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Slot filling

Wendell Williams

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I don't know why TheRebelMan had war declared by a Bloc member but he created an alliance (which appears to be an offshore) and left. Apparently, E404 didn't accept him back fast enough so he needed protection from attacks. 

The guys from Oblivion hitting him literally spent two minutes on the war and peaced immediately after one attack. If they meant to raid him why didn't they go through with the whole thing. 

That's unfair game play. 

Nation Link: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=180159

Offense: Using allies to block attacks and/or stop war declarations illegally. 











Edited by Deulos
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@Alex I clearly remember Elijah Mickaelson using the same tactic to keep the money that he storing his Nation from IRL transaction for in-game money(which is you also made forbidden) so no one will get a hold of his loot. Even if it was just for a few minutes, it's still ally slot filling in which you're just using sly wording tactics to make it look like you guys did nothing wrong(most possibly using lies alongside deception). Plus, the solid proof is all there up above versus his obviously flaunted testimony. 

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 I personally voice my own thought processes based on own desires of informational curiosity as well love for discussion based on questions & statements I made rather just trusting info like a collective hivemind

Onlookers whom hop aboard the brainless bandwagon refusing inter-articulation based on assumed feelings, go give yo balls a tug ya tit fugger         

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12 minutes ago, Firwof Kromwell said:

@Alex I clearly remember Elijah Mickaelson using the same tactic to keep the money that he storing his Nation from IRL transaction for in-game money(which is you also made forbidden) so no one will get a hold of his loot. Even if it was just for a few minutes, it's still ally slot filling in which you're just using sly wording tactics to make it look like you guys did nothing wrong(most possibly using lies alongside deception). Plus, the solid proof is all there up above versus his obviously flaunted testimony. 

Unless you are the accused you shouldn’t be talking you clown.

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13 hours ago, Firwof Kromwell said:

@Alex I clearly remember Elijah Mickaelson using the same tactic to keep the money that he storing his Nation from IRL transaction for in-game money(which is you also made forbidden) so no one will get a hold of his loot. Even if it was just for a few minutes, it's still ally slot filling in which you're just using sly wording tactics to make it look like you guys did nothing wrong(most possibly using lies alongside deception). Plus, the solid proof is all there up above versus his obviously flaunted testimony. 

What do IRL transactions have to do with me or Oblivion? Don't try and associate me with EM. 

As for the accusation of OB slotfilling me so I wouldn't get raided.... huh? May I again remind you that I still had a defensive slot left, and I didn't actually depo anything since they hit, nor did I trade since that time. I don't plan on doing either one either, so get outta here with that BS. Deulos and yourself trying to report me because my bloc and I are rolling you both is using moderation as a weapon, so check yourself. 

As for Oblivion's reason for hitting me, our drama is our own, and neither one of us are obliged to justify it to either of you two. Mind your own business.

Edited by TRM
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This is a non-discussion forum. Unless you have evidence one way or the other let's refrain from unnecessary replies and keep things focused.

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A game dies without a community.
Don't hate on the communities trying to grow.
Eat them instead.

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9 hours ago, TheRebelMan said:

Almost sounds as if it's.... none of your business, Karen. 

Yeah, they stopped people from attacking me for ONE WHOLE MINUTE! Quick!!!!, called the Church elders for this heinous sin! Also, @Ockey5, you forgot to grab that third slot. 💔

On a serious note, @Alex, they hit me for their own reasons. As to why they decided to declare on me, and actually go through and hit me, is irrelevant, as they did the damage, and didn't just declare on me to slotfill(why peace out after one minute then). 

Wow, more evidence. He even asks why another oblivion member didn't fill his last slot. Clearly, he thought ahead and had buddies prepared to slot fill him if he left E404 for whatever business he needed to take care of. 

You didn't explain why they peaced after one minute. 

6 hours ago, TRM said:

May I again remind you that I still had a defensive slot left, and I didn't actually depo anything since they hit, nor did I trade since that time. I don't plan on doing either one either, so get outta here with that BS

But you were planning to depo something is what you are saying. 

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2 hours ago, Deulos said:

Wow, more evidence. He even asks why another oblivion member didn't fill his last slot.

Know what a joke is?

2 hours ago, Deulos said:

But you were planning to depo something is what you are saying. 

Definitely. Then I decided that I like being rich. Mkay, cool story. 

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12 hours ago, Palps said:

Unless you are the accused you shouldn’t be talking you clown.

