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Everything posted by Sphinx

  1. Yeah but except the US military actually has planes, unlike a certain group. Was a good meme though, ;,,P
  2. 1 Year of getting @ everyone pings each week..... Well better get ready for 2 round two this year. Happy birthday Camelot, screw you Epi, ;,p
  3. Double posted their mate, also yes TJest is pretty much fighting everybody so go nuts.
  4. Wish you guys all the best and a speedy rebuild, you fought well hope you find some treaty partners soon.
  5. Finally some log leaks that don't include me in them...... Good Luck TJest you're gonna need it.
  6. It seems on the day that Polaris stuffed up, is the same day OFA killed the English language, I feel like I need google translate to rephrase some of those sentences. Also nah mate you're not a dick OFA wasn't going to last long with this genius at the helm consider it a public service so people know not to sign an alliance so unstable. Finally If he thinks attacking BotC will turn out well for OFA then he's got another thing coming.
  7. I love these and Alyster's so much. ;D I will say however that their not actually true since we aren't just beiging at will, and when you compare how we did in Knightfall to this you can't deny theres a strong improvement, but keep em coming love self deprecating humour.
  8. Now that we've been implanted with the new Roqbot upgrades morale has been increased permanently. Cya in 2024. Join Chaos bloc.... What are you a heretic... We can never forsake the God Emperor Roquentin and Inquisitor Thanos. Not falling for Tzeentch's tricks..... I'm with Kev.
  9. You guys fought hard, we can only thank you for sticking with us thus far. Whilst I hoped you'd stay until the final innings, theirs no shame in bowing out gracefully, everyone at tCW wishes you a speedy rebuild. You guys in TUE rock, so its been a pleasure fighting alongside you. Just let them have their delusions, Covenant, Citadel, BK/NPO and GotG etc are all going strong, we're in this to win it so we'll be most likely in the trenches for quite some time.
  10. Well that's good news for once... Considering you all whined when I did it to escape a cycle blockade yet dozens on your side are guilty of using the same tactic, maybe you shouldn't just run to the admin and complain when things aren't going your way. I agree so when is half of KT and all of Oblivion going to get banned for war slot filling because according to Alex... Looks like suicide attacks are off the table, ;,p I made sure I hit micros not involved in the global war, and ones that had a full 3 slots open so it didn't prevent anyone from attacking them. At the time I looked I couldn't see any treaties that showed they were allies but with some of them having 2 dozen treaties on their own I apparently missed that one was allied to ES. But the vast majority of them aren't not allies.
  11. Considering Leo first linked me the thread when it was posted, so no not calling in backup but nice try.
  12. @Aragorn, son of Arathorn @Roquentin Also good to know we have an ample supply of personal cheerleaders to give their input no one wanted nor even asked for. Also Shady, Inst isn't going to be happy to find out your trying to take his role as most insane forum poster,
  13. Shhh, don't let him find out..... Its funny watching him make a fool of himself. I agree a lot of micro posts are stupid, but their a welcome break from the usual salt filled drama threads that appear all too often, plus if it makes micros interact with the wider community more it might make them want to join more established alliances and stop struggling to survive in the micro level mosh pit.
  14. @Akuryo This guy might be the most micro of all micros..... Sheepy really need to do something to stop any old Pleb making an alliance.
  15. Pretty Ironic coming from Empyrea, considering with how broke you guys are you'll have to resort to begging to have any hope of rebuilding to your pre-war size.
