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KindaEpicMoah last won the day on October 11

KindaEpicMoah had the most liked content!



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    Tri Poloski
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  • Discord Name: Goober

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  1. Ketya of Lrys crushed Canada2's resistance to 0, resulting in their immediate surrender. Lrys looted $47,218,719.00, 176.00 coal, 788.00 oil, 37.00 uranium, 5.00 lead, 162.00 iron, 1,936.00 bauxite, 8,648.00 gasoline, 308.00 munitions, 1,104.00 steel, 3,356.00 aluminum and 8,693.00 food. Canada2 lost 2.00% of the infrastructure in each of their cities and changed to the beige color. Good win!
  2. This is basically true of a major content update for a game with a coding team this small, and especially true for any update in PnW. Also true of any major content update. Though I feel like the perks system/the perks themselves needed further changes/rebalancing/a full on redo, the idea itself is still both fairly popular and a way to diversify player strategy. Even if the mechanic was greatly simplified (like the original idea here), which I think would be the way to go, it would still provide something for people to experiment with and wouldn't be a massive coding burden. If it works out, the system could be fleshed out more over time.
  3. Where's the option for based neutral player no opinion on war
  4. Wdym "all of the offshores", it was the same offshore that got looted like 4 different times
  5. Thank god the war is over, I'm glad to not have to ruin my sleep schedule anymore for snipes Gj to House for managing to pull off a counterblitz so far into the war, it was actually pretty impressive
  6. Say what you want about TI, but at least they haven't gotten their bank looted yet
  7. My observations from the war so far...
  8. "Not using all of your available military decreases your XP gains by 50% (but the minimum amount of XP you can gain from a battle is 1)." This was recently added. It could be tweaked further to scale w/ how % of your current military you use, since that seems like a better idea.
  9. No resistance damage would also be broken since you could spam it while sitting on someone without needing to beige them. There's a fine middle ground that must be walked between too much and too little.
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