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Everything posted by Buorhann

  1. Yeah, was expecting black hole shenanigans.
  2. I stopped at "The "West" deserves it" bit. Nobody deserves being taken hostage and killed, dumbass.
  3. That's all we need now, evolution to bring out the giraffe necked trolls. Thanks Sheepy.
  4. No, actually, it was directed to you. Just read back over this thread. iNGen drops OS and all of a sudden this thread is dominated by private messages and you talking about warring LoN. Why openly share information like that? I don't think anybody asked what was going on. It was just... BOOM, here you go.
  5. Um, I think you're misunderstanding my post, but ok - have fun.
  6. Tip: Keep all affairs private till they are needed to be announced. In this case, should've waited out the 72 hours for the protection treaty to end so that iNGen wouldn't be tied to a war they don't want. After the 72 hours, declare war with your reasoning. Leave it at that. No need to explain further unless it's absolutely necessary. Probably want to chat around and see if you could garner any support too.
  7. No, that is completely false and ignorant thinking. Anybody can edit wiki articles and the source claims on wiki articles can be led astray. Context from wiki articles to the source it comes from can also be different. It has nothing to do with "ease" of research.
  8. I see. However, do they not teach you in school to stop relying on wikipedia articles for sources?
  9. That is not the discussion. The discussion is how the south could've won. Not the aftermath.
  10. As someone who has ran multiple PvP groups centered around small groups in various MMOs - this is so true. Introducing people who cannot fit into the culture created will turn the group on itself.
  11. Nothing can beat Lord Bagel's reply. Sorry. Come back again another thread.
  12. Want a hug, Placentica? I can give a solid hug. Or we can go cruising. You're driving, btw.
  13. Yeah, there wasn't any need to re-bump this thread, Syrup, lol.
  14. May want to re-read history and go over policies taken during that conflict. Specifically the containment bit. 70 years you say? So I guess the end result of the Cold War wasn't positive - which, you know, didn't involve atomic weaponry being used. Or the containment of Communism. Or the rapid increase of technology due to being a brain drain nation. Man, I could go on with 70 years here. That's a pretty large chunk of history in there. Yeah, I'll stick with my stance on you not knowing anything. You're reacting over a few mistakes ( 2nd Iraq War mainly, maybe the Vietnam War depending how you look at it ).
  15. Other than special forces training rebels, you have a source providing anything else?
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