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Gaius Julius Caesar

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Everything posted by Gaius Julius Caesar

  1. Crucifixion you say? First you wish to touch my cheeks, now you want to nail me? My girlfriend will certainly be giving me an angry call tonight. Will you at least call me after it happens? We can go get supper? Also, if I get crucified, do I get a cool religion like that one guy?
  2. Please leave your name, phone number, and message at the beep, and I shall get back to you whenever I am able to...... beeeeeeep.
  3. Hello to you too. I'm a friendly person, with a healthy relationship with my girlfriend, please stay away from my rear, and do not touch my cheeks. I do not consent to this.
  4. I'm just curious. For those who made, say.... 20 to 30 thousand tanks building up to the NAP, they would have lost out on thousands of steel. Would people be reimbursed for the steel, or did they just happen to have bad luck and even worse timing? Edit: In the time it took me to write this, three other people asked the same question. My god.
  5. @Yui You already get the vast majority of my Ellie Photos, but here are three more, just for you. SMH. Bad pirates get put in the naughty, no raiding corner to think about what they've done.
  6. I pledge my sword to the banner of the King in the North, Zygon Stark By the old gods and the new down with the tyranny of the Squeegee with honor, loyalty, and direwolves for all
  7. I have no personal interest in this, but generally that's not something you need to say. If one need to SAY they're not a terrorist organization, there are things to be concerned about.
  8. I see what you are saying, but I would like to bring up a few points. The first, and primary disagreement I have with your statement is that this is not the first time such a this has occurred, There have been many instances of people dropping out of alliances to raid inactive members before, as has been stated by multiple people on this thread, yet I do not recall many, if any, instances of those being marked as slot filling, so I would like to express concern there. The second point I would like to address is the matter of the concept of it being a "fledgling raid." The raids were done to be triumphant victories, as Sphinx said, that was discussed in the tCW government channel. The members were not told to do the least amount of damage possible, they were told to get triumphant victories, which they did. We specifically discussed if this would be considered slot filling, because as an alliance, we did not intend on breaking the rules, again I address Sphinx offering to allow you to see what we said and when we said it in our gov channel for clarity. If it was known we would have to have max soldiers, I assure you, that would have been done, but that brings me to my third point. If the wars were declared, and multiple days was spent just making soldiers, would the same claim not have been made? That this was a case of slot filling? The members declared their wars with their soldiers, and attempted to raid in a timely manner, which is reasonable, in my opinion. It seems unfair to mark members down with slot filling for a rule that they, and it seems many here, did not know existed. My fourth and final post, and thank you to everyone who has come with me on this journey, I apologize for making you read my words but won't pay for your therapy, is that in the instance of Medici, he was a member of tCW. That means myself, Sphinx, and every other member of gov who has access to the alliance control panel, can see what he possesses in his nation, and we looked at that and came to the conclusion that, despite Medici possessing a few hundred million dollars, that was not a concern for us, as the alliance makes enough money to recoup that in the span of a few days, as are a large alliance. What Medici possessed that was valuable was the resources, both refined and raw, which were worth far more than the money itself he possessed, and the only method with which those raw and refined resources could be recovered would be, naturally as you know, via defeating Medici in a war, commonly known as "beiging" a nation. Your point of saying we desire to keep Medici on beige indefintely is unfair due to this reason, as the game as it is currently structured, forces us to beige Medici in order to recover that which we desire, his raw and refined resources.
  9. So, and I will accept the warning point against my account in this matter, is this an official statement that any and all raid wars that take place without being on pirate, and having max soldiers are slot filling? If that is the case, fine, so be it, but then the same ruling should apply to every other nation that does the same thing. If that is not the case, then this would be a discrepancy in moderation, and would be a clear red flag, at least in my opinion @Alex
  10. So, just to clarify. The number 113 alliance, with eight members, and an average score of 442 and a total score of 3,562.02 is declaring war on the number 6 alliance, with 187 members, and an average score of 1,252.05 score, for a total of 234,132.44 score? I appreciate the enthusiasm, but there's a clear ending here.
  11. @Dr James Wilson I prefer to conveniently "forget" Wilson's cancer and like to remember the ending as them going on a road trip. Just two happy bros on a road trip.
