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The Final Nail in the Coffin/Future of TEst?




Yet again, the Silent War is another example of Terminus Est consolidating its hold on the sphere. With a relatively exhausted Pantheon now finishing up the conflict against the VE, Terminus Est, along with Roz Wei and Arrgh descend on the weakened force. Likewise, the superior numerical advantage, combined with an already weakened military force leaves Terminus Est and allies with little significant damage.


With Alpha's declaration on Mensa HQ in defense of NPO, the Syndisphere had three choices regarding deployment of military reserves: to honor treaty obligations with Pantheon and attack Terminus Est and her allies, to defend Mensa HQ against Alpha's attack or both. It is this writer's suspicion that there was backroom dealing or pure intimidation on the part of Terminus Est to have the Syndisphere choose to attack Alpha. No doubt the previous 2 month conflict and Alpha's personal history also played a part. In light of Terminus Est's previous cooperation with TS during Steve's War, Terminus Est and the Syndisphere may have also come to an agreement to have the events play out as it did.


Regardless, the final nail in the coffin was complete. Alpha, still exhausted from the onslaught from the previous wars, suffers further decline. Pantheon surrenders to Terminus Est. Terminus Est now dominates the upper tier unilaterally. Both from a tactical and strategic standpoint, it is clear Terminus Est is the ultimate victor of these last few wars.


*It is worth noting that Seabasstion, the former leader of Sparta, now resides in Terminus Est.


Terminus Est will likely surge ahead of Alpha and Pantheon for the foreseeable future, and will likely capitalize on the aftermath of the Silent War. Pantheon and Alpha alone cannot challenge the numerical superiority of Terminus Est in a conventional war, disregarding the unlikelihood of the two alliances becoming partners.


Challenges for Terminus Est in the future is maintaining political relations in backdoor channels. With the rise of the Syndisphere as hegemon and the breakup of Paragon, it is imperative for Terminus Est to not present itself as a second sphere. The paperless policy helps obscure any potential formation of a second sphere, and the artful use of the policy has been exhibited by Terminus Est leadership for some time now. With Pantheon (the only real contestant still remotely capable of posing a threat to TEst) battered in the aftermath of the Silent War, Terminus Est can expect some time of peaceful growth before a potential conflict looms.


Terminus Est's strengths has been the quiet manipulation between two spheres to always find easy victories that consolidate its power. From Steve's War to the Silent War, Terminus Est has placed itself as a military reserve force to be used by one side or the other to decisively turn the odds of any given conflict. Their strength is also their weakness, since Paragon has been decisively defeated and will remain so for the foreseeable future. Having connections to both spheres and playing on the two sphere's focus each other, it will be in the interest of Terminus Est to either prop up Paragon, or at least maintain a myth of a reborn Rose sphere.



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Dude you need to smoke less... One, of the Pantheon members not running to V-Mode, there was a major city advantage their way in the top 10 fights. they all had full millitary, and little to non opostition from their VE targets.

Two, they still have more infra than us and they still have more whales than us. We only closed the gap alittle, we dint crush Pantheon at all.


Seriously you need to stop writing about things you dont know about, you might have you'r ideas about TEst, but they are far off the mark. Now go back to making up shit about your own alliance.

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Dude you need to smoke less... One, of the Pantheon members not running to V-Mode, there was a major city advantage their way in the top 10 fights. they all had full millitary, and little to non opostition from their VE targets.

Two, they still have more infra than us and they still have more whales than us. We only closed the gap alittle, we dint crush Pantheon at all.


Seriously you need to stop writing about things you dont know about, you might have you'r ideas about TEst, but they are far off the mark. Now go back to making up shit about your own alliance.


lol, why do you sound so salty? You have no reason to be salty. You can think my ideas are wrong without having your panties in a twist. 

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"it will be in the interest of Terminus Est to either prop up Paragon"


lel, we fight Alpha next time.

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Yeah! You're keeping everyone else from providing content by generating content of your own. Totally unfair because no one else can blog.

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This blog seems to be a ass-kissing of Terminus Est and does nothing to improve the opinion of your alliance which I already have a high opinion of as warriors and tactical fighters - if anything, it lowers it. That must be all the 1-star votes.

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IMO you give us too much credit. we don't go for easy wars. we go for ones that we think could fight and are always disappointed. You also neglect to say that Jim Beam was leader of sparta, as well as that seabassation mention is ham-handed, why do you mention it? TEst is in a good position but you're making our loyalty to the blood-god look like that to the emperor. 

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You sure like writing about me and TEst. Keep it up. It's interesting to see the assumptions you make. I do find it funny that you think we bullied tS into attacking you. 

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IMO you give us too much credit. we don't go for easy wars. we go for ones that we think could fight and are always disappointed. You also neglect to say that Jim Beam was leader of sparta, as well as that seabassation mention is ham-handed, why do you mention it? TEst is in a good position but you're making our loyalty to the blood-god look like that to the emperor. 





You sure like writing about me and TEst. Keep it up. It's interesting to see the assumptions you make. I do find it funny that you think we bullied tS into attacking you. 


Just TEst. Your name is never mentioned. 


This blog seems to be a ass-kissing of Terminus Est and does nothing to improve the opinion of your alliance which I already have a high opinion of as warriors and tactical fighters - if anything, it lowers it. That must be all the 1-star votes.


This blog is a reflection on how TEst went from a small 20 nation alliance in February to #1 today. Such a rapid rise in stats over the short time frame is worth studying. My alliance is not the main story here. Of course, I am operating under the assumption that TEst's meteoric rise is intentional and planned. 

