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Everything posted by Kurdanak

  1. You can Spotify embed here? that's huge
  2. See: I'll sign in a heartbeat, friend - I, too, have recently fallen victim to such war crimes. I also recommend sharing the cause in the public channels of alliances full of heinous nukers, particularly Eclipse. (also, maybe join a more established alliance, lol)
  3. Let it be known that this is totally Mega's fault - gulag!
  4. Get a change.org petition going and then we'll talk.
  5. Thank you for having been such a wonderful ally and community during all these years, it's been an absolute pleasure! (and sharing memes in ASM server shall, I'm sure, continue to be a pleasure 😩)
  6. Schedule the slimming appointment for March like the good ol' days, or can we get an earlier appointment for one of your favourite customers?
  7. you get a massive gold star for seeing higher taxes for new nations and not defaulting to "but muh independence 😭" - good luck wherever you end up!
  8. You're all sleeping on Waifu Rush, honestly. just look at this face:
  9. and here I thought that the Shogunate Rose theme could never be topped πŸ˜­πŸ’―πŸ’¦
  10. darkblade is on point here (and isn't even a pirate/raider, also denouncing him for disagreeing with you is just silly lol). I've never been a pirate or a raider, and definitely grew slower early on because of that. If you want to handicap yourself like I did, that's your choice to make, but that doesn't mean that more effective playstyles should be nerfed. Fortune favours the bold, as they say! Despite choosing that path, though, I didn't deal with things like people raiding me, as I was in an alliance that would support and defend me. Find an alliance that suits your values, whether that be peace/independence or otherwise - but consider an alliance that substitutes some "independence" for optimum growth, imo, a good alliance will want you to grow as effectively as possible. I will say as a former neutral that generally, in a game focused around politics & war, pixel-huggers are going to have a bad time. πŸ˜›
  11. Rose members waking up like: also, going to retroactively consider myself Emperor.gif now Lots of exciting changes! A hearty congratulations to Solomon, as well as Diamond and Melisma on their promotions. You all deserve it so much. And a huge thank you for the countless hours that Lucianus and Mike have dedicated to Rose, it's been a genuine delight working with you both (and I look forward to continuing to work with you in the shadows πŸ‘€) Well done, Luci. It's been a wild ride and you've been an exceptional leader throughout it all.
  12. surely now, science has gone too far
  13. hello historical friend (+25) @Prefonteen 🐍 Cheers to us! Happy to be allied to a great group of people!
  14. Cheers on retirement, Vemek - I didn't have much personal interaction with you over your tenure, but even from the outside your exceptional work was apparent.
  15. it's because you didn't include the obligatory "what's up P&W 😀 it's ya boi darkblade 🀩😎 be sure to SMASH πŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ that like πŸ‘πŸ˜© and subscribe πŸ’¦πŸ’― button and turn on that bell πŸ””βœ‰οΈπŸ‘€" at the start and end of the video πŸ˜” also, +1 subscriber xoxo
  16. ] I hope to never wake up from this fever dream
  17. I've been hoping for a Guardian treaty for ages, thrilled to be working with everyone once again. o/ (Oblivion's cool, too ❀️)
  18. the disrespect of not even copy/pasting the alliance name as plain text is a nice touch
  19. shoutout to the author for knowing what we're here for
  20. Bittersweet to see the "end" of two very storied names in P&W - best of luck together!
  21. I would say that I'm pumped to see SRD retired and without the filter, but he never really had a filter in the first place - a big part of why it was so enjoyable to see you in action. that was some impressive stamina (especially considering the theme), enjoy retirement! Good luck Pres, glad to see it.
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