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Wizel16 last won the day on January 1 2023

Wizel16 had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Leader Name
  • Nation Name
    Cardinals Nation
  • Nation ID
  • Alliance Name
    The Knights Radiant

Contact Methods

  • Discord Name: Wizel16

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Wizel16's Achievements

Advanced Member

Advanced Member (4/8)



  1. FFS I have to be nice to @Allend Goodblood again. smdh
  2. Good luck friends! I always enjoyed our wartime banter with you guys!
  3. Greetings scary internet friends of Orbis, I write to you today to announce my time as King of TKR is coming to a close and it is time for me to take my place as the sixth Shard alongside @Benfro, @Adrienne, @TheCreepyLurker, @Lordship, and @Dalinar. When I first joined PnW and TKR nearly 4 years ago I never envisioned I would one day be leading the best community in Orbis. The past 14 months have been a roller coaster ride to say the least but I wouldn't change it for anything. It is an immense honor to have been able to lead TKR and not something I will ever forget. With us turning the page on a new year TKR also turns a page into its next chapter. I'm pleased to formally announce King @Canbec, Seventh Monarch of The Knights Radiant and First Priest of Deus. Canbec has been a fast riser through the ranks in TKR. He was promoted into gov three months after joining, high gov just four months later until I promoted him to Prince/2IC a mere 14 months after joining but his contributions to our community have been so much bigger. I cant think of a better person to hand over the reins of TKR to. TKR is in great hands. I look forward to seeing the new heights TKR can reach under Canbec’s leadership. To all my fellow leaders, friend and foe, that I've had the pleasure of interacting with, I thank you for making this boring game fun. I enjoyed my interactions with all of you and hope to continue that even in my retirement. To all our allies in Guardian, Grumpy, Oblivion, TI, BK, NW, Carthago, FSO, WTF, TFR and Mayhem many thanks to all of you. From the good times to the stressful times alike you guys all helped make this game fun and enjoyable. I couldn't have asked for a better group of allies as a leader. To my incredible gov team in TKR. I can't even begin to thank you all enough for your efforts and support during my time as King. Running an alliance is more than a one person job. It takes all of you to keep TKR running and I wouldn't have been able to do it without you all there by my side. A final thank you to @Benfro for trusting me to lead the best community in Orbis and for all the advice before and after taking the helm to help prepare me for leadership. So long for now friends and thank you for an amazing 14 months. Fear not though, I will not be disappearing so feel free to reach out should you ever need anything. Hail King @Canbec, may your reign be long and successful. Hail TKR
  4. Checks standings from last year
  5. I didn't make the suggestion to drop the term. That was your side. Tp said you guys would need to update your terms because of "ongoing events." This thread I assume.
  6. I approve this exemption. Congratz on the paper friends!
  7. Glad to be working with y'all!!. Also shoutout to @Sweeeeet Ronny D just because. 😁
  8. Good lucks with the new sphere guys!
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