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The Events Leading Up To Steve's War/TEst's Lucky Break (Updated)




With new testimony coming to light, I felt an update was necessary:




The 168 Day War was one of the many conflicts between the Rose and Syndisphere blocs. The war itself never brought the same decisive victory as seen in the Silent War, however, it is notable in that Alpha makes its debut on the world stage. Arising from the war is the formation of Sparta as an upper tier alliance sided with Alpha, and the grudge between the Syndicate and Alpha over treaty clauses and obligations. Partisan notes in the blog "We were perfectly fine with [Alpha] entering in Roz Wei. We were not okay with [Alpha] entering on SK after [Alpha] had promised the former." This would become a "catalyst" for Steve's War.


On April 16th, Seabasstion, then the leader of Sparta, staged an intricate military drill which faked a combat scenario with Terminus Est. This involved a number of Sparta's allies, including the dominant upper tier alliance Alpha.


In Pre's blog on the "real" TEst, Seabass confessed an ulterior motive: to purge Spartan leadership and merge with TEst. Seabasstion felt that the majority of the leadership in Sparta was "poor" and the military drill was designed to throw Sparta into "chaos" to "cut the fat." In my own post on the same page, I extrapolated that Seabass didn't inform any allies of the drill because there was a possibility that the news it was fake could inform back to Sparta and Spartan leadership, which was not challenged. For Seabass, "[The drill] wasn't designed to hurt Sparta's allies. It was designed to destroy Sparta itself." His hopes were that Sparta would go to a "better place" (topic/12297-sparta-announcement/). Lo Pan's post notes that "The only deception on Terminus Est's part was not announcing t(o) the public that both Sparta and TEst were discussing a merge for a couple months before we actually did."


The military drill, along with the subsequent demilitarization following the announcement of Terminus Est on the evening of the 16th, placed Alpha and her allies in a position of unpreparedness.


*It is now worth noting that Seabasstion, the former leader of Sparta, steps down and said that he will leave. He will join TEst following the Spartan merge.


On April 18th, the Syndicate, Mensa HQ, and Terminus Est begin militarizing to settle old grudges. On April 22nd, Terminus Est and the Syndicate launch an attack on Alpha. Terminus Est cited the Rose leak as the casus belli (https://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/12330-press-release-from-the-syndicate-on-alpha-and-recent-events/?p=232159). Syndicate cited Alpha's attempt to "isolate" the Syndicate as the CB. On April 23rd, in light of the rapid demobilization from the staged drill and Rose Sphere's unwillingness to fight, Alpha declares it will not ask allies to join the fight. On April 26th, with minimal losses, Terminus Est leaves the conflict.


*In previous posts, I have alluded to the possibility that Seabass was a Terminus Est plant designed to weaken Alpha's ally and give Terminus Est a casus belli to roll Alpha. I retract those statements. I now believe that Seabass was an independent actor who wanted to weaken Alpha's ally and accidentally gave Terminus Est a CB to roll Alpha. To which I said, "[there was] no conscious genius on [seabass's] part [for the demise of half the sphere]."


Terminus Est quickly disposes the majority of Alpha's conventional military troops and withdraws from the conflict, thus avoiding further losses from Alpha's nuclear stockpile, leaving The Syndicate and Alpha to incur losses of their own and to slug out the grudge of the 168 Day war. Seabasstion, in preparation for several months to try and merge with TEst behind the backs of the rest of Spartan leadership and membership, achieves his goal when Sparta surrenders to the Black Knights in the following NPO war.


The consequences of Steve's War is most reflective in hindsight: With a dash of luck, TEst is given a unique opportunity to roll an alliance they expressed interest in attacking for a while (Alpha) in almost a 3 to 1 with the backing of the Syndisphere and later almost doubles its membership from the Spartan merge.



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I actually never left Sparta. Not sure where you got guardian from.


Also you can't say I had deliberate intent to weaken alpha and their allies while simultaneously saying there was no conscious genius to it.


If you're going to continually point to this as the event that served as the catalyst for your destruction; say that I was purposefully doing it to hurt alpha (see also : narcissistic paranoid crazy talk ) then I should rightfully get the global manipulator title. If my goal was really was to hurt you guys and this directly led to your destruction - well that's a pretty big feather in my cap.


Unfortunately for me my intentions were exactly as I stated earlier. I care very little for fa and thought very little of alpha pre, mid, and post drill.


I'm not trying to persuade you, mind you. Just if you really are going to attribute the drill solely of my design to destroying a sphere with intent to do so, you need to go all the way and claim me to be the biggest puppet master in the game. Thanks!

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Again incorrect :P. We hit Alpha because we had been presented with plenty of reason to believe that Alpha was actively trying to isolate us (and, if placed in a position to do so, roll us.


I understand that opinions are split on whether this was actually the case. Personally? I continue to believe that it was. It makes little sense to rehash that though as it does not matter: Alpha moved in a way that we perceived as a threat to us, and therefore we acted.