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Most FA stuff is done by Prefontaine, so I don't have the entire scope of the issue, but this is in no way how TEst planned or sees things right now. Of course TEst's rise was intentional, and Pre has been a fantastic leader, but we still accepted a large degree of risk that either TKR or tS would declare on us after our declaration on Pantheon. Discussion certainly took place, but no intimidation ever happened. Furthermore, while it remains that we are a powerful upper tier alliance, it is not at all the case that we expect unilateral dominance - any alliance in Syndisphere or Paracovenant can, with the help of a few friends and proper planning, methodically roll us. Finally, regarding your final claim, we plan to do neither at the moment - as peacetime will probably come in the next few weeks, we've been shifting focus more to domestic affairs. At the moment we support neither sphere, and don't plan on doing so in the near future.

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Most FA stuff is done by Prefontaine, so I don't have the entire scope of the issue, but this is in no way how TEst planned or sees things right now. Of course TEst's rise was intentional, and Pre has been a fantastic leader, but we still accepted a large degree of risk that either TKR or tS would declare on us after our declaration on Pantheon. Discussion certainly took place, but no intimidation ever happened. Furthermore, while it remains that we are a powerful upper tier alliance, it is not at all the case that we expect unilateral dominance - any alliance in Syndisphere or Paracovenant can, with the help of a few friends and proper planning, methodically roll us. Finally, regarding your final claim, we plan to do neither at the moment - as peacetime will probably come in the next few weeks, we've been shifting focus more to domestic affairs. At the moment we support neither sphere, and don't plan on doing so in the near future.


But your statement validates most of what I have said. By your own admission, there was a "discussion" (tbh, I only put in 'intimidation' because it would have sounded presumptuous of me to say that TEst was coordinating with tS, and how scandalous it would be if tS willingly let Pantheon burn). My statement regarding TEst's strength is further capitalized by your admission that it is within TEst's interests to "focus more to domestic affairs" and not present TEst as another sphere. Your last sentence is a validation of what TEst plans for now, which is maintaining the myth that Rose and the Paracovenant is still a second sphere capable of challenging the Syndisphere. 

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This blog is a reflection on how TEst went from a small 20 nation alliance in February to #1 today. Such a rapid rise in stats over the short time frame is worth studying. My alliance is not the main story here. Of course, I am operating under the assumption that TEst's meteoric rise is intentional and planned. 


Well reasoned.

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Yes, our Rise was intentional and Planned. I planned to have my alliance succeed and grow. If your alliance leader doesn't have that intention or plan, then I feel bad for you. 


Of course we worked with tS in our attack on you, we launched a coordinated assault. If your alliance leaders don't coordinate with alliances they're working with, then I feel bad for you. 


When you mention TEst's growth, you're talking about me and the moves I've made. So when you've been talking about TEst, you've been talking about me. I'll give you a glimpse on why we work. I find out in general what my members want, then I try to deliver it to them. 

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When you mention TEst's growth, you're talking about me and the moves I've made. So when you've been talking about TEst, you've been talking about me. I'll give you a glimpse on why we work. I find out in general what my members want, then I try to deliver it to them. 

I can vouch for this right here.  As some of you know, I used to go by "Coach" when I first started way back in Beta.  I bounced from AA to AA to AA....GPA, Rose, back to GPA, Sigma, Alpha, VE, Pantheon, Sparta, some Viking themed one with Ole, Odin and Pre, and now I finally found a home with TEst.  The reason for the frequent moves was because those AAs at those times, didn't seem to be doing much (IMO) to further themselves.  Being an old timer from another cyberverse (which I still play...don't know why) since '09, I wanted to be in an AA that doing something.....going somewhere....getting things done.....and that is TEst and Pre has had the helm since I got there and things have been pretty damn good.

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The sky is indeed falling. Prefontaine was the one who made our target lists and if we didn't follow through, Ivan, Cuzzelle, and Chaunce were going to git rekt :(

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lol, why do you sound so salty? You have no reason to be salty. You can think my ideas are wrong without having your panties in a twist. 


No Twists, i just figured if you are to present something like "The Rise of TEst" you might write something accurate or atleast borderline based upon actuall events.

But ill have to say, it is flattering, atlest some of it. We come off more nefarious, than i tought we were and thats nice.

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The Devil indeed did sell his soul to Prefontaine.

True story.


Children in Uzbekistan also fear that Dr. Kourin is hiding in their closet at night.

If you say "Lo Pan" in the mirror three times while the light is out, I will appear in the reflection.


All true.

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No Twists, i just figured if you are to present something like "The Rise of TEst" you might write something accurate or atleast borderline based upon actuall events.

But ill have to say, it is flattering, atlest some of it. We come off more nefarious, than i tought we were and thats nice.


You know, the more I argue with Pre and Partisan, the more I am proving your statement wrong. If you want to try and deflect criticism that is true, make it less obvious by not appearing really salty. The best way to go about it is to be sarcastic and joking, like Pre and Partisan in this blog. 



The Devil indeed did sell his soul to Prefontaine.

True story.


Children in Uzbekistan also fear that Dr. Kourin is hiding in their closet at night.

If you say "Lo Pan" in the mirror three times while the light is out, I will appear in the reflection.


All true.


So this is where you went! And here I thought you were going to finish reading Seabass's post on Pre's blog and apologize to me for being a total idiot. 

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