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Khai Jäger

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Everything posted by Khai Jäger

  1. At this point, the spaghetti god is real. Everyone is indirectly allied except for KT sphere and Chaos, and I'm going to bet there's not going to be anymore independent sphere's formed. Rather more consolidation.
  2. So are you guys dropping FR? Just noticed the treaty wasn't renewed and you guys removed them from your page.
  3. I thank whoever added the laughing reaction.
  4. I wonder what type of soup y'all are serving atm. ? Have fun guys.
  5. You need to respect my right to downvote you.
  6. Valid CB. (97 Days Old) https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=147502 Clearly you know how the game works.
  7. That ghey. This is a true sjw, but the pnw version. Everyone who is aligned to TFP should drop them. You gain nothing from an ally that won't dedicate to a fight.
  8. Objectively speaking, BK sphere does still have the numbers. There's also a handful of alliances that from my perspective don't intend to move forward from being a prot on all sides, and being a prot means they have no obligation to directly help in a war on the "sphere." One thing I don't like personally is that we have alliances in the 80k+ score range who are still prots. They should all be moving on and taking things into their own hands.
  9. @Ripper @Sketchy Well I was assuming that Grumpy keeps it's paperless status with TKR, and Guardian on their page lists Grumpy as an MDP. So that doesn't leave much left in the upper tier. But ofc, that was my assumption. Then again, sheepy fricked up a bunch of my sheets that I haven't fixed yet. ?
  10. Let me rephrase. You are criticizing NPO for leaving IQ to join tS. One big sphere to another, breaking the IQ hegemony and leveling the game. Then you have Chaos, basically the consolidation of the uppertier. Which is more "dynamic?" ??
  11. So you are calling Chaos dynamic? Funny.
  12. Looking forward to working with ES.
  13. From my point of view, you are putting your alliance first. You as the leader would be taking the initiative to stay ahead of the political game. Therefore putting your alliance in a superior position than previously. Your example of Partisan portraits this idea perfectly, and if his plan had followed through the game would be very different than it is now.
  14. What I've found personally is that people are too fearful to seal connections across the supposed IQ / other spheres line. They fear their current allies will find less favor in them, blinding them from the good which could come from the relationship. Leaders need step out more and put their alliances first.
  15. Boi, keep spying my allies and I might actually have a birthday present for you. Congrats on the alliance birthday
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