The Roz Wei/SK matter in the previous war was the catalyst to our initial fallout and our cancellation. Stuff occurred after that which would prompt us to actually attack.

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I actually never left Sparta. Not sure where you got guardian from.


Also you can't say I had deliberate intent to weaken alpha and their allies while simultaneously saying there was no conscious genius to it.


If you're going to continually point to this as the event that served as the catalyst for your destruction; say that I was purposefully doing it to hurt alpha (see also : narcissistic paranoid crazy talk ) then I should rightfully get the global manipulator title. If my goal was really was to hurt you guys and this directly led to your destruction - well that's a pretty big feather in my cap.


Unfortunately for me my intentions were exactly as I stated earlier. I care very little for fa and thought very little of alpha pre, mid, and post drill.


I'm not trying to persuade you, mind you. Just if you really are going to attribute the drill solely of my design to destroying a sphere with intent to do so, you need to go all the way and claim me to be the biggest puppet master in the game. Thanks!


"Alpha's Allies" = Sparta. You tried to "destroy" Sparta. Again, I think it's all a happy accident. No conscious genius on your part, don't give yourself credit you don't deserve. 


Also, didn't you go to Guardian after this post? https://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/12297-sparta-announcement/



Again incorrect :P. We hit Alpha because we had been presented with plenty of reason to believe that Alpha was actively trying to isolate us (and, if placed in a position to do so, roll us.


I understand that opinions are split on whether this was actually the case. Personally? I continue to believe that it was. It makes little sense to rehash that though as it does not matter: Alpha moved in a way that we perceived as a threat to us, and therefore we acted.


The Roz Wei/SK matter in the previous war was the catalyst to our initial fallout and our cancellation. Stuff occurred after that which would prompt us to actually attack.


Thank you for the clarification. I misinterpreted your statements in the post as the Roz Wei/SK incident being your main reason to go to war with Alpha. I've fixed it in the post. 

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no, i never left sparta until the merger. again not sure where you got guardian from.


also when you say

"I now believe that Seabass was an independent actor who wanted to weaken Alpha's allies"


i hope you can notice the plural form of ally that you wrote. when you pluralize something it implies more than one. so beyond sparta, which i guess is technically ally of alphas that i tried to 'weaken'  (something i had admitted in my first post on this subject), which other allies of alphas did i intend to hurt?


this isn't a complicated subject and im not sure what you are looking for or what the point of all of this is... just because the outcome of a situation doesn't favor you and your alliance does not serve as evidence to a big conspiracy against you.


in the event it's not clear yet - i'm not looking for credit on the alpha destruction as it was never my intent. you are absolutely correct when you say i dont deserve credit for it


i suppose i dont really care either way. if you want me to be the mr magoo of the alpha destruction to help you cope ill be happy to take one for the team. i dont really care what my label is. just let me know what you eventually settle on so i can update my diary accordingly

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no, i never left sparta until the merger. again not sure where you got guardian from.


also when you say

"I now believe that Seabass was an independent actor who wanted to weaken Alpha's allies"


i hope you can notice the plural form of ally that you wrote. when you pluralize something it implies more than one. so beyond sparta, which i guess is technically ally of alphas that i tried to 'weaken'  (something i had admitted in my first post on this subject), which other allies of alphas did i intend to hurt?


this isn't a complicated subject and im not sure what you are looking for or what the point of all of this is... just because the outcome of a situation doesn't favor you and your alliance does not serve as evidence to a big conspiracy against you.


in the event it's not clear yet - i'm not looking for credit on the alpha destruction as it was never my intent. you are absolutely correct when you say i dont deserve credit for it


i suppose i dont really care either way. if you want me to be the mr magoo of the alpha destruction to help you cope ill be happy to take one for the team. i dont really care what my label is. just let me know what you eventually settle on so i can update my diary accordingly


I remember you stayed in Guardian following the whole drill debacle, though I can't prove it since your nation logs don't go back to April. 


Sparta is an alliance with multiple nations, thus the plurality. I can see how that may be confusing, so I will change it in my post. 


I already point out that there is no conspiracy, just one leader with a conflict of interest that so happens to give an alliance he is colluding with a perfect opportunity and excuse to roll your ally. To put it more plainly, I don't think you are stupid or a genius. I just think you are a selfish traitor to an alliance you deliberately led into the ground and to allies you swore to "[not] threaten... with actions or words; directly or indirectly." Though I suppose, in the context that you intended to keep your word when signing with Alpha, that makes you incompetent and short-sighted. 

