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Everything posted by Atzuya

  1. Overrated mask from a grossly overrated movie with frankly 'meh' messages
  2. Please refrain from name-dropping your alliance when a new player asks for some advice... On a serious note, you can pay attention to the price of things on the global market, and focus on producing resources that have better price. Right now lead and bauxite have awesome prices, you can sell those right away without converting them to aluminum and munitions. Once your city have 500+ infra, you should start getting some commerce improvements and a police station. When you have 80+ pollution, then you can get a recycling center to reduce the disease on your city. Always keep an eye on your infra:land ratio, try to avoid having a densely populated city. Of course, asks for city grants or loans from your alliance, getting more cities is always a good idea. Since you're under the protection of beige, you can dismantle your soldiers and barