literally thousands of years have shunned military careers

- They have suffered confinement, pogroms and local genocides more than a few times all over the world

- And yet, you would be hard pressed to name a single Jewish general before the 20th century besides David

- And this was surely one of the reasons why they have been so abused over history - no deterrent + the greed and jealousy of their neighbors

- Their actions since WW2 are understandable if you consider how they have been treated in the absence of their own country and army

- There are many Palestinian Israelis who accepted the negotiations in 1947-8, and those that did not have since proven that they would rather condemn their children to abject poverty than admit defeat. The sins of their fathers are revisting them.


If you take a long view of history, you see that the creation of Israel is just reconquering lands that were stolen from them - first by the Persians, then the Greeks, then the Romans, then the Muslims. In fact, the Islamic world has been losing the conquests it made in the first few hundred years of its existence for over a thousand years (Iberia, southern France, parts of Italy, the Balkans, Greece...etc). Many Muslim nations have become secular (the Turks may have won Constantinople, but it's fair to say that they lost the war), and Sharia is rolling back systematically all over the world for hundreds of years. The armies of western nations roam freely in the Middle East, and do so easily because the region is rife with corruption, slavery, and internecine conflict.


So, it is understandable that folks like Abu and Ibrahim take a defensive posture - how would any of us feel if we were at the tail end of a 1000 year downturn in our whole society. Imagine being a Roman in the late 400's AD.

Israel was not there first. The Israelite's marched there from Egypt and committed genocide on the original populace. This is clearly explained in the story of Exodus. I'm not even going to bother explaining the countless other things wrong with this comment. Why is it so hard for people to see the obviously blatant mutual hate on both sides of that conflict?



<Jroc> I heard \ is an anagram of cocaine
<\> I can't be rearranged into a line, I already am a line.

--Foxburo Wiki--

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