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you can call me all the names you wish but in my eyes the members of sparta are in a much better place now. my allegiance and responsibility has always been to them. part of that responsibility is recognizing that i am not the correct and best leader for them (nor was jim beam), and that being under a 'sparta' badge is not a necessity. i killed the name 'sparta' - i didn't kill the alliance as a whole. a lot of us are actually closer now than ever.


i was a cofounder of sparta and stayed there every day until the merger. i have no idea why you keep thinking i was part of guardian during this but i urge you to give listening a chance and begin to accept that people arent lying to you at every opportunity.


if you really need proof though, just look at my bank records. alliance ID 1861 was sparta. i only went around a month without bank access. the drill was end of april, i had bank access again by may 31st


again, im not sure where you are getting guardian from and im not sure why you are trying to convince me that i went there after the drill. or why it even matters if i did.


if you choose to interpret my actions which were solely rooted in making sparta better as a direct or indirect threat to alpha you are free to that opinion. if that makes me incompetent and short-sighted than perhaps that leads credence to my argument that leadership was bad under sparta and would be better served with another person at the helm. one of the best traits i have is knowing when and where my skills are deficient and im cavalier enough to do something about it.


would it have been better for sparta if we plowed ahead under poor leadership? retaining all the disorganization,  lackluster members, and band aid fixes? or would it be better if sparta cleaned house, reorganized, and got a new CEO? you are choosing to view sparta fixing itself as an indirect threat to alpha? i think a bigger threat would be to remain the wet paper tiger that we always were.


if it makes me a bad guy by valuing the wellbeing of spartan members more than alphans than i am a bad guy. i never pretended to be the 'good guy' here. im the guy that made a hard and difficult choice for a failing alliance. i slept perfectly fine that night.

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you can call me all the names you wish but in my eyes the members of sparta are in a much better place now. my allegiance and responsibility has always been to them. part of that responsibility is recognizing that i am not the correct and best leader for them (nor was jim beam), and that being under a 'sparta' badge is not a necessity. i killed the name 'sparta' - i didn't kill the alliance as a whole. a lot of us are actually closer now than ever.


But you felt prudent enough to not tell anyone in your own alliance about your goals. You acted on the belief that you were the only one who knew where Sparta "should be," and you knew that people wouldn't go along with your ideas, which is why you went through so much subterfuge. But I digress, it's irrelevant what Sparta's members think of you now. 



i was a cofounder of sparta and stayed there every day until the merger. i have no idea why you keep thinking i was part of guardian during this but i urge you to give listening a chance and begin to accept that people arent lying to you at every opportunity.


if you really need proof though, just look at my bank records. alliance ID 1861 was sparta. i only went around a month without bank access. the drill was end of april, i had bank access again by may 31st


again, im not sure where you are getting guardian from and im not sure why you are trying to convince me that i went there after the drill. or why it even matters if i did.


You're right, it's a red herring and I have no idea why you brought it up in the first place. I've already changed the post, to better reflect the evidence I have. 



if you choose to interpret my actions which were solely rooted in making sparta better as a direct or indirect threat to alpha you are free to that opinion. if that makes me incompetent and short-sighted than perhaps that leads credence to my argument that leadership was bad under sparta and would be better served with another person at the helm. one of the best traits i have is knowing when and where my skills are deficient and im cavalier enough to do something about it.


would it have been better for sparta if we plowed ahead under poor leadership? retaining all the disorganization,  lackluster members, and band aid fixes? or would it be better if sparta cleaned house, reorganized, and got a new CEO? you are choosing to view sparta fixing itself as an indirect threat to alpha? i think a bigger threat would be to remain the wet paper tiger that we always were.


if it makes me a bad guy by valuing the wellbeing of spartan members more than alphans than i am a bad guy. i never pretended to be the 'good guy' here. im the guy that made a hard and difficult choice for a failing alliance. i slept perfectly fine that night.


Oh please. Your vision of a "better" Sparta was to run it into the ground and merge with TEst. That's like saying you should amputate your penis because you got gonorrhea. If every alliance decided to suicide itself and merge with TEst every time their leadership was "poor," TEst would be its own bloated bloc.


You also could have addressed the "Spartan" problem without involving the rest of the bloc. If you were really looking out for the well-being of Sparta, you wouldn't have had to lie to half the sphere and your entire leadership about it. Don't cloak yourself in righteousness when its obvious what you did was your own selfish vision of Sparta being "in a better place."

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you can call me all the names you wish but in my eyes the members of sparta are in a much better place now. my allegiance and responsibility has always been to them. part of that responsibility is recognizing that i am not the correct and best leader for them (nor was jim beam), and that being under a 'sparta' badge is not a necessity. i killed the name 'sparta' - i didn't kill the alliance as a whole. a lot of us are actually closer now than ever.



I for one is very happy you guys joined, i love all of you ;)



But you felt prudent enough to not tell anyone in your own alliance about your goals. You acted on the belief that you were the only one who knew where Sparta "should be," and you knew that people wouldn't go along with your ideas, which is why you went through so much subterfuge. But I digress, it's irrelevant what Sparta's members think of you now. 



Clearly thats not true, i'd veto you for one.

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But you felt prudent enough to not tell anyone in your own alliance about your goals. You acted on the belief that you were the only one who knew where Sparta "should be," and you knew that people wouldn't go along with your ideas, which is why you went through so much subterfuge. But I digress, it's irrelevant what Sparta's members think of you now. 




