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Avatar Patrick

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Everything posted by Avatar Patrick

  1. nice shitpost but when did camelot announce it was disbanding? I must have missed it.
  2. rebrand of the year right here ladies and gentlemen
  3. Just dogs, maybe. Don't make them give up cats too man. Too harsh.
  4. This is a much needed flip on the power structure of Orbis. With tcw betraying bk and t$ flipping as well, it's refreshing to see folks on the other side joining us for a change.
  5. nice try the leaks have shown The Immortals were planning to hit first.
  6. tcw betrayed bk plain and simple. On another note they managed to get neko and goons on the same side so I guess that counts for something lol
  7. Alliance of the Year: Camelot Most Powerful Alliance in 2019: Camelot Best Fighters: Camelot Best Themed Flag for a Holiday in 2019: Camelot Most Active Alliance: Camelot Best Government Line-Up: Camelot Best Rookie Alliance: Camelot Most Honorable: Camelot Most Likely to Succeed in 2020: Camelot Best Forums: Camelot Best Discord: Camelot Best Alliance Page: Camelot Most Controversial Alliance: The Knights Radiant Best Alliance for New Players: Camelot Best Economic System: Camelot Most Missed Alliance from 2019: The Coal Mines Best Re-brand: idk Scariest Alliance: Weebunism Best Alliance Ad: Camelot
  8. hmm... maybe he had a falling out with them or he's just trolling them
  9. I'm confused I thought you can't declare against alliances you have a treaty with.
  10. I'm surprised you didn't cancel the treaty sooner considering you've been fighting us for months now. I'm also surprised that given the choice between two allies, you'd choose war dodgers.
  11. I'm in no way being coerced into approving of this post. On a serious note, as a low tier I only eat nukes. I don't dish them out so I have no personal incentive to support making nukes stronger. I'd be better off with having no nukes at all simply because for the foreseeable future, only the enemies will use them.
  12. We need to remain unified as a coalition at least publicly. Ketogg is going to trample all over us if we don't show the same unity that they have. Without giving names (you know who you are) I've been seeing some folks from coalition b lambast GOONS on the forum right in front of the enemy. Those same individuals are now attacking bk. We should be discussing this in a private discord channel not on owf. Regardless of your feelings towards GOONS, NPO, and BK on a personal level, acting divided on the forums isn't productive towards defeating the most stubborn enemy in orbis's history. Remember everyone, stay in character.
  13. I'm sure GOONS and BK will take your wonderful suggestion to heart. Truly wise words from a trusted ally.
  14. I don't really like it when GOONS tries to impose their strategies on coalition allies as if they aren't new to the game. That being said, the hate for them seems a bit overblown if they're just trolling. If they're serious, is it a crime to be liberal?
  15. Honestly wouldn't mind if npo and t$ disbanded. They're to op and also the reason the war has dragged on this long. I think most smaller alliances on both sides could live with that (excluding protectorates of course).
  16. I assume this means as a "hero" you don't have any actual power in game?
  17. why are you keeping this going lol?
  18. dude chill they're part of our coalition that being said the poster should edit this to clarify that they're an MDoAP not an MDAP
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