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Solomon Ben-David

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Solomon Ben-David last won the day on July 18

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    Solomon Ben-David
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    The Sword Coast

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  • Discord Name: Logistics#2110

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  1. TLDR, not TL;DR. Entirely different things! If I had to take a gander, the latter is the actual initialism with proper punctuation, the former means that they're not quite sure what it means.
  2. Back in his study after a long time spent fighting, Solomon begins clearing his whiteboard. Another war done; time to begin anew. He was in a chipper mood. While things may not have fully gone his way, the group of misfits he could now call friends fought hard and fought well, using their varied skills to their advantage. The future was certainly promising. Suddenly, a knock on his door. It’s Roberts. “Uh, you might want to see this,” Roberts says. “Curious why they’re back so soon.” Solomon follows Roberts outside. Waiting is an army of penguins, seemingly the same ones they had just spent the last month fighting. Solomon recalled they had a good time fighting each other; after all, both were there to have a whole lotta fun. From the horde, one emerges. Solomon quickly recognizes it as a friend made long ago. It had been a while, but they always had good fun together. Clown speaks. “Well, it was a helluva time fighting with you all, but how about we work together instead?” Solomon smiles. “Couldn’t’ve said it better myself.” Article I. Non-aggression. No friendly fire! Article II. Mutual Defense. If one party comes under attack by an external aggressor, the other is obligated to help. Article III. Optional Offense. If one party chooses to embark in an aggressive endeavor, the other may join in. Article IV. Intelligence. Both parties will share relevant intelligence. Article V. Non-Chaining. If one party enters a war due to the obligations of their other treaties, the other is not obligated to join in. Article VI. Cancellation. If either side decides to terminate the treaty, a 72-hour notice is required. Signatories: The Sword Coast Fortune Teller: Solomon Ben-David Innkeepers: Pubstomper, Roberts War Chieftain: Hunter Vault Master: Yirmiyahu Weaponized Assault Penguins Emperor Penguins: Clown and Supercheese Great Penguin of Foreign Affairs: BigGtheSlayer TL;DR: TSC and WAP sign a non-chaining MDoAP
  3. Does this mean I can't nuke @Putmir Vladin anymore? Shame.
  4. But...it is relevant? I'm confused as to what OPSEC you would be referring to then since we left shortly after CIS formed. Roberts and the rest of TSC's leaders*, but I see. Though again, we left shortly after, and regardless, we still completely deny doing any sharing of any OPSEC shared in these chats. You weren't there either, though. And the issue is that you're trying to claim that we did something that we didn't do. How am I supposed to prove that we did nothing when...we did nothing? This feels like a lot of hearsay, and while I respect not log dumping, I have yet to see anything that proves we've done anything of this sort. I'm surprised your experience is the opposite because it doesn't seem to be the norm. I mean, TFP got hit in 24hr because they told Eclipse they were looking elsewhere, that's a pretty good indicator that bad things can happen if you tell folks your plans before everything's settled. Once House was locked in, we gave our 72hr, which seems to be standard process. Before that, it wasn't fully certain to us that we would move, so I'm not sure that it would be useful to let people know that we were looking elsewhere and then decide to stay, since that immediately sows mistrust. And again, I don't know what intel we used in House since...we didn't do anything of the sort. TLDR: Again, we didn't do what you have claimed. NOTE: I'm gonna note here that TP and I have started up a private line of communication here, I just wanted to quickly respond to this to clear the air. We're both working towards a solution and sorting this out. I very much appreciate TP for coming to me outside of rhetoric on the forums so we can get to the bottom of how this misunderstanding began.
  5. You see, Toxic, if you had been in the room while the sphere was forming, you'd recall I was also there. You base your argument in witnessing things you did not witness, and it shows because you're trying to say that something that did not happen, happened. Again, where are the people that actually were in this chat? You certainly were not. You also don't really know the timeline of when we were in these discussions with TKR. We started seriously thinking about signing ODOO after the bloc was formed and we were in the peripherals chat. But again, we had no intention of spreading OPSEC, and we never did. So before I get to both of the points you've made, let me quickly summarize where we are: You have baselessly claimed that we stole OPSEC for TKR despite us vehemently denying it. When I asked for proof (#2 on my first post here), you still have not provided anything, instead making claims that I don't know what I'm talking about since I wasn't in these chats...except, I was, as TSC's FA head. Where is the rest of CIS in these accusations? The only person who has argued this point is you, and you weren't even in the chats when the bloc was being formed. You say that "this sentiment is shared amongst those I talked to," but I have yet to hear it from anyone else in CIS - or even in DB, for that matter. We gave Singularity our 72-hour notice; we were only tied to Sing at that time. I don't see how there is any issue with our actions there. You may have previously been telling allies the moment you started looking elsewhere, but from my experience in Rose for the past few years, I have yet to see that. We did our due process with the alliance we were tied to; I'm sorry that I didn't feel the need to tell people we weren't allied to that we were moving. This is news to both me and TKR. I'll say for a third time that I'd love to see where this happened, except for the fact that it didn't. In summation, you've claimed - without proof - that we stole OPSEC from a chat you were not a part of while claiming I wasn't in a chat I 100% was in. You've claimed that people agree with you, except for the fact that I have not heard anyone else actually come out in support of this. I've asked for evidence, and you have yet to give any. To me, at least, your argument seems to boil down to "TSC was allied to Sing. Now they're allied to TKR. Thus, they must have stolen OPSEC from Sing to give to TKR!" I'll reiterate a second time that my DMs are open to privately work this out, but I genuinely have no idea what your argument is based in. If you want to share evidence, be my guest. I have yet to see anything to show that we have actually done anything you've claimed we did.
