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Everything posted by Simmons

  1. I deleted my nation but since rollback I have to delete it again. Although this time it is saying that my password is wrong.
  2. It won't hurt me since most of you are now all out of my range, I'll just continue building up while the middle and lower tiers fight it out with resouces backed up by us higher tiers. However, I do wish you luck on your wars.
  3. Scotch earth tactics, I like it. But it will just hurt you more than us in the long run.
  4. Pretty much sums it up.
  5. I was in Guardian during Project Terra and I can say they had my respect. Good memories.
  6. Simmons


    Im going by the past not the present. Back than people like Krushchev denounce Stalin as a tyrant who was only in it for personal gain, and didn't follow Lenin's real ideology. Even Tito didn't like Stalin and broke away from him because of his power trip and his paranoid personality. Stalin purged most if the Red Army generals cause they were getting popular after the war and was afraid that they would "overthrow" him. After his death the Soviet puppet states like Hungary started riots to kick out Soviet troops from their country, as they were no longer scared of Stalin since he is gone. Though eventuality the Hungarian Revolution was crushed, and they got rid of Imre Nagy and replaced him with a more loyal Hungarian Communist, Janos Kadar. People today didn't live through the the time when Stalin was still a leader, and that is why they like him. Just like all the skin heads worshiping Hitler now. Different generations have different outcomes. But like you said earlier, maybe he was a ruthless leader because it needed to be done, who knows. FYI I don't hate Stalin, I find him to be an interesting person to read about.
  7. Simmons


    Even his own people hated him, Khrushchev and his De-Stalinization speech.
  8. So with the new treasure mechanic added in, we could use treasures to have a bonus on tourism as well. Also have a new idea about how there should be different kinds of tourist classes and nations can choose on what they want to focus on base on certain improvements. Having more Eco tourist- give bonuses to decrease pollution. Mostly go for nations with low pollution and improvements such as national parks. Having more Normal tourist- No bonuses Having more Wealthy tourist- increases income gain by tourist, they go for luxury attractions. Got some of these ideas while playing Tropico. My last idea is about ancient ruins, museums and archaeologists. Nations can build a tourist improvement called museums and with it also unlocks archaeologists. Lets say that there are a max of 5 museums, and having more museums help increase the chance of finding an ancient ruin. Nations can use their archaeologists once a day to discover ancient ruins base on their continent. Ancient ruins can be really rare, but gives a big increase in tourism. Once a nation discovers an ancient ruin, they will have to go to projects and pay resources to restore it and open it up for tourist. <- optional implementation All of this can be tweak by the community or Sheepy.
  9. Tourism can have its own category on the improvements tab and projects base on tourism can be another way to gain income. Improvements like airports, national parks and hotels can increase your tourism. Tourism could be base off your nations culture and history, etc. A nations ideology could also effect tourism. Something like Civ 5 tourism mechanic. Like food production, certain seasons and months could give an increase, normal, or decrease in tourism base on region. Anyone who is interested in the idea of tourism overall can add or improve upon the idea. I just wanted to bring this suggestion up as I found it interesting. New Ideas- war and embargo's can harm tourism? Post #2 and 3 pollution/diseases effects tourism and vice versa Post #4 and 7 Nation age and cities can attract more tourist Post #11 Treasures help boost tourism Different types of tourist classes with bonuses Ancient ruins, museums and archaeologists.
  10. Accident double post, sorry about that.
  11. I find it convenient to have the UN/alliances related ideas in game instead of having to go to the forums. It just makes it easier and faster, kind of like Nationstates and their world assembly. Besides probably most casual players in browser games just do a quick check and rarely use the forums. Just my two cents on this idea.
  12. Nation Name: Archadian Empire Nation Link: http://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=178
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