  16. The fact I have to stop watching the Cricket to post in this train wreck of a thread... Sketchy mate come on. You're serious? Using out of context logs from a over 2 hour conversation with hypothetical scenarios raised doesn't help your case in fact it makes you seem even more desperate. I've given clarification for them and if you don't want to believe it that's fine, but it doesn't make it any more true than you hope it is. And Honestly, its astonishing at the level of hypocrisy that some from Chaos/KETOG have shown in this thread, that video and "transcript' is something special......... I honestly think some people are too blind to realise their irate ramblings and "theories", only draw people closer together against them. We're it not for the hatred you have for NPO or BK, they would've been enemies long ago but even when they try to break you just do everything in your power to make it painfully obvious to them that any break would be exploited by the very same people who keep pushing for this supposed "dynamism". Secondly to address the claims of "NPO killed CN they'll do it here as well", I played CN for years (2010-2015), when the game was still active, at no point did NPO have anything like the hegemony you claim. Only when the game really started dying and player numbers collpased below 10k did NPO start to become top dog and that wasn't through consolidation or anything or the sort it was simply because they had the staying power others did not, as someone mentioned before Doombird was far more hegemonic than NPO ever was. People claiming otherwise are either noobs who didn't experience old school CN, before its demise or are just spreading lies. In PW, NPO don't have anywhere near the sort of "hegemony" you claim. And yes I know people are going to say "Oh but Sphinx you plotted against Chaos, so your just as full of shit as them", yeah I did plot against them so of course I'm full of shit, but at least I can recognise our side is at fault to. Yes BK and NPO have a strong consolidation of the mid tier but the very same people parroting the garbage about that conveniently ignore G&G's even stronger vice grip on the upper tier. Grumpy especially has steamrolled through any upper tier opposition. Whilst that's not anything to fault Grumpy for, If people are going to try and bring up consolidation at least look in a damn mirror before conventionally ignoring you own consolidation. EDIT: Just to respond to Smith's post. You know maybe they volunteered to join..... Not everyone in NPO sphere is a brainless slave shackled to Roq's hamster ball. 2ND EDIT: Also why are people so obsessed about what NPO's CB is, global wars have been fought with no CB's before, why should you be so concerned with what another alliance chooses to do, Your feelings on that are worth squat since its NPO choice to take military action for their own reasons if you don't want to believe that, then be my guest but to repeat it over and over is just honestly sad. Now I can go back to the Cricket before its over..... Already had another out that I missed..... >_>
  17. Thought you were referring to Western Union the alliance at first, but yeah aren't those guys still pretty profitable? Obviously not with telegrams like they once were but with money orders and transfers etc.
  18. Such a shame as well..... Skype was good in the glory days now its just a pile of laggy rubbish. Also, its about time something technical other than Sheepy's server crashes.
  19. I'm hearing Cloudflare is having issues as well, so that might explain why Discord is down, Haven't heard any ETA of when a fix is near. Guess we've gotta do things the old fashion way.... Carrier pigeon it is then, @TheNG
  20. I really need to stop using MS Paint.....
  21. Its because they are paranoid because they need to find some sort of justification for their claims of BK controlling everybody, if it was even true does anyone really think BK would not call someone in right away and allow most of their sphere to take heavy damage? Its amusing that any slight piece of "evidence" they get they run with to try and back up their claims of a "conspiracy", N$0's conduct has been entirely within their bounds they outlined and is their own choice to choose their terms of engagement and apply them. To claim that BK has control over 2,000 nations is insanity, at this stage we could say the logs were allowed to be leaked to bait them into a defensive war and they'd believe it, despite it being demonstrable false. And they can't present proof, at best they've got circumstantial evidence which baited them and helps fulfill their assumptions Their conspiracy theory is as dumb as the people parroting the claims that Surf's up was a fake war. And for that supposed "leak", it was from a long conversation over over 2 hours where we discussed political justifications, the war progress etc. Aku at one stage presented a series of hypothetical scenarios. If one out of context comment where I stated some clarification for a scenario presented is the best you have for your theories then you have nothing at all. Here is a snippet of one of the scenarios which prompted the discussion:
  22. > When your attempt of criticism of Grumpy only serves to showcase their efficiency. Congrats on your milestone SRD. I've got many friends in Grumpy so its been a pleasure and extremely fun over the years for the times that we've been allies with Grumpy, fighting together many times in the past and the times we've been enemies both now and previously. Here's to 1k, and another 1k more, happy birthday!
  23. Grumpy/Guardian alone have complete dominance of the 30+ tier, even CoS an alliance that is no slouch in war by any streach of the immigration was destroyed in a matter of hours by them, t$ is merely doing what its their own Interest in ensuring an already bloated whale tier in Grumpy/Guardian has some form of resistance to their consolidation, and no contrary to the leaks we never asked t$ to do this.
  24. Of which more than 300 of those on the BK/TC side are under 13 cities, so that doesn't tell you the full picture. On a raw city count basis your side has us beat,
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