  6. So it seems time to actually clarify a few things and explain to the world why this is just 100% false. First, Toxic, Dark Brotherhood was never part of the discussion that formed CIS. You all joined after it was more or less concluded and were kept to the peripherals level. So unless Singularity wants to back you up here you're arguing that we witnessed OPSEC you didn't. I have zero idea how you managed to get this perspective. Second: I have yet to actually see proof of us allegedly giving any information to TKR. That's not how we roll at all. Actually, let be buff this with some facts on us ending our MDoAP with Singularity and signing House, from someone who was actually a party to these discussions: We had been having a few issues with Sing at the time due to some differences in perspective and were trying to figure out what we wanted. TKR reached out and was looking to work in a collaborative environment with us. We were interested, and we took the offer. We said goodbye to Singularity on (at least from my recollection) good terms. I'm not one to leak OPSEC on an old ally, especially one where we were happy to leave on good terms simply due to a difference in perspective. And again, where do you fit into this? Third: "Maybe this time you'll get a better merge offer 4+ cities"? Aside from the questionable clarity of this phrase, I don't know what this is referring to lol. While we have denied merges, it's mostly because we want to work on growing from the ground up, which seems to have worked well considering we're sitting around #20 in peacetime less than half a year into starting an alliance from zero. Thus, I have yet to see any specific proof or clarity regarding these claims, and you're making these claims without being a party to some of the things you're making claims about. My DMs are, of course, open as always. Considering you've always been quite cheerful and happy to work together in them, I'm sure that we can find some sort of agreement.
  7. Should've known I'd have the cards under my control as the role suggests. Excited to see where this goes!
  8. "I swear, they're around here somewhere!" It's night as the party sits down to rest in the ruins of what used to be Cyre. As time as gone on through their travels, it's grown in numbers - a welcome development. Sitting around the campfire, questions erupt. "Is this just a wild goose chase?" "We've been wandering for weeks!" "What could be worth it?" "Don't worry, all!" Solomon proclaims, finding a higher place to stand. "We've been spending this time looking for the Warforged; beings of wood and metal, infused with magic. They fought a hellish war here many years ago, and with their help, we can make strides in our development back home." "But if they fought here, then why have we seen nothing and no one?" A voice yells out. "I'm...not sure. But rest assured, it'll be worth it when we find them. For the time being, let's have a restful night and we'll figure out our next steps when the morning comes," Solomon replies. The group grumbles, but continues through their night. At dawn, a figure appears on the horizon. Quickly, word passes around the camp of this tall, strange figure. Almost immediately, Solomon sets out with a small group of representatives to find this figure. As the group reach the edge of the plateau they set up camp on, a vast field reveals itself. Dozens of figures similar to the one they first noticed hours ago, milling about! As they approach these figures, five come out to meet them, their faces incapable of expression. "I've travelled a long way to meet you," Solomon begins. Article I. Mutual Defense Both parties are obligated to defend the other should they be attacked. Article II. Optional Aggression The signatories may decide to cooperate in their offensive plans if they so choose. Article III. Conduct Both signatories recognize and uphold the sanctity of their relationship, peace and good relations included. Article IV. Sovereignty Both parties acknowledge and agree to protect the other's sovereignty, and exclude themselves from the other's internal affairs. Article V. Intelligence Both signatories agree to share relevant information that directly impacts their security. Article VI. Non-Chaining Both signatories acknowledge and recognize Article I solely extends to the present signatories. Article VII. Cancellation Either signatory reserves the right to cancel this treaty. In such an event, one party must provide the other 72 hours' notice before the treaty is terminated. Signatories: The Sword Coast Fortune Teller: Solomon Ben-David Innkeepers: Pubstomper, Roberts War Chieftain: Hunter Vault Master: Yirmiyahu Singularity Prime Intelligence: Sketchy & Anri Neural Network: Abaddon & Keegoz Assimilation Directive: Tartarus TL;DR - The Sword Coast and Singularity sign a non-chaining MDoAP.