  12. I mean, from what I recall about the way the show ended..... he was doing something right
  13. What you need to do is find someone named Dr Gregory House, and make an alliance with them. Once this is achieved, you'll expand your lifespan.
  14. Third Time Is The Charm? Now you gotta declare war on the entire game though.
  15. Banned Nation: Fereldan Banned Leader's Name: Tarroc Banned Nation Address: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=120834 Date Of Ban: 2/6/2020 Reason For Ban Provided: (Three Different Reasons Provided. Reasons Changed Over Time.) Reason One: Initial Ban Reason was as follows: "This nation was banned on 2020-02-06 19:11:26 for: Unfounded accusations of homophobia and Nazism in Google Play Store Review. The ban is permanent. Visit your nation, or go to the search page." Reason Two: Second Ban Reason was as follows: "This IP address has been banned (the ban has expired) from Politics & War for: Breaking the game rules Ban ID: You should have read up on the Game Rules." Reason Three: "This nation was banned on 2020-02-06 19:11:26 for: Extreme Toxicity and Defamation of Staff / Game. The ban is permanent. Visit your nation, or go to the search page." Appeal Of Ban: The initial ban was due to a Google Play Store Review, as was listed above. The review was deleted, and as such I do not have the exact wording on hand, there was no accusation of Homophobia or Nazism. There were mentions of Homophobic groups in the game, which is fact as I have experienced them first-hand, and there are Nazi groups and alliances in the game, some of which I have had the unfortunate luck of coming across. A report was not filed for the homophobic insults I have experienced first-hand, due to the fact that they have taken place on Discord, in group chats, in alliance channels, and in personal messages, and content that takes place on Discord is not subject to judgement passed by Alex, or so I have been told by other users, due to the fact that Discord is its own app and Alex does not have jurisdiction over what is said there and what takes place there. I fully understand this, and accept this, but the location of the insults and slurs does not alter the fact that the users and groups are also on Politics And War, and as such I do not believe it is unreasonable to state that these groups are in politics and war. As for the claims of Nazism, the group I know best that was a Nazi, or a Nazi-Themed, group, at least from what I saw and experienced was an alliance named Reichspakt, which is still in existence albeit in the form of one member in vacation mode. The leader of the alliance had a profile picture of someone dressed in Nazi-Regalia, and the logo of the alliance was the Iron Cross. Although I do know the Iron Cross existed before the Nazi Party, it is well known as a Nazi-German award, and when combined with the profile picture of the leader leads one to draw the connection between it and the Nazi-Theme of the alliance. There was, if I recall correctly, also mention of money involved. I realize, looking at this with a clear and level head, that this statement could be misconstrued as an accusation towards Alex, and I wish to rectify that right away. The money I made claim was being accepted was in the form of credits being purchased via the donations to Politics And War. I did not mean in any way, shape, or form that Alex was personally being paid by groups he knew were Homophobic or Nazis, and I wish to humbly and sincerely apologize to Alex for any confusion or hurt that my poorly thought out comment may have caused, The second reason was due to a rule violation, although I can not provide an argument against it, as the rule I broke is not provided, so I am uncertain as to which rule I broke. If this information is provided, I will review it, and provide an appeal. The third and final ban reason was for Extreme Toxicity and Defamation of Staff. I will admit to being quite angry, and lashing out on the forums, which I believe is part of the reasoning for this, along with the initial reason of an accusation of Homophobia and Nazism. I apologize for the things I said on the forum, as they were made in a state or poor judgement. I was in a sleep deprived state due to a combination of sickness, and the need to study for college exams, which shortened my already short fuse. I will be the first to admit, I am a profane and short tempered individual, although I try very hard to avoid using any form of inappropriate language on the forums, or where young individuals could hear me. A look at my forum reputation, and lack of any other warnings of serious note can attest to that. I personally have friends in New Pacific Order who were banned, and that news, when combined with the news that what happened to New Pacific Order would result in The Black Knights, the alliance I myself have called home for roughly one year at that point, disbanding, and many of its members who I am close friends with in the game would be deleting their accounts and leaving the game led to my temper boiling over, and I apologize. I uttered