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Dio Brando

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Everything posted by Dio Brando

  1. Did I claim they could do better? No. What did I imply? That their wars have minimal effect.
  2. Dio Brando


    Congratulations. Your ability to lob a nuke is impressive.
  3. Hey man, don't insult their siege mentality. Their PTSD compels them to fight long drawn out wars by which their nations stand displaced from the rest of the world, their alliance isolated, and ability to recover minimal.
  4. Congratulations, you declared a grand total of 2 wars on Guardian. I'm sure they're quaking in their boots.
  5. That Alpha score graph looks tasty.
  6. Ok, let's be real here. We need an NG appreciation thread. Dude makes me crack up more than anyone else.
  7. CCY's poor form in PUBG has not translated over. Good. (Kidding cups, love you! k-pop selection was some good stuff!)
  8. I'll echo Thrax's sentiment above: this was Hans' idea, wasn't it? Regardless, you chose to go in despite the issues you had. I can respect that. Good luck. (I would have had preferred you to have >10 wars, but this is okay too. More offensive slots consumed by Rose/KT et al.)
  9. I was wondering where that steady increment in score was coming from. o/ TFP
  10. THE Knights Templar you say... what about Knights Templar? Where do they stand?
  11. NPO runs a command economy. Their bank war-chest is by extension their members war-chest. You may argue over the efficiency of such a model, or lack thereof, but that wouldn't be my point. The issue with stating that there is no argument to be made for the role of economics in decisions IQ takes, or does not take, is that it makes you intentionally obtuse. Economics will always have something to do with the decisions taken, by any rational or even semi-rational actor. Second, that stockpile will be cycled through its members, and into a war. Then, take into consideration the strata employed by IQ et al., and you will see why pointing towards that stockpile and claiming, "Oh yeah econ is no issue" is an incorrect point.
  12. Grand Inquisitor Kemal still preaches; it warms My heart to see the name of Dio still being uttered.
  13. I understand your point, Thrax. You're absolutely correct when you say part of what the criticism they're receiving is justified. Hell, if you PM Roq, he'll be fine with telling you that I've trolled them a significant bit myself over things I disagreed with. My issue with people is when they assume others can shove very recent events under the rug, and move on to join hands and sing kumbaya. Things don't work out like that, especially in a polsim like this where gameplay antagonism is very real. The same goes for IQ, tbf. Others are not willing to forget the events that took place against them. That's perfectly understandable. I would have liked to believe that the reciprocation of such understanding would be a thing. Apparently not /shrug
  14. Like I said, I don't have complete information over what occurred there. Thank you for clarifying what it was.
  15. I'm waiting for him to see his own mistake. Read your second last sentence about moves and confidence again. Slowly. Look at the previous week. Read the sentence again. There we go.
  16. Seconding this, because this is one of those additions that would really make the experience better.
  17. Didn't claim they were right in the first portion. I was one of the more outspoken ones against the whole "secret treaties" narrative in the beginning. This war just defeats that narrative. On the "pick you off one by one" part: it was stated repeatedly that IQ has not done anything, and has not been willing to do anything. How do you mesh that stance, with the stance that IQ will suddenly become competent and pick off alliances one by one? Then, you have this war. If the idea was to show IQ that the world was not banded together against them, was forming a coalition against them the way to prove that? Ask these questions.
  18. Someone's been playing too much CKII... To address the questions: I'm sure IQ realizes this. I am also sure IQ would like to punch its opponents back as they fall. I expected you of all people to understand this, but maybe that's just me. Within the course of the past two months or so, this question has been brought up in front of me countless times; voice chats, Discord servers, on the forums, and offsite fora. Let's tackle this: As a prelude (and necessity to cover all bases) let's begin by seeing how this war began, and what followed, sounds fair, right? Last Sunday, logs about KT, AIM, SK and unnamed others planning on hitting IQ were leaked. Around 12 hours from that point, IQ declared pre-emptively. Whether that was a good choice is open for debate. I digress. Following that declaration, at the following update, mass "counters"* and declarations of