  9. Disagree, entire post should be replaced with "TSC based"
  10. It's time to gather your party, Adventurer. Sailing southward from the River Dessarin, you may find those famous white cliffs, rough like the inhabitants of the region. We’ve seen it all: plagues, conquests, strife, and everything in between. We're survivors, though, and in a land like this, anything is possible. It’s no paradise — but it’s home. And it’s worth saving. The Sword Coast The Sword Coast is for those who desire meaningful change in the world around them and embrace the opportunity to take action. No one is pushed to follow any one method, a battle-scarred barbarian is just as valuable as a silver-tongued merchant in The Sword Coast. The Sword Coast gives unique opportunities through internal systems of deals, contracts, and oaths - along with the consequences for breaking them. Protected by Singularity and The Fighting Pacifists Philosophy Teamwork results in mutual benefit and success on quests; The Sword Coast consists of people from all races, backgrounds, class, and creed. We welcome all members regardless of alignment. Leadership are servants to the membership, the leadership is expected to have a “leader eats last” philosophy. Have fun. We are a gaming community, after all, and adventures aren't just for the XP. Government Fortune Teller (FA): Solomon Ben-David Innkeepers (IA): Roberts, Pubstomper War Chieftain (Milcom): Hunter Vault Master (Econ): Yirmiyahu Discord Server: https://discord.gg/PNbYkyukv9 In-Game Link: https://politicsandwar.com/alliance/id=12281
  11. As a few folks have pointed out, there's a lot of pre-judging the outcome and a bit of confusion surrounding The Sword Coast, especially considering we haven't even officially launched yet. I won't rehash some of the issues in the argument that Shiho has pointed out - instead, I'll focus on TSC to clear the air a bit. There are a few issues with this statement. First, while Roberts has started quite a few alliances in his day, I wouldn't argue that this is headed "largely" by him considering in lieu of leaders our structure has the heads of the departments work together as the leaders. All five of us have been working to get this started, so I don't quite think it's fair to diminish TSC to "just another Roberts aa" since part of the point is that it's not led by a single person. I'll also poke at this "boutique" statement. As Shiho pointed out, arguing an under-20 member, high-tiered alliance doesn't entirely fit with our current tiering spread, or the fact that we're currently brushing 20 members even without launching. I'll agree that the 20 member thing is a nitpick, but the result is still the same - you're pre-judging the outcome. I really enjoy @Cypher's take here, that it's also unrealistic to expect the world of alliances who haven't been around, or in our case, haven't even launched yet. Generally, while I do appreciate the argument and think it's useful to think about, I just can't see TSC fitting into the mix, especially when we haven't even made an official forum post or properly launched yet.
  12. System Time: +1123200 Launching: KEYSTONE_PROTOCOL Running . . . Importing Liberty Bell.png . . . Importing Sheetz.cpp . . . Importing NewJersey_Hate.exe . . . Compressing . . . Running . . . The line of Pennsylvanian leaders continues, as the prophecy foretold. First Kurdanak, then Redarmy, and now Solomon. However, it wouldn't leave so easily this time. Written deep in the Emperor's code, a protocol, an insurance policy. To be enacted and to ensure the center of power remains Harrisburg for all time. A retheme of sorts, although a stamp of authority for those who knew. Quickly, old flags were withdrawn, being replaced by a simple banner with a keystone. The centerpiece. However, this did not just symbolize unity. Now was the time for Pennsylvania to rise. (April Fool's, obviously)
  13. CRISIS! The Emperor, Lucianus has left us with no heirs! The Empire is at risk! However, there is hope. A project was left forgotten on the table long ago...although it seemed to be missing something. When Lucianus had found the project, there was lots of work that needed to be done. To make this project his King Solomon - the wise king - refinement was desperately needed. However, while years of acclimation was enough to work out the rust, something was missing that Lucianus couldn't put his finger on. Perhaps with the right program...something could be worked out. Lucianus worked long into the night to create just what was needed, using everything at his disposal - all of the knowledge he had to impart, every lesson he could give, and with the help of ValkGPT, it was ready. Emperor.exe - his masterpiece. At long last, Lucianus imported it into the existing code and ran it. The Empire was secured; all hail the SoloBot™️! The March 2023 Elections have concluded, here is the new Rose government: Emperor: Solomon Ben-David High Justice: Harry Flashman Horizon Guard of Foreign Affairs: Wasteking Horizon Guard of Military Affairs: DiamondBlocker10 Horizon Guard of Internal Affairs: Melisma Horizon Guard of Economic Affairs: Jordan Horizon Guard of Technological Affairs: Mateus
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