You're right, it's a red herring and I have no idea why you brought it up in the first place. I've already changed the post, to better reflect the evidence I have. 




Oh please. Your vision of a "better" Sparta was to run it into the ground and merge with TEst. That's like saying you should amputate your penis because you got gonorrhea. If every alliance decided to suicide itself and merge with TEst every time their leadership was "poor," TEst would be its own bloated bloc.


You also could have addressed the "Spartan" problem without involving the rest of the bloc. If you were really looking out for the well-being of Sparta, you wouldn't have had to lie to half the sphere and your entire leadership about it. Don't cloak yourself in righteousness when its obvious what you did was your own selfish vision of Sparta being "in a better place."


next time i run an alliance ill look towards alpha on how to do it properly. have a good one

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next time i run an alliance ill look towards alpha on how to do it properly. have a good one


We've already established this, Alpha wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for your drill. God help the alliance you help run next. God help the idiot who puts you in a leadership position. 

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We've already established this, Alpha wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for your drill. God help the alliance you help run next. God help the idiot who puts you in a leadership position. 

"Alpha wouldn't be alpha without a scapegoat"

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"Alpha wouldn't be alpha without a scapegoat"


I assume you stopped reading what other people wrote in pre's blog after your last post that I replied to was thoroughly refuted. Even Pre admitted that Alpha's position would be radically different if it wasn't for Seabass's drill, unless you disagree with him, in which case by all means, present your evidence. 


Unlike Pre and Seabass, when you lose an argument you don't stop posting, you pop up in another blog to post unfounded quips to try and score points. Well, I see your ignorant quip and raise you an actual intelligent argument. 

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Interestingly enough, I never knew Seabasstion hated me.   And it was Jim who approached me about a treaty after being paperless allies for a time.  My main contact in Sparta was Jim and he was constantly talking about how he thought TEst was going to attack Sparta.  So clearly there was a disconnect between the reality, given they merged so clearly TEst wasn't their enemy - and what Alpha was told by Sparta.  I would've much preferred to have never known Sparta felt TEst was going to attack them and was threatening them.  Because in the end, it was just confusing when I saw them merge, lol.  And those Sparta-TEst tensions (or as I was told) bled over into TEst toward Alpha aggression.

Again incorrect :P. We hit Alpha because we had been presented with plenty of reason to believe that Alpha was actively trying to isolate us (and, if placed in a position to do so, roll us.
I understand that opinions are split on whether this was actually the case. Personally? I continue to believe that it was. It makes little sense to rehash that though as it does not matter: Alpha moved in a way that we perceived as a threat to us, and therefore we acted.
The Roz Wei/SK matter in the previous war was the catalyst to our initial fallout and our cancellation. Stuff occurred after that which would prompt us to actually attack.

Alpha was never planning an offensive strike on the The Syndicate.  Nor did we talk to any of your allies trying to get them to drop and isolate you.  We informed allies we felt you were preparing or an attack.  We were right.

That is where it ends and you've never brought out any real evidence that I've said we were going to aggressively attack you with allies.
Can't we just end the charade Partisan.  You hit us because you didn't like us and were upset from the prior war.  It's not really that bad of a CB even.  Just the dishonesty at this point is pointless.

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I assume you stopped reading what other people wrote in pre's blog after your last post that I replied to was thoroughly refuted. Even Pre admitted that Alpha's position would be radically different if it wasn't for Seabass's drill, unless you disagree with him, in which case by all means, present your evidence. 


Unlike Pre and Seabass, when you lose an argument you don't stop posting, you pop up in another blog to post unfounded quips to try and score points. Well, I see your ignorant quip and raise you an actual intelligent argument. 



Actually i've read through all of it, and your arguments are inherently flawed. Literally nothing you said was coherent, let alone probable. Alpha was looked at as a target by the syndisphere. We knew it in sparta, and that's why we distanced ourselves from the syndicate. The difference being with us restructuring we weren't drawn into the war, but TEst was far more friendly to the syndisphere at the same time. You tried to play both spheres and ended up in the ground because of it. I love steve, but his choices i question much of the time. In fact i've quite grown to like him in my 7 years in non-grata (That terrible game that is totally irrelevant and I shouldn't be bringing it up anyways). Hell, we were in PC together. 


To expand on that point, I asked pre DIRECTLY if he would talk to steve and he said he has tried time and again. 


I do like your "Refutation" argument though, nice ad homeniem.  You think that because i didn't reply to you in that thread that you won that argument? That's literally akin to saying "You were at school so i ate your pizza rolls" Because i was busy, you saw fit to go and take my pizza rolls. While i was at school. You just don't do that, man. I saw that your circular logic and reasoning followed one another, and i didn't reply because anything i would have said would have lead us here anyways, because not only are you pulling this vague idea of TEst being number one by FA and changes to the game that literally nobody could foresee being planned meticulously by Pre, but also try to place the blame on someone else, because you see alpha as being the potentially greatest AA in the game. What you have is a series of weak arguments strung up not only by weak ties, but believe those ties so convincing that you feel the need to denounce us publicly. That's what a narrative driven thesis does to you. Instead of looking at the events as disconnected from one to the other, you're convinced there's some commonality to them. That's egregious in its own right. You can make that argument, but you don't have evidence. I voted against joining TEst three times. Once in guardian, Second in sparta, and thirdly before this merge. I changed my vote after i realised it would be best for sparta.


