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Everything posted by Diocletian

  1. Well sheepy maybe it's time for a thorough reset after all?
  2. Yeah, best of luck and cheers to ya on accomplishing that without aid from other big alliances
  3. but, but... Do you even market bruh? prices are going down for about everything. While it's not definitive proof the conflict's about over, my money's firmly on the table. Kiddos gotta go back to school and stuff
  4. lol @ the line about Kentucky taking over Ohio. We outnumber you 3 to 1, bring it. We'll take over KY instead, and move on the gun-hating state of Michigan. It's the only natural solution
  5. Internet's 'Murican, run commies run.
  6. Don't be so coy. You guys did great and we appreciate the help regardless of "how little" you think you put into it. The principle is what matters, and to have trustworthy and reliable allies is such an astounding thing!
  7. When you find yourself in range, come find me. I wanna dance with you so hard
  8. Still likely in regards to Alpha. Yeah I do owe tS an apology though, I had you pegged for Mensa. Honest mistake, won't happen again.
  9. Likely calling out Alpha again. Indirectly of course, and behind the treaty web.
  10. It's been off and on for the past few hours for me. Seems stable enough though - for now.
  11. You've been solid allies for a long time now CS. Best of luck and warm regards!
  12. And yet still, the fact remains it's a Chinese-made rag, same as any other, it's no one's fault but their own they hold such symbols above that of human kind interests.
  13. Incorrect, VE never hit tS, only Guardian. Everthing is fair in love as well as Orbis conflict(s).
  14. As a multi/spy. congrats & stuff. No need to feed any more into that primal yolk.
  15. lul. you take this game so seriously that you rage like a "Directioner" fangirl when her idols are insulted. Seriously, stop talking like you understand past tS-VE relations. You haven't been around long enough to pass judgements.
  16. You keep thinking that buddy Also, welcome to the field TEst, you're worthy opponents indeed!
  17. Who's fault is it Mensa hides beside a spiderweb of treaties? ...no one's. Probably not even Mensa's
  18. Stop getting so cheeky man, I imagine your face was as red as a fire truck when you typed that. The fact is ALL flags, regardless of nationality are metaphorically and, in countless more cases, literally dripping with human blood. The problem isn't which particular Chinese-made piece of cloth men and women throughout history have marched to their death believing in, it's that they felt it necessary to murder other human beings because of said symbolism. By all means though, keep thumping your chest to that jingoistic banter. Just be mindful of the fact that without followers of the state worshipping said symbolism, there'd be no reason for any of it. A symbol only holds as much power over an individual as he or she allows it to.
  19. To be fair, if you don't like the way the war system handles in this game you could just move to Somalia. Erm, I mean go back to (That terrible game that is totally irrelevant and I shouldn't be bringing it up anyways).
  20. Truly though, if we're gonna be all about political correctness at least understand that so-called "Confederate flag" never was a CSA national flag. It was the battle flag of Tennessee. When an ignorant individual calls others ignorant is creates one helluva dichotomy, doesn't it?
  21. We recieved reports that you was attempting to build WMDs a stealth bomber facility. We couldn't allow that to happen, although surely this spy op wasn't authorized, (I'm assuming) and was a complete failure, we must still see to it North Korea Shikoinij does not reach this point in developmental capacity.
  22. gogogo! sending Guardian Latin love bunnies <3
  23. Yeah the world to back us up from a coalition that sought to backstab even their alleged "friends." And of course we're sitting back looking perdy, it's what we do best
  24. Holy nutballs, didn't even know you guys were still around. At any rate, gratz and best of luck!
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