war were posted against Inquisition, and its outside (of the bloc) ties. You may see them if you open up Alliance Affairs, should not be hard to miss. Lets first go over this "defensive" action. A coalition of alliances (let's not pretend as if it is anything but) opened war against Inquisition, and its ties, over their declaration on Knights Templar. Why? For reasons they are yet to disclose, if anyone on the OWF cares, that is. Let's go over this again. Alliances that had nothing to do with KT declared war on Inquisition over a war that was started in spite of them having a solid casus belli. I am sure to some of you belligerents, it is an alien concept, but this time, IQ did have a CB, and a very valid one at that. That was trashed at the following update due to an amalgamation of reasons that should not be hard to miss if you are to talk to the more outspoken of the coalition's members. Does this not strike you as odd? That alliances with no real ties to KT jump upon IQ when they declare as they have the right to. Lets consider the post right above my own, by Justin. It implies that part of the CB was IQ's unwillingness to shift the status quo. Thus it does not become, not wholly at least, a matter of the KT war, but of external powers and political entities wishing to influence Pacifica's Foreign Affairs, and the direction they take. It is quite clear, any alliance that believes they could bully Inquisition et al., will find that Pacifica and allies are not docile, and are willing to bite back. Let's move on. You have a status quo where IQ, if it disbands, will be left with parties that have been alienated repeatedly. I'm sure some of the more louder members of your coalition will come up here and talk about how that would not come to pass if IQ did dissolve, that they would be willing to treaty and dance with the parties in IQ. Have you at any given time considered that treaties are a two-way street? I have seen several members (shitposting, as they were) discussing TKR's former FA head opting to pick a direction its membership (TKR's) was not comfortable. I will not support or go against that statement, for my knowledge is incomplete on that regard. Let's consider IQ now. You have alienated, and pushed into a corner IQ through this war. If they dissolve, where do they go, friend? To you? Do they forget this war that they had a legitimate right to participate in? Then, let's consider the issue of "Secret treaties". A large part of the OWF a few months back was discussing how the remnants of what was once EMC had secret ties with each other, and that if IQ were to push for offensive maneuvers, they would counter. Exactly that has come to pass. "But Dio, there's only like one EMC alliance participating in here." Yes, Rose is there, and so are other alliances that are connected to them, and several prominent members of EMC in alliances fighting against IQ. You single-handedly shot down a narrative that was espoused by your members. Congratulations. Then, how do you claim to dictate IQ's policy on who it aligns with, politically or ideologically? Let's move on. Okay. You're wrong, but I'll bite. If they leave IQ right now, they will be left as remnants of a bloc alienated by other parties through this war, with little to no accumulation of political capital. Not sure what you expect them to do. I also suggest you search up on what gameplay antagonism is. It will help you through these times. In-fact, I will post what gameplay antagonism is, just for you, baby. Rather than breaking them apart, that has brought them together. Admirable. Someday, you might actually want to talk to people from IQ. You will find they are not 'RoqBots'. You will find that they have a mind of their own, and are not as impressionable as the children you seem to perceive them as. Till then, the drivel that escapes your mouth is just that: drivel that is irrelevant, and will remain irrelevant. Here, you ask a question, and then answer it yourself. Has no one ever told you to not go into debates with preconceived notions of being correct? As long as you believe you are irrelevant, and you can not win, you will not win. Something to consider. I think you literally answered your question by this statement. It is exactly because, not in spite of the fact that the game seems to be content with beating up IQ that they are sticking together. -- I bit the bait. Shouldn't have considering this is a Kastor thread, but maybe it's just me that enjoys wasting time writing walls of text. Cheers!
  19. Rather, it should say: who focused on infra damage or launched heavily infra damaging attacks. NPO has not bought too much infra. It is still in the negative.
  20. I knew another political entity called 'Elysium'. They merged into another, and that is where their adventures ended. Is this your destination, Verin?
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