The only thing seabasstion is guilty of, is caring too much about us. Sparta was bloated. i was a member of it. The people who left after the restructuring were the whales feeding off of it. It doesn't strike me as a reason for TEst to strike alpha. But when someone leaks you saying you're going to roll TEst after Sea announced publicly that he messed up, that becomes an issue of security.  

PandW is not (That terrible game that is totally irrelevant and I shouldn't be bringing it up anyways). It doesn't have reason or rhyme. I spent the entirety of my time in Poison Clan learning that. looking at these events as a whole overarching theme shows you that. i've looked at the same thing you have, and i've seen the same thing you have. and i think it's asinine to say that out of everything, that these events are connected more that coincidence. Why? Because if you look at each and every one separately, and really dive into them, you see that there isn't a reason behind TEst attacking alpha. TEst is an alliance that doesn't NEED a CB and one that LOVES fighting. Secondly, seabasstion is a lovable oaf. He's currently chewing me out for having to get stitches as a result of being in the Shellac Squad. He also was close to me during the Sparta, and held Alpha in high regard. He never said an ill thing about alpha, and quite liked you guys. We had plans to help you out, but we didn't follow through with them because we were restructuring and you were piled on before we could move to declare. Thirdly, The events seem to coalesce with our "Rise to power" but TEst is already behind three or more alliances militarily. What you see is us being strongest among the wounded. we were 7th place before this war started. now we're second. why? Because we stuck our noses elsewhere. 


To be honest I hold alpha, Especially Steve, in high regard. He's been there for my banter in non-grata for quite some time. Alpha i see as being downtrodden at the moment, but it will recover. At the same time you should take the fault you've been given and learn from it rather than be salty about it. Steve and Pre working together would quite honestly be my dream in this game.  It's a shame that it's currently not the case but i still have hope for it. 




I like steve

Your Refutation was literally circular logic so i didn't bother replying

Learn to look at things separately in a vacuum

Seabasstion loved alpha

Alpha is a good FA in my opinion

Take what you're given and learn from it. 

When you assume you make an ass out of you and me

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The only thing seabasstion is guilty of, is caring too much about us. Sparta was bloated. i was a member of it. The people who left after the restructuring were the whales feeding off of it. 


And you believe that the only way for Sparta to "fix" itself is to purposely suicide itself and merge with TEst, despite explicitly saying that you voted against the TEst merge? Seabass's "caring" is an interpretation that can only be justified post-facto and depends highly on the outcome of the events. If Seabass had simply suicided Sparta and failed to merge with TEst (and be where you are now), your view wouldn't have the same justification. 


It doesn't strike me as a reason for TEst to strike alpha. But when someone leaks you saying you're going to roll TEst after Sea announced publicly that he messed up, that becomes an issue of security. PandW is not (That terrible game that is totally irrelevant and I shouldn't be bringing it up anyways). It doesn't have reason or rhyme. I spent the entirety of my time in Poison Clan learning that. looking at these events as a whole overarching theme shows you that. i've looked at the same thing you have, and i've seen the same thing you have. and i think it's asinine to say that out of everything, that these events are connected more that coincidence. Why? Because if you look at each and every one separately, and really dive into them, you see that there isn't a reason behind TEst attacking alpha. TEst is an alliance that doesn't NEED a CB and one that LOVES fighting. 


I've never played (That terrible game that is totally irrelevant and I shouldn't be bringing it up anyways), probably won't ever. Don't know why you brought it up in the first place. And I also agree with you, I've even said in the previous posts that Pre's statement about the Rose leak being influential was not for CB reasons, but because the leak clearly showed Rose and her allies inability to defend Alpha should TEst roll. 


If you also read my entry (and the shorter posts in response to Seabass), I no longer believe that Seabass was deliberately maneuvered into a position of leadership in Sparta to screw Alpha and her other allies. I do, however, think he is incompetent and short-sighted. Even by your own post-facto standards, you can't possibly deny that his drill did a lot of damage to the sphere that Sparta was a part of (not to mention Sparta herself). 



Secondly, seabasstion is a lovable oaf. He's currently chewing me out for having to get stitches as a result of being in the Shellac Squad. He also was close to me during the Sparta, and held Alpha in high regard. He never said an ill thing about alpha, and quite liked you guys. We had plans to help you out, but we didn't follow through with them because we were restructuring and you were piled on before we could move to declare.


I'm sure a lot of people, both in TEst and Sparta previously, can testify to his character. Hell, even Steve was warm (and I assume still is) when Seabass announced that he was stepping down. Never saying anything ill about Alpha is irrelevant to me as a writer. Whatever the case, Seabass failed to inform his allies of the drill being faked and that drill cost the entire bloc resources and time that resulted in Alpha's destruction (and later, arguably, the whole bloc). Seabass lied to his own leadership, the leadership of his allies, and his own alliance membership, to which he blatantly said in Pre's entry that he wanted to destroy Sparta and purge her leadership to merge with TEst. Regardless of what happened after, that still is treasonous, not to mention a major conflict of interest.



Thirdly, The events seem to coalesce with our "Rise to power" but TEst is already behind three or more alliances militarily. What you see is us being strongest among the wounded. we were 7th place before this war started. now we're second. why? Because we stuck our noses elsewhere.


Again, I would argue this is part of a strategic calculation made by TEst's leadership. In my previous entry, hidude454545 even admitted to a "discussion" between TEst and the Syndisphere which led to tS deploying military resources to counter Alpha, instead of honoring treaty obligations to Pantheon. Partisan blatantly deflected my questioning on the matter. While yes, it's true that TEst is in pure numbers weaker than tS or even Rose for that matter, TEst's power resides in a strong, active upper tier. tS knew of the 100+ nations they had pre-Steve's war, only around 20 of them would be able to fight with Alpha on equal ground because of the nation score limitation. TEst is what Alpha was on steroids. Almost 50 upper tier nations, thrown in any direction, is a win. I don't think even tS and all her little micros could win in a conventional fight against TEst simply because of that.


TEst has historically entered in on wars that directly weaken alliances with strong upper tier nations and has benefited in some way, either through a post-bellum merge or scattering those upper tier nations and diluting their power. TEst is the only alliance right now with more than 30 active upper tier nations. Excluding combat experience, response time, and military stockpiles, TEst still dominates the upper tier simply through sheer numbers. The wars and events TEst has been involved in has always led to positive growth of the alliance in that upper tier. To call those events disconnected and coincidental is missing a larger picture of TEst's long-term strategic planning. 



To be honest I hold alpha, Especially Steve, in high regard. He's been there for my banter in non-grata for quite some time. Alpha i see as being downtrodden at the moment, but it will recover. At the same time you should take the fault you've been given and learn from it rather than be salty about it. Steve and Pre working together would quite honestly be my dream in this game.  It's a shame that it's currently not the case but i still have hope for it. 


I'm not salty, I'm just baffled at how Seabass could have ever gotten a leadership position. Seeing the disastrous effects of his leadership (for whatever little gain you perceive came out of it), I would like to see that the next person thinking of giving him any real power consider how badly he screwed his own allies and his own alliance, the later being deliberately. 

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And you believe that the only way for Sparta to "fix" itself is to purposely suicide itself and merge with TEst, despite explicitly saying that you voted against the TEst merge? Seabass's "caring" is an interpretation that can only be justified post-facto and depends highly on the outcome of the events. If Seabass had simply suicided Sparta and failed to merge with TEst (and be where you are now), your view wouldn't have the same justification. 

At the point, there was little to salvage. I would still follow behind Seabass. he may have had issues with leadership but i'm a soldier, and he was my king. I don't expect you to understand the bond that working through with him built. You say Post-facto, but i see it even if we didn't merge with TEst, that i would stick around with them. We were called spartans because of the bonding that we had together.



I'm sure a lot of people, both in TEst and Sparta previously, can testify to his character. Hell, even Steve was warm (and I assume still is) when Seabass announced that he was stepping down. Never saying anything ill about Alpha is irrelevant to me as a writer. Whatever the case, Seabass failed to inform his allies of the drill being faked and that drill cost the entire bloc resources and time that resulted in Alpha's destruction (and later, arguably, the whole bloc). Seabass lied to his own leadership, the leadership of his allies, and his own alliance membership, to which he blatantly said in Pre's entry that he wanted to destroy Sparta and purge her leadership to merge with TEst. Regardless of what happened after, that still is treasonous, not to mention a major conflict of interest.


It could be seen as a good thing, though. The bloc was weak, Rose was weak, VE was weak. The only two threats on the sphere was Sparta, because of nuclear power, and Alpha, because of dominance. Through fracturing the sphere both rose and VE have been weeding out the weak, becoming stronger. If things had stayed like they were, nothing would change. I don't remember the exact alliances that were in with us but i would say that it was a good thing that bloc split. Sparta, to join TEst was essentially a terminal issue. we all knew we were in talks for months about it. his culling of the leadership came at a point where the leaders no longer had power over their squads, let alone their policies. Leadership sometimes needs to be purged. he struggled with a way of doing this, i think. 


Again, I would argue this is part of a strategic calculation made by TEst's leadership. In my previous entry, hidude454545 even admitted to a "discussion" between TEst and the Syndisphere which led to tS deploying military resources to counter Alpha, instead of honoring treaty obligations to Pantheon. Partisan blatantly deflected my questioning on the matter. While yes, it's true that TEst is in pure numbers weaker than tS or even Rose for that matter, TEst's power resides in a strong, active upper tier. tS knew of the 100+ nations they had pre-Steve's war, only around 20 of them would be able to fight with Alpha on equal ground because of the nation score limitation. TEst is what Alpha was on steroids. Almost 50 upper tier nations, thrown in any direction, is a win. I don't think even tS and all her little micros could win in a conventional fight against TEst simply because of that.


TEst has historically entered in on wars that directly weaken alliances with strong upper tier nations and has benefited in some way, either through a post-bellum merge or scattering those upper tier nations and diluting their power. TEst is the only alliance right now with more than 30 active upper tier nations. Excluding combat experience, response time, and military stockpiles, TEst still dominates the upper tier simply through sheer numbers. The wars and events TEst has been involved in has always led to positive growth of the alliance in that upper tier. To call those events disconnected and coincidental is missing a larger picture of TEst's long-term strategic planning. 

The obverse reaction to that is simply that TEst fights who they can match. we were looking at pantheon as a target since the merge to test out the spartans. it was the first war with me and Hidude as squad leaders. We want a good fight, so we thought pantheon would do so. We have active nations because we're consistantly at war. For example, before test i had 13000 infra destroyed. a month later, i have near 50k. we're active because leadership keeps ourselves on our toes. Strategic planning at this point and before was not needed because we have no goal. We literally have no goal, but to have fun. if we rise to the top because of that, then we're doing it while we're having fun. As for the Syndisphere response- We'd lose. We'd lose hard. You kid yourself if you think we'd even be able to put up a fight.  Back when TEst fought Alpha, they had 23 members. that is 23/20 vs 21 at the time.

As it stands we wanted a challenge. Nothing more, Nothing less. i would say that pantheon had the ability to fight us. they gave some of us a run for the money. They alone can match us in upper if they were practiced.  


I've never played (That terrible game that is totally irrelevant and I shouldn't be bringing it up anyways), probably won't ever. Don't know why you brought it up in the first place. And I also agree with you, I've even said in the previous posts that Pre's statement about the Rose leak being influential was not for CB reasons, but because the leak clearly showed Rose and her allies inability to defend Alpha should TEst roll. 


If you also read my entry (and the shorter posts in response to Seabass), I no longer believe that Seabass was deliberately maneuvered into a position of leadership in Sparta to screw Alpha and her other allies. I do, however, think he is incompetent and short-sighted. Even by your own post-facto standards, you can't possibly deny that his drill did a lot of damage to the sphere that Sparta was a part of (not to mention Sparta herself). 


I bring up (That terrible game that is totally irrelevant and I shouldn't be bringing it up anyways) because that's where me and steve met firsthand. The politics of (That terrible game that is totally irrelevant and I shouldn't be bringing it up anyways) are a far cry from here. You can be in multiple spheres. In P and W the only way to effectively fight on one side or the other is to be paperless. 


I'm not salty, I'm just baffled at how Seabass could have ever gotten a leadership position. Seeing the disastrous effects of his leadership (for whatever little gain you perceive came out of it), I would like to see that the next person thinking of giving him any real power consider how badly he screwed his own allies and his own alliance, the later being deliberately. 


He got a leadership position, because we didn't have anyone else with experience with time at the time. I would have taken it up myself to help out. I mulled it over. I had too many life problems. i moved from california to minnesota and back to california alone in the span i was in vacation mode. He is a good leader by my standards. You have to make choices you don't like for the good of your people. Sometimes that means cutting the fat, and i've had to do things like it in other games as a leader. 


I don't WANT to be a dick about this, but you have to see it as i do. I understand your position, and i understand why you think it's connected, but coming from this side, i don't see it. i have asked and mulled over this too. I was in Sparta. i was a big member in sparta. for a time i had the most nukes in the world. I had access to information about this and everything else. Seabass knew he messed up and showed a lot of regret for it. Especially when alpha was hit. 

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The obverse reaction to that is simply that TEst fights who they can match. we were looking at pantheon as a target since the merge to test out the spartans. it was the first war with me and Hidude as squad leaders. We want a good fight, so we thought pantheon would do so. We have active nations because we're consistantly at war. For example, before test i had 13000 infra destroyed. a month later, i have near 50k. we're active because leadership keeps ourselves on our toes. Strategic planning at this point and before was not needed because we have no goal. We literally have no goal, but to have fun. if we rise to the top because of that, then we're doing it while we're having fun. As for the Syndisphere response- We'd lose. We'd lose hard. You kid yourself if you think we'd even be able to put up a fight.  Back when TEst fought Alpha, they had 23 members. that is 23/20 vs 21 at the time.

As it stands we wanted a challenge. Nothing more, Nothing less. i would say that pantheon had the ability to fight us. they gave some of us a run for the money. They alone can match us in upper if they were practiced.


