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Everything posted by Krampus

  1. This is a popular idea, but it's not really true. You have to remember the "average" pnw player isn't the war loving, active player you think it is. The average pnw player logs on to pnw (and discord, maybe) once a day at best, or once every few days. The average pnw player does not love participating in war, they just respond to defensives and thats usually it. A global war does not make the "average" pnw player significantly more active, beyond logging in more often for the duration of the war, when they have wars. Not to mention, that only considers the winning side. In contrast, the "average" pnw player on the losing side of the war makes, at best, a futile effort to nuke or missile the enemy, and more often than not just logs in once a few days not to go gray, but enough to log back in and buy infra when its peace time. Even if you consider only members of the top 20 alliances, which tend to have more competent members than the rest, this doesn't change. most people on the losing side go inactive when war happens. You would have to drastically redo the war mechanic to make this argument, that war makes pnw players more active. (such that half the game on the losing side has a reason to log in actively) The perception that war makes the community more active is, from what ive seen, a discord thing, as it makes the discord servers more active. which is not false, since pnw is basically a discord game with some button clicking on the side. but that is limited to the top 5% of pnw players who are already regularly active on discord.
  2. I still don’t believe TKR uses discord. This must be a psy op
  3. It is not intended to be a cheap project. This is a military project, the return on the project lies in the damage you deal, and NLF basically doubles your damage output. Thats also a reason why the price is relatively high insofar project prices go. It is clear cut intended to be an expensive, whale tier project that only a fraction of people will buy. due to the "R1-and-done" nature of wars, the biggest whales get out of wars with very little damage received, on the winning side. The war score change went some way in terms of fixing this (as seen in the last global), but when you account for inflation, it's more like a band-aid fix and not a real long term fix to the core problem. Speaking bluntly, this nuke project is also basically a band-aid. We can't fix the core gameplay mechanics, so this is the best we will get. In my view, this is the best middle-ground. The project won't be cheap enough where people mass buy it (like NRF) while also allowing increased damage for the losing side of a conflict. 1bn for a project is on the expensive side, such that not even alliances will easily be able to mass buy it. If you nuke one extra 2.8k infra city per day (for a month), you'll have dealt more than the price of this project. Since the entire purpose of the project is to let you deal more damage, I think that's a good return on your investment.
  4. try this: { "infra_needed": 2000, "imp_total": 40, "imp_coalpower": 10, "imp_oilpower": 0, "imp_windpower": 0, "imp_nuclearpower": 1, "imp_coalmine": 7, "imp_oilwell": 0, "imp_uramine": 0, "imp_leadmine": 0, "imp_ironmine": 0, "imp_bauxitemine": 0, "imp_farm": 0, "imp_gasrefinery": 0, "imp_aluminumrefinery": 0, "imp_munitionsfactory": 0, "imp_steelmill": 0, "imp_policestation": 1, "imp_hospital": 3, "imp_recyclingcenter": 3, "imp_subway": 1, "imp_supermarket": 0, "imp_bank": 4, "imp_mall": 4, "imp_stadium": 3, "imp_barracks": 0, "imp_factory": 0, "imp_hangars": 0, "imp_drydock": 0 }
  5. bro predates the awards yet is just as clueless about them as new players
  6. Not at all. If you are getting rolled, considering the average global war takes around a month, an extra nuke per day doubles your potential damages. if you are nuking anything above 2.25k, you'd get your roi in the first global. It's a 100% increase in the damage you deal while being rolled. For that, 1bn might even be on the cheap side for a "drawn out war" as you said, assuming that lasts longer than the average global.
  7. Thats also a reason why the price is relatively high insofar project prices go. It is clear cut intended to be an expensive, that only a fraction of people will buy. Consider this: what you are proposing will not be implemented in this decade. You're asking for a big, meta changing update, whereas the most we can do is wait months to code some light commerce / project rework in. However, it is true that due to the "R1-and-done" nature of wars you mentioned, the biggest whales get out of wars with very little damage received, on the winning side. The war score change went some way in terms of fixing this (as seen in the last global), but when you account for inflation, it's more like a band-aid fix and not a real long term fix to the core problem. Speaking bluntly, this nuke project is also basically a band-aid. We can't fix the core gameplay mechanics, so this is the best we will get. In my view, this is the best middle-ground. The project won't be cheap enough where people mass buy it (like NRF) while also allowing increased damage for the losing side of a conflict. 1bn for a project is on the expensive side, such that not even alliances will be able to mass buy it.
  8. we should have kept this. its much better than boilerplate. i hate elawyers 😭(cough @Canbeccough)
  9. >be at war >get poached >try to wardodge >get your sk confiscated >ask for a prot for the alliance you got poached to >rant on the forums about not getting the king like treatment youre entitled to suprisedpikachuface.gif (why do i have to deal with dumbasses like this? I heard TKR is a great place to join this time of year!)
  10. He probably thinks that grass is a creation of human imagination that is 10x2 pixels in size
  11. Really? Over this quick? I regret the 5 seconds I spent setting this conflict up on ctowned, smh
  12. If camelot is doing this BF's bank is smaller than their debts lmao
  13. im told its a type of seed that you sow and then farm year round. im not a farmer though, not within my field of expertise
  14. 14 wars is hardly a blitz. a small scale raid at most. HS can surely counter them
  15. Yet more bs drama. These guys cant catch a break. arent you m leveled with hs?
  16. Watching everyone lose braincells trying to talk to him is immensely entertaining lmfao firwof and her are a great fit for each other
  17. a thousand year reich, you mean?
  18. Really? You had so many possible better abbreviations to pick, and you went with Singu? Singu just sounds like a portmanteau of a sad penguin Behold. i present to you, singularity:
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