a rather vulgar phrase towards Alex for, one I would like to apologize for, and although I will not repeat it, is was a mention of the situation surrounding the instance roughly a month ago where myself and many other members of The Black Knights were removed from the alliance when someone besides Leo The Great accessed his account and removed us, before attempting to steal the bank. Seeing the quick and, from my opinion although it is merely my personal opinion on the matter, heavy handed response from Alex frustrated me, as we received no such aid when our alliance went through someone trying to destroy it via methods disallowed by the spirit of the game. Finally, the anger from those other matters combined with the anger over the knowledge that these events meant that the roughly eight months spent either fighting in, or preparing for Global War 14, known as Dial Up War by some members of the community, were wasted. This is not to excuse my actions, and I am entirely understanding of the fact that some form of punishment is absolutely called for, as I was impolite and insulting, but I would like to appeal a permanent ban, as I do not believe my unfortunate lack of self control yesterday is who I am in actuality, is rather too heavy. A temporary ban would entirely be understood and accepted, and would receive no protest nor any appeals, as it is warranted for my actions. Aside On an aside, if it turns out that the ban on my account is permanent and will not be lifted or made temporary, I would like to question whether or not I am allowed to create a second account, due to the fact that, as I said above, the second reason for the ban states that my ban on my IP address has expired. Does this allow me to create another nation, as it was my NATION that was permanently banned, as things stand, as opposed to my IP address?
  16. It was actually about 30 billion, from what I've read. I do find it ironic that there is this much opposition to something that is not against the rules of the game, I don't recall ever reading a rule that disallows any of this, while there was a shade of this uproar of anger when Leo's account was hacked and BK's bank was stolen. The logs were provided, and Yoso, a neutral party, provided evidence that Gorge was breaking the rules of the game and hacking, yet Alex didn't do anything because he was busy sucking coalition A's dick.
  17. This'll get me another strike from Alex, but I don't really care. I didn't join the game to be with BK, or NPO. I honestly had no idea who they were for a good half a year to a quarter of a year into my time in the game. I joined the game because I saw an add for it on facebook, or twitter, or whatever, and when I joined, I did so as a member of a Micro called The Blackstone Legion. BK and NPO had nothing to do with me back then. It was after that I joined Pantheon, and I still had nothing to do with BK and NPO. I was in Pantheon for 205 days, before Serephiel down and I disagreed with the choice of leadership, so I joined BK. Out of my 626 days on this game, less than a year of it has been with BK, so I do welcome you trying to use all five of your brain cells in celebration of the game being killed.
  18. Enjoy having a staggering percentage of your game leave, dumbass. I'll take the penalty for swearing at the game admin. Half of the damn game is gonna leave over this. You wield your admin abilities and moderation like a weapon, then expect people to stay and keep PAYING YOU MONEY to keep this shit game going? You're an idiot.
  19. I've played a lot of games in my time, but I have to admit, I've never seen an idiot as large as you with a heavier hand than you. Shame on you.
  20. I mean, it has become evident that the Admin of the game cares nothing for what he says and keeping the game fair. He makes a decision, then decides he no longer cares for that decision, bans multiple people who have done nothing wrong, deletes billions of dollars of revenue from the game, and deletes billions of dollars of resources from the game, clearly favouring one side. This comes days after the decision was made to increase the cost of aircraft, clearly designed to punish the side who uses aircraft more. This is an idiotic decision, a clearly biased decision, and a decision that was made with malicious intent in mind. I imagine a number of alliances will refuse to continue playing the game, if this is how the admin decides to treat the game as a whole, and abuse his powers in such a horrific manner.
  21. Yes, because, Frawley, Claudia, einelynn, Keshav, Roquentin, Yuri, Null, Edward, Akina and Daniel Storm are all inactive farms, right?
  22. I miss the days I could down-vote you I have the ability to grow new heads apparently, and you have the ability to have a negative upvote-downvote ratio even after the downvoting ability has been removed from the game.
  23. I have the ability to remove you from the alliance and I control your taxes. I will break you.
  24. We don't talk about that period of time, Jordy. We made a promise.
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