Happy-go-lucky attitudes and the "Pre and his band of merry idiots" view of TEst generally doesn't include a strategic "discussion" that took place allowing TEst/Roz Wei/Arrgh to hit Pantheon without any military response from tS. I can believe that the mentality of the average TEst member is different from its leadership, but to blanket all of TEst as happy-go-lucky bellum-taxis rhinos is, I think, a step too far. As for the Syndisphere's response, it's honestly hard to tell without the events actually happening, but in light of what happened in Steve's War, tS doesn't feel too confident about their upper tier. It would be an interesting match up though, in light of Alpha offering to 1v1 tS before Steve's war. If I had to put money, I would put it on TEst. 


He got a leadership position, because we didn't have anyone else with experience with time at the time. I would have taken it up myself to help out. I mulled it over. I had too many life problems. i moved from california to minnesota and back to california alone in the span i was in vacation mode. He is a good leader by my standards. You have to make choices you don't like for the good of your people. Sometimes that means cutting the fat, and i've had to do things like it in other games as a leader. 


I don't WANT to be a dick about this, but you have to see it as i do. I understand your position, and i understand why you think it's connected, but coming from this side, i don't see it. i have asked and mulled over this too. I was in Sparta. i was a big member in sparta. for a time i had the most nukes in the world. I had access to information about this and everything else. Seabass knew he messed up and showed a lot of regret for it. Especially when alpha was hit. 


No, I believe you and Seabass. Frankly, my rhetoric was intentionally abrasive to garner a reaction. Seabass spilled his guts in an honest way, I have to respect that at the very least. It's hard for me to actually believe a conspiracy when Seabass could have said literally anything else and it would have deflected attention. Sure, I could have continued to press for a reaction, but Seabass could have easily kept denying anything and everything and I would have had to take his word on it. The fact that he wall texted everything at the first mention of it lends him a bit of my respect in a twisted, uncomfortable way. 


I just don't think solving internal problems by faking a drill, suiciding the alliance, and all the while involving your allies was the best way to go. Perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps the only way for Sparta to "fix" itself was to intentionally commit political suicide. Whatever the case, as a history degree-seeking candidate, I'm sure you would agree that avidly pursing alternative history is a boundless topic that neither of us have the time nor interest in. 

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Happy-go-lucky attitudes and the "Pre and his band of merry idiots" view of TEst generally doesn't include a strategic "discussion" that took place allowing TEst/Roz Wei/Arrgh to hit Pantheon without any military response from tS. I can believe that the mentality of the average TEst member is different from its leadership, but to blanket all of TEst as happy-go-lucky bellum-taxis rhinos is, I think, a step too far. As for the Syndisphere's response, it's honestly hard to tell without the events actually happening, but in light of what happened in Steve's War, tS doesn't feel too confident about their upper tier. It would be an interesting match up though, in light of Alpha offering to 1v1 tS before Steve's war. If I had to put money, I would put it on TEst. 


For that reaction of Ts vs pantheon it was a matter of convenience. They couldn't realistically handle both us, argh and roz wei while already entrenched in war. Pantheon ended up being some type of sacrifice for the greater whole of the Syndisphere. I wasn't in talks but that's what i've been lead to believe from inference. As for your comment on it being a step too far to admit that even the leadership likes to go with the fighting, i can say personally that's mostly incorrect. Most of the leadership was the ones who were lusting for blood. the Ts. theory relies on the fact that it would be an upper tier battle. you forget that we could get choked by their mid-tier upper declaring alone.  


No, I believe you and Seabass. Frankly, my rhetoric was intentionally abrasive to garner a reaction. Seabass spilled his guts in an honest way, I have to respect that at the very least. It's hard for me to actually believe a conspiracy when Seabass could have said literally anything else and it would have deflected attention. Sure, I could have continued to press for a reaction, but Seabass could have easily kept denying anything and everything and I would have had to take his word on it. The fact that he wall texted everything at the first mention of it lends him a bit of my respect in a twisted, uncomfortable way. 


I just don't think solving internal problems by faking a drill, suiciding the alliance, and all the while involving your allies was the best way to go. Perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps the only way for Sparta to "fix" itself was to intentionally commit political suicide. Whatever the case, as a history degree-seeking candidate, I'm sure you would agree that avidly pursing alternative history is a boundless topic that neither of us have the time nor interest in. 


To be honest, it was the only way it could go without intentionally destroying the trust we had in sparta. If he had just started kicking people, they would have ended up taking the entire alliance with them.  This way, people left without being forced to. it's how we became the crack elites that we did. I've had to do it in Tribal Wars many a time as the leader of a number 1 alliance. you have to cut the fat somehow, and sometimes you have to let the people go. 


Funnily enough i have a minor in creative writing and my advanced degree is in ancient/medieval history, in specifics, greece and rome. I plan to write a book about alternative history in the manner that what if the Romans acquired gunpowder from trade with the chinese. As for orbis politics, there's no reason to go into that. There's simply too much uncertainty and we could literally end up with exactly the same situation through other means as it is right now. 

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Lmfao as long as dat upper tier can get updeclared, all whales will be sitting !@#$ ducks


True dat! As the actuall lord and master of tS, wana be BFFs? ;)

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