I somewhat remember from my year's of being forced to watch judge Judy by my father that it's not just the defender talking, the accuser is supposed to make his own case as well. This is very basic when it comes to breaking any sort of law or making any claim/accusation. What reason do you have for trying trying to subvert this? It's oddly suspicious. If you were entirely innocent you would have no need to do such a thing. 


12 hours ago, TRM said:

What do IRL transactions have to do with me or Oblivion? Don't try and associate EM with me. 

As for the accusation of OB slotfilling me so I wouldn't get raided.... huh? May I again remind you that I still had a defensive slot left, and I didn't actually depo anything since they hit, nor did I trade since that time. I don't plan on doing either one either, so get outta here with that BS. Deulos and yourself trying to report me because my bloc and I are rolling you both is using moderation as a weapon, so check yourself. 

As for Oblivion's reason for hitting me, our drama is our own, and neither one of us are obliged to justify it to either of you two. Mind your own business.

"Mind your own business" Is not a valid defense against an action that potentially affect's others not intended to be involved. If you are doing something you should not it sets a bad example for others and disrespects Alex and whatever rules he might have made. Not to mention "Mind your own business" Is a rather suspicious defense to an accusation such as this as if you did nothing wrong that you have no reason to keep secrets. If there is some internal conflicts going on then there is no point trying to keep it a secret because if anyone was going to take advantage of such then they would do it regardless of if you try to keep it a secret or not. So one way or another you seem to be doing something wrong and that in it's self is worth investigating. 

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14 minutes ago, Hinata said:

I somewhat remember from my year's of being forced to watch judge Judy by my father that it's not just the defender talking, the accuser is supposed to make his own case as well. This is very basic when it comes to breaking any sort of law or making any claim/accusation. What reason do you have for trying trying to subvert this? It's oddly suspicious. If you were entirely innocent you would have no need to do such a thing. 


"Mind your own business" Is not a valid defense against an action that potentially affect's others not intended to be involved. If you are doing something you should not it sets a bad example for others and disrespects Alex and whatever rules he might have made. Not to mention "Mind your own business" Is a rather suspicious defense to an accusation such as this as if you did nothing wrong that you have no reason to keep secrets. If there is some internal conflicts going on then there is no point trying to keep it a secret because if anyone was going to take advantage of such then they would do it regardless of if you try to keep it a secret or not. So one way or another you seem to be doing something wrong and that in it's self is worth investigating. 

Firwof is not the accuser here, Duelos is, you should probably check that before you decide to post here. He brought nothing new to the conversation and brought up EM for some strange tangential reason.


As for your comments on TRMs defense you completely ignore everything else he said and just talk about him hiding something? Internal conflicts between alliances aren't what is being reported here, it is slotfilling. These wars lasted a minute long and anybody could have declared on TRM because he didnt even have all his slots filled during that minute. This just seems like a way for Duelos to try to get revenge on TRM for declaring war on it, awfully petty from an outsider's perspective...

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2 minutes ago, Ducc Zucc said:

Firwof is not the accuser here, Duelos is, you should probably check that before you decide to post here. He brought nothing new to the conversation and brought up EM for some strange tangential reason.


As for your comments on TRMs defense you completely ignore everything else he said and just talk about him hiding something? Internal conflicts between alliances aren't what is being reported here, it is slotfilling. These wars lasted a minute long and anybody could have declared on TRM because he didnt even have all his slots filled during that minute. This just seems like a way for Duelos to try to get revenge on TRM for declaring war on it, awfully petty from an outsider's perspective...

Does not change the fact that you your allies filled your slots, Regardless of whether anything happened or not your allies still filled your slots . An your avoidance of explaining why is suspicious for multiple reasons to which i have already stated. Your continued reluctance to give any real explanation is just digging your self a hole. No pun intended. As for firewolf he did contribute in some manner, He is a witness on the side of the accuser and as such he has every right to add to the topic to which he did, He expanded the accusations to you attempting to use wording to get away with something potentially inherently wrong. Due to increasing suspicious i have to side with wolf on this one. 

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12 minutes ago, Hinata said:

Does not change the fact that you your allies filled your slots, Regardless of whether anything happened or not your allies still filled your slots . An your avoidance of explaining why is suspicious for multiple reasons to which i have already stated. Your continued reluctance to give any real explanation is just digging your self a hole. No pun intended. As for firewolf he did contribute in some manner, He is a witness on the side of the accuser and as such he has every right to add to the topic to which he did, He expanded the accusations to you attempting to use wording to get away with something potentially inherently wrong. Due to increasing suspicious i have to side with wolf on this one. 

