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Putmir Vladin

Awards Committee
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Putmir Vladin last won the day on June 14 2023

Putmir Vladin had the most liked content!


About Putmir Vladin

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    Fox Land
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  • Discord Name: Putmir#7603

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Putmir Vladin's Achievements

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  1. How cat-astrophic.... This joke was endorsed and encouraged by Victor.
  2. Congrats on the milestone, and here's to another thousand!
  3. How rude! Seriously though, hoping to continue the legacy of Villagecode(tm) and we know that has never broken before! Not once... right?
  4. Much love Village ❤️ Thank you for the words of encouragement, and wishing you the best with all of your future!
  5. Congratulations @Jacob Knox! Always a blast working along side you ♥
  6. Dear Readers, We at Royal Orbis News bring to you today a huge announcement! I am happy to announce some changes to the linup of directors which we have! Coming to the team we have @Kevanovia as a Co-Executive Director and @Velyni Vas as a Managing Director. We are looking forward to seeing what Kev and Velyni can bring to RON, and as such please join me in welcoming them to the role! Following Kev and Velyni's addition to our team, we are also introducting multiple new shows to our roster! The additions which we will be bringing to RON are: Top 25, Micro Moment, Poach-A-Zig, and Whale Tank! For more information on these shows, you can read this post by Velyni. Further to that, be on the lookout for new shows, and several more major changes coming over the coming months! You can join us in Royal Orbis News on discord!: https://discord.gg/royal-orbis-news
  7. Candidate for Best Meme next year: Kurdanak not getting TI's christmas flag through
  8. People only need one nomination to make it to the shortlisting phase, which is done by AA reps. Stated in the initial post and on the discord server, there is a point inbetween nominations and the final vote where the AA Reps can shortlist the awards from (usually about 30-40 nominations each) down to 10 (there can be more if there was a tie). Unfortunately, Hatebi didnt make the shortlisting round.
  9. Community Category Voting Hey all! Please fill out the above poll to vote on who you think should win the awards! The poll will end on the 3rd February, 2023 at 23:59 in-game time. Be sure to join us in the Main PNW discord server on the 4th February, 2023 for the awards show hosted by Velyni, WANA and Kev! Best Meme References Best Ad References
  10. Player Category Voting Hey all! Please fill out the above poll to vote on who you think should win the awards! The poll will end on the 3rd February, 2023 at 23:59 in-game time. Be sure to join us in the Main PNW discord server on the 4th February, 2023 for the awards show hosted by Velyni, WANA and Kev!
  11. Alliance Category Voting Hey all! Please fill out the above poll to vote on who you think should win the awards! The poll will end on the 3rd February, 2023 at 23:59 in-game time. Be sure to join us in the Main PNW discord server on the 4th February, 2023 for the awards show hosted by Velyni, WANA and Kev! Best Alliance Flag Links Best Holiday Flag Links
  12. Congrats Xi, Alex and Franz! A well deserved retirement for you both, Toxic and Kan.
  13. Well fought all! Best of luck on your rebuilds.
  14. Community Awards Please copy and paste the below template, whilst adding in your nominations for the award. Funniest Event: Biggest Controversy: Best Declaration of War (please link): Best Wall of Text (please link): Best Leak (please link): Best Meme (please link): Best Discord Server: Best Ad (please link): Best Community Contributor: Best New Addition to the Community: Sexiest Voice: Please limit yourself to one vote per person and limit discussion/replies to the discussion thread here.
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