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Orbis Needs More Fun


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Orbis has been a planet with a rich history of conflicts, global nuclear destruction, and also, world peace. However, with that peace also comes a time of boredom. It has almost appeared as if this year so far, there has only been two major conflicts that come to mind and which involved the entire game. GW 26 and GW 27 are the topics that are talked about when regarding major events in Orbis in the year of 2023.

However, overall, Orbis has been quite boring and without real fun as there are not really individual alliances fighting amongst one another. This may be a controversial take, but war is fun, itis a good money maker, and it adds more story to the game when there is a constant scene of chaos in the world of orbis. Global wars provide this element of fun, and they are definitely an event that everyone can participate, from the macros, to the smallest of nanos. I am here to ssay that we need more war in the world of Orbis, and we need a higher frequency of wars when they occur. Otherwise, this game will just turn to the game called "Politics and Farm," which is no fun for anyone. After all, anything that you lose can always be rebuilt.

This can also bring back a lot of dead alliances that have been largely inactive, such as UPN, Gods of Orbis, and other alliances that only seem to barely function. This will make the game more active, and will not led to lower members of the alliances going inactive, as stated by Roberts in a post yesterday. Therefore, I am endorsing conflict and chaos, and I hope that more conflicts comes to Orbis.

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4 minutes ago, Crypto said:


I understand that you're expressing a desire for more war and conflicts in the world of Orbis. It seems you believe that these events bring excitement, engagement, and storylines to the game. While I can appreciate your perspective, it's important to remember that Orbis is a complex and dynamic world where various players and alliances have different motivations and goals.

Peaceful periods in Orbis can provide an opportunity for diplomatic negotiations, economic development, and strategic planning. They allow players to focus on building their nations, forming alliances, and engaging in other non-military aspects of the game. These periods can be valuable for fostering cooperation, trade, and growth within the community.

Additionally, it's worth considering that excessive and constant warfare can lead to burnout and disengagement from players who may prefer a more balanced and diverse gameplay experience. Not everyone enjoys the constant chaos of war, and it's important to create an inclusive environment that caters to different playstyles.

While conflicts and wars can certainly add excitement and create narratives, it's crucial to strike a balance and consider the overall health and enjoyment of the player community. Orbis can evolve and offer engaging experiences through a combination of diplomatic interactions, economic strategies, political maneuvering, and occasional military conflicts.

Ultimately, the developers of Orbis have the responsibility of shaping the game's direction based on the feedback and preferences of the community as a whole. They aim to create an environment that caters to a wide range of players and provides opportunities for diverse gameplay experiences.

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I believe that alliances/communities can play a bigger role, not necessarily by waging more war, but by organizing more activities (eg: music evening, film evening, Krunker tournament, quiz, …). As alliances, but also the news servers, banks or even the entire block. That would keep the players much more active and much more involved with the Politics And War community. 

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Please hold, we're rebuilding.

A game dies without a community.
Don't hate on the communities trying to grow.
Eat them instead.

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Didn't we just have a bunch of small wars?  Hell, global radiation is currently at 40 percent and as far as I know all the big boys are at peace.

You guys are killing me with these kinds of posts.  If you dont like it, be the agent for change, dont come on here and complain about it hoping someone else is going to make the game more fun for you.  Get some friends together, create an alliance and go cause some trouble.

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On 6/21/2023 at 5:15 PM, darkblade said:

Orbis can evolve and offer engaging experiences through a combination of diplomatic interactions, economic strategies, political maneuvering, and occasional military conflicts.

The problem is that the average player doesn't get to experience those other aspects of the game aside from war. On top of that you have gameplay changes that encourage new players to rush to city 10 (farming tier) asap and miss out on the experience of raiding early on. To be honest, if I found this game during a period of prolonged peace and had everyone encouraging me to not even raid, I probably would've quit within a couple weeks. I get that alliances have to balance their interests and we can't have perma war, but I wish there was a way to get more people involved without jeopardizing alliance security. To bad democracies always fail lol


Edit: I just responded to chatGPT didn't I 🤦‍♂️

Edited by Avatar Patrick
i hate bots reeeeeeeee
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The reason individual alliances don't duke it out is because everyone and their mother have treaties, namely any alliance composed of nosebleeds being protected so bigger alliances have another meatshield for globals.

As for global wars, they're actually more frequent these days, like every 3 or 4 months. There was a time when they occured approximately every 6 months, in the latter stages of IQ and EMC bipolarity.

It's just the way it is, most alliances have a pixel hugging mentality and I doubt that'll ever change.

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PW will continually repeat itself and burn out those that wan't more fun/need more action. It will always be a game that is either very fun, needs more wars, needs less wars, needs better mechanics, has too many mechanics, needs less pirates, needs more pirates, radio shows, no radio shows, more drama, less drama, new alliances, no new alliances and rinse/repeat. 

The best thing you can do is quit. Wait 6 months to a year and then come back. You'll see new people, different names, some same alliances and no urge to learn everything again because during that time away you filled yourself with different hobbies that benefit your life and you only log on here to make posts like this to hopefully break people out of the cycle. 

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