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Everything posted by Phiney

  1. It can't be a spy thing, I looked at his nuke count after we had done the 3 spies for the day and it was at 5. I looked then later after he had done the failed nukes attack and he had 0. Either he decommed or it bugged.
  2. Stop people with low infra and high city counts raiding the lower teir? What a new and novel idea, please do tell me more.
  3. Enough with the hard caps. It's not difficult to run a negative income. I wouldn't be apposed to harsher penalties for negative income though but straight out stopping attacks is stupid and over the top.
  4. Can confirm, all nukes were gone midway through the 23rd around the time of the vds blocking the nuke. Since I was one of the ones doing the spying I was checking nuke numbers regularly. I actually said to my guys grealind must have deleted his nukes. Edit: If you look at grealinds spy ops against him I took out 2 spies instead of a nuke on the 23rd so it was actually 4 nukes that vanished.
  5. You are so wrong it hurts. Firstly Im not saying sliding menus are bad, I'm saying having a menu on slide right and slide left with no indication that's how where they are is terrible. Have the resource bar above the screen with a button to reveal it or you can also do on drag would at least be intuitive Considering everyone currently sees it at the top. The biggest problem with sheepys change was no indication or buttons to reveal the content. Frameworks like jquery mobile are built as catchalls, it doesn't mean everything they allow is good. Design should be user focused not what cool thing can we do that makes no sense. Having a separate mobile site is not the easiest way. The game is already responsive and on bootstrap there would be no point separating them. Responsive design is there to accommodate screen sizes and make separate mobile sites a thing of the past, why would you go back 6 years when doing updates to a site.
  6. Having a separate mobile site is bad. Why not just have the viewport scale meta on all the time anyway? The real issue on mobile is all the tables that need scroll, if Sheepy solved that with one of the many mobile table options out there that would be the way to go. And then still don't put the swipe menus on as it's just unintuitive and silly, no one would expect it it's not a common UI practice. You're supposed to make things obvious clear and easy for a user not complicated and weird.
  7. Sorry rahl I think the way you worded this topic was your downfall. He's not actually saying get rid of them, he's saying don't change them as any change will make them OP, he would rather see them removed than altered to be OP and ruin the rest of the war system
  8. No, don't, the change is simply a bad idea. The site isn't optimised enough for mobile for this to be a viable option, so many pages have tables that need sideways scroll, which this removes the ability to do.
  9. It's terrible on mobile now you can't scroll up easily at all you've made it much too insensitive. P.s. Making the menu and resource bar on side swipes is incredibly bad from a usability point of view. Very unintuitive and makes no sense
  10. Considering after the last war I was a long way ahead on tank kills (nearly double no. 2 I think) raiding definitely changed your stats. You massively leap flogged me on tanks killed before this war just from raiding.
  11. Don't you just hate it when people aggressively oA?
  12. 10/10 would be psychicly read again. This release has all the makings of a box office smash, but seems it might all end up being a huge flop that no one is bothered by. Reminds me of a certain first attack...
  13. Only inf damage wasn't logged before. Just the damage caused by those wars in terms of units was so small (but equal in relative terms) that their impact on ratings like these is negligible. I'm pretty sure I did around 50% of my total stats in the last war.
  14. Dont worry Sae, Mensa people forget there was a game before they joined, and that there were wars before they started to become relevant. Y'know guys, there was a time when 40 ships was a lot to have, and what seemed damaging then now doesn't seem damaging at all, hense stats from those original wars would look pathetic comparably. But please, keep saying TEsties have no war experience.
  15. Woh Woh Woh. Who is this chap that's had my pants down when I wasn't paying attention?
  16. Cheers pre. Did you do a score update aswell?
  17. Heh, as if people would actually look at something properly. Who do you think we are?
  18. This looks either 8 or so days into the speed round or just before it to me
  19. Hollllaaaaaaaaaaaa. Badass score is something I can get behind, can you do a spreadsheet of just top badasses globally?
  20. Actually don't mind making ground supremecy 1/2 that's not a bad idea to go. With this
  21. Sigh. The limit would still be 18 as it is currently, the cap isn't being removed completely. You havnt read the suggestion properly or simply don't understand. Try again.
  22. All the backlash about this idea is in regards to planes, surely this just means planes are still not balanced compared to the other units, not that this idea sucks? Hypothetically, if planes weren't as OP would people be behind the idea on the basis it promotes tactics and teamwork over maxing?
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