First of all, I don't know why you're referring to me, I am not TRM nor am I in Oblivion or Error. I can't give an "explanation" because I have none, I wasn't there. Likewise, your statements don't change the facts that the wars were almost immediately peaced out. Where are these slots being filled? Furthermore, why does anyone owe you an explanation for internal conflicts? What will you do with this information? It contributes nothing to the conversation about the claims of slotfilling. Firwof expanded by comparing their actions to doing what EM did even though there is nothing in common and nobody deposited anything? That is the definition of a tangent.

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1 minute ago, Ducc Zucc said:

First of all, I don't know why you're referring to me, I am not TRM nor am I in Oblivion or Error. I can't give an "explanation" because I have none, I wasn't there. Likewise, your statements don't change the facts that the wars were almost immediately peaced out. Where are these slots being filled? Furthermore, why does anyone owe you an explanation for internal conflicts? What will you do with this information? It contributes nothing to the conversation about the claims of slotfilling. Firwof expanded by comparing their actions to doing what EM did even though there is nothing in common and nobody deposited anything? That is the definition of a tangent.

The information helps decide whether or not he was doing anything legitimately bad. An as you are acting as his defendant I am talking to him through you. I'm not sure what's so hard to understand here. An once more you continue digging the the mine shaft. Pun intended. 

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Just now, Hinata said:

The information helps decide whether or not he was doing anything legitimately bad. An as you are acting as his defendant I am talking to him through you. I'm not sure what's so hard to understand here. An once more you continue digging the the mine shaft. Pun intended. 

My friend the only one digging down the mineshaft is you seeing as you continue to publicly make a fool of yourself. Would you mind to actually bring up one of my points next time or just keep parroting yourself?

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13 hours ago, Young Guilo said:

This is a non-discussion forum. Unless you have evidence one way or the other let's refrain from unnecessary replies and keep things focused.

@Ducc Zucc is my PnW lawyer though.

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1 hour ago, Hinata said:

I somewhat remember from my year's of being forced to watch judge Judy by my father that it's not just the defender talking, the accuser is supposed to make his own case as well. This is very basic when it comes to breaking any sort of law or making any claim/accusation. What reason do you have for trying trying to subvert this? It's oddly suspicious. If you were entirely innocent you would have no need to do such a thing. 


"Mind your own business" Is not a valid defense against an action that potentially affect's others not intended to be involved. If you are doing something you should not it sets a bad example for others and disrespects Alex and whatever rules he might have made. Not to mention "Mind your own business" Is a rather suspicious defense to an accusation such as this as if you did nothing wrong that you have no reason to keep secrets. If there is some internal conflicts going on then there is no point trying to keep it a secret because if anyone was going to take advantage of such then they would do it regardless of if you try to keep it a secret or not. So one way or another you seem to be doing something wrong and that in it's self is worth investigating. 

LOL this isn’t a court of law player reports have their own rules so maybe before posting you should consider reading them you Neanderthal. Go jack off to your fascist twink overlords you Cuck. 

Edited by Palps
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1 hour ago, Vero said:

From a complete outsiders perspective, having joke wars declared is not uncommon and I have been accused of slot filling when I declared a joke war once. Alex told me I had to either continue on with the war or peace it out for him not to give me a strike because it was clearly a joke declaration.

So from Alex's own perspective, if you peace it out it isn't slot filling because you aren't holding the slots for Rebel to do anything. If Rebel really did intend to deposit or trade or do anything, he wouldn't have accepted the peace after 1 minute of the declaration. He wasn't plotting anything.

He could have just said this though, Instead he decided to play secret. 

1 hour ago, Palps said:

LOL this isn’t a court of law player reports have their own rules so maybe before posting you should consider reading them you Neanderthal. Go jack off to your fascist twink overlords you Cuck. 

Why you acting like a housewife, I hit you with the fact's and you change the subject to try and piss me off. Your never going to be waifu material like koru is. I'm sorry. 

2 hours ago, Ducc Zucc said:

My friend the only one digging down the mineshaft is you seeing as you continue to publicly make a fool of yourself. Would you mind to actually bring up one of my points next time or just keep parroting yourself?

the point of "mind your own business" is not a strong point to go off of in a case like this. When you do something that can very much potentially affect every it's no longer just your business. Objectively speaking. 

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  • Administrators

First, this is a no-discussion forum, and also some of the comments here were just blatantly flaming. I just issued a handful of warning points to offenders in this thread.

Second, while it does appear to be slot filling, given the fact that they peaced out immediately, I don't see any real harm and I don't see any reason for moderation action here.

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