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Everything posted by TheNG

  1. We are The Inquisition. Cancel your treaties and surrender your nations. We will add your material and city count distinctiveness to our own. Your alliance will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
  2. Well my pictures bugged out so just F
  3. They do not subscribe to the economic teachings of NPO, and are thus not good communists.
  4. Wow, you may burn a man's pixels, but shading his theme is a crime fit only for the most despicable. If Roq allowed me any independent control over my actions, I would declare an eternal war on NPO for this treacherous attack. Also, while the rest of IQ won't say anything, TKR is a new addition and thus much more wiling to talk. I encourage everyone to castigate them for the failures of their allies in IQ.
  5. Why safely end anything when you can instead put all those double ties to good use? Form all of them into a second bloc (called The IQ of course) that will simultaneously exist alongside the first for maximum Dynamism points! After all, why rule the game with just one hegemony when you can do it with two!
  6. When IQ runs out alliances to consume wholesale so it starts eating itself Best of luck to the old and new members of Cornerstone!
  7. Hello? Is anyone hearing this? I'm broadcasting from the Pacifica holding facility, I don't know how much time I'll have... Roquentin has us all locked in here, he says if any of us surrender he'll kill us and feed our cities to NPO! Please, if anyone is listening, you have to h---- .... .... ....
  8. Well, if it's a serious reply ya want, then... Who's embarrassed? Can't speak for everyone, but I don't think anyone in IQ is particularly embarrassed by this lol. They've never been a top-tier powerhouse, so a bunch of competent top-tier nations coordinating well will obviously be able to do some damage, as we've seen. I'm having a fun little war shooting nukes and shitposting on the forums personally, not much to be embarrassed about. A war is a war. At the end of the day, people who didn't take IQ seriously before will use this to validate their beliefs and still won't take IQ seriously, people who took IQ seriously before probably still take them seriously. Anyone who doesn't take IQ seriously is free to attack them whenever they like, particularly if it'll be a cakewalk as you seem to believe Terminal Jest has shown. Nobody has though, so I guess that means some people still take IQ seriously, eh? On an unrelated note, imagine for a moment that the pinnacle of your entire PnW career is posting lovely pictures of salt after someone's joke post, then running off to Papa Partisan to brag about how clever and funny you are so he'll give you a nice pat on the head. A sad existence indeed, do you need a hug Robert?
  9. As it turns out, you can answer these questions yourself pretty quickly in just a few easy steps. I'll even walk you through it! 1. Log into the game (This may sting a little, but just bear with it, trust me). 2. Go to the members page of any IQ AA (let's take BK as an example.) 3. Look at how many members are being rolled, how many are perfectly fine, and how many are doing some rolling themselves (the answer may surprise you) 4. You can check any other alliance in IQ, or just do a little bit of extrapolating. Now, did a 20-odd member alliance literally destroy all of IQ in one punch, save the game, cause treaties everywhere to stop existing, and gift every whale 8 new cities? 5. Throw out everything I just said, because I'm obviously a bought and paid for IQ shill who's merely quoting the words Roq programmed me to repeat. Praise Dynamism!
  10. Damn I saw those ads on TV all the time where I lived. Never knew anyone who had them though lol.
  11. Meanwhile in the NPO channel..... (yeah I know it's supposed to be guinea pig, but the meme works)
  12. Gather ‘round my friends, for I have a story for you all. It is a harrowing tale from years past, and one which has become legendary as time has proceeded. When the very first Acadians came to the shores of the New World, they knew of the many dangers which haunted the shadows. Terrifying beasts, vicious barbarians, horrifying illness, treacherous weather, and even enemies from the Old World who sought to ruin what the Acadians hoped to build. Undaunted, the colonists were well-prepared, and select Acadians took up arms to defend the rest. Many such regiments have fought and died to protect the colony during its existence, but chief among them is the most famous band: The Muskets of the North Star. Patrolling the borders of Acadia ever since their inception, the Muskets have proven its most stalwart defenders and seen off countless threats that would have destroyed lesser men. Masters of the terrain and all manner of weaponry, they are the examples to which all Acadians should aspire. Tonight, I will share but one of their adventures, although it must surely rank as one of their most dramatic. Many years ago, the Muskets of the North Star, led by their stalwart captain Kendrew, were camped at the edge of a great lake on the fringes of Acadia. Just as they were all beginning supper, the shouts of a sentry rang out: “Ambush! Ambush!” Shots rang out from the hill overlooking the Acadian camp, as the men of the Muskets scrambled to grab their weapons and rise to the defense. A large band of savage raiders, familiar with the land and eager for Acadian blood, attacked down from the hill, raining fire into the camp. The banners of many tribes flew in the breeze, and Kendrew knew this had to be a major attack as he rallied his men to return fire in kind. The Musket’s aim was unerring, but attacking from above and with the element of surprise, the savages had the advantage, and soon more than half the Acadians were dead or wounded, desperately seeking cover in the ruins of their camp. As the savages closed in, even the most determined man could see the odds were against them. Suddenly, the savages halted! Out from their ranks strode a massive man, marked as a war chief by the great wooden mask he wore, carved in the aspect of a foul serpent. “Surrender Acadians!” He bellowed, “and we will make sure your deaths are quick!”. The savages around him jeered mockingly. From the Muskets position stood Kendrew, unbowed. “Your terms are noted, but rejected. The Muskets of the North Star shall never surrender, nor is it we who will perish today. For you see…. You are already dead!” “Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat??” shouted the confused chief, spittle flying from his lips, as his fellow raiders cackled. Whatever his next words, they were not uttered, as the chief’s head suddenly exploded, showering those nearby with blood and brains. As the savages wheeled about in confusion, massed rifle fire rang from their rear, they had been flanked! As Kendrew distracted the enemy, a force of Muskets had crept in the shadows behind their lines and now engaged, scything down their foes. The remaining Muskets in the camp charged as well, unified in one brave cheer: “FOR ACADIA!” tl;dr I had too much fun making this, Acadia recognizes war. Let's do this Parti-baby!
  13. You know, props to Lord for seeing how all their announcements went, and not just doubling down, but taking a shovel so they could continue digging all the way to China (or a way out of this hell, whichever comes first). Have fun guys.
  14. There are a good 15 more sentences in this thread ending with "bud" or "lmao" than there have any right to be. Think of the children, cease this madness.
  15. Someone's got to keep Roq on his toes. I, for one, welcome our new alliance affairs overLORDs. heheheh, two bad jokes for the price of one.
  16. Glad to see that in the annals of pathetic OWF threads, this one is still going strong, good job. But anyway, please take this self-righteous whining somewhere else, I don't want to miss Lord's next big FA move.
  17. Theeeere we go, much better. Very sage.
  18. I read through the thread to see if I said anything in it, and besides nostalgia, found that I had absolutely nothing interesting to say two years ago. Disappointed, but not surprised.
  19. Well, when one treaty is canceled, another must be written, so it is decreed by our Lord and Savior Roquentin in the Book of Dynamism™™. Guess I can do that and declare war on NSR at the same time! Anyway, best of luck to TKR and Guardian going forward.
  20. War is great, *especially* if your alliance is the one getting rolled!
  21. Purple sphere huh. Good to see you're still fighting for color stocks Partisan, a most noble pursuit.
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