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Dr Rush

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Everything posted by Dr Rush

  1. Its literally a concept front end, there is no backend for it to do anything with.
  2. Yes, lets definitely add this and bring about the age of blob warfare. Aka, never have a balanced major war again.
  3. For reals though what are these trash cb arguments. Kt is responsible for this abomination That is all the reason needed to roll them needed.
  4. Auto expiry is meh, I can think of many things that are better uses of dev time but it won't actually break anything. The rest is honestly shear laziness, like going into minecraft and thinking it should have diamond blocks in the ground instead of ore. And I also find the suggestion of even further limiting player/player interaction based on alliance level edicts to be ill advised.
  5. The answer is all the beige they could hope for I'm sure, but again you completely miss the issue.
  6. You say that with such pride. But it only shows how little your lot knows about war. Which is apparently nothing.
  7. So an admission of what you did wrong is a good place to start. Can you explain why the community and by extension staff don't like random DM advertising?
  8. I like how I can't even see the poll result gg forum. There are (almost) always multiple voting rounds. A 1 vote difference is not sufficient to declare the winner, particularly when it's literally pick anything you like. If I really wanted to enforce my will I could for instance be much more aggressive in the pruning that occurs from the nomination thread. War names are community selected and therefore a reflection of community sentiment. Expecting the community to be neutral about anything is objectively unreasonable. I honestly don't remember who did the vote for NPOLT. But in any case, if we named wars for the first 2 days they would all be named 'dial up', in fact thats been a recycled named suggestion for many years. Wars are typically defined by the middle and end events. And at least when I do the votes the format is almost always to have the vote after the war is concluded. This is the standard format, not some randomness being thrown out cause I didn't like the name. I literally don't care one way or the other. ----------------------------- In any case, I have been considering some type of alliance rep system to handle nomination shortlisting in a more compact manner. So if anyone has thoughts on that concept speak up.
  9. Poll is open for a week, then this will be over. Very last chance for ya'll to not have terrible taste.
  10. Tbh, I probably missed them when i was copying names out to discord.
  11. Only took 3 attempts at submitting it. Preliminary vote for the name of last global. Vote for the ones you like. Will almost certainly be a 2nd round of voting later on. Also a heads up in the future this naming process is likely to be changed somewhat.
  12. This pretty much. Most importantly to me, there is a myriad of ethical concerns in this kind stretching of the moderation reach. There are also very important practical issues. A good place to start would be what if the hosting server (rightly I might add) refuses to allow access? Is Alex supposed then threaten to ban them too? Pretty sure that would be a violation of Discord's ToS to say nothing of US law. And even with access there are still many ways to hide stuff on Discord; And most servers are not set up to handle them reliably. So even ethics and availability concerns aside, a program like this would require Discord's platform level tools. In principle I do agree that the official areas should have a more cohesive moderation system both in rules and punishments, including some 'global' level punishments. That being said, there are certainly issues, mainly with the ability to adequately track and link accounts on various platforms. Some stuff has been taken up cross platform before, but its an exception not the rule because it requires a large time investment from staff to do that. Shifty makes a great point here as well. When ever a rule exists, there will always be a line of people trying to bend it in their favor or alter its interpretation to their favor. It's also possible to make a mistake, even acting in good faith. In fact thats guaranteed. You are unquestionably requesting PW staff moderate other servers. That it is only in one area, does not change what it is. ``````````````````````````` Now as the Lead Mod for the official server, I have severe ethical concerns with even attempting such a course as OP has requested. Especially when the needed tools for such a venture are not even obtainable much less actively available. So the answer is a flat no. Part of being a mod or having any authority for that matter, is knowing where your authority should stop, and this is very much past that line. It is ultimately the right and responsibility of Discord's team to moderate their platform. And it is to them you'll need to take up any issues outside of PW's small confines.
  13. The nazism rule does exist in weird place where it both covers the promotion of nazi material and also separately accusing others of being nazis. From a record keeping perspective that is a valid issue to bring up and I'll add it to the list of things to be addressed next time the rules/policies are updated. That being said, if we are being intellectually honest, downfall parodies are very much associating whoever is being memed on with nazis. Whether intentional or not that does happen and should fall under whatever rule covers calling each other nazis. That being said, the community has already had a discussion on downfall in particular and per Alex it enjoys a special exclusion from the rules. I doubt Lossi knew about that specific exception so I have let them know about it and struck your warn from the record.
  14. Do you even know who I am? I know many things, Things that are, Things that were, and even some things that have not yet come to pass.
  15. @PhoenyxYou want the truth? You think you can handle the truth? Well?
  16. 72 hour warning before your suggestion probably won't make voting. Please do have better names this time.
  17. or hear me out you can make these and many more terms at the negotiating table. With real player interaction not shallow labels. And hard no on hard coding treaty chains.
  18. I regret democracy, pls do better.
  19. Suggest names, please remember me and the wiki mods will yeet profane, sentences, and otherwise unworkable names from the vote. Will go until after the majority of parties have signed peace or whatever.
  20. Deleting takes 30 seconds, fixing isn't possible at all and any attempt at it will consume many hours.
  21. This comes down to using alex's dev time wisely. Yes baseball could be fixed. Is it worth the effort at the cost of other things like a buff to navy or search boxes taking nation/alliance ids, not so much.
  22. Again we aren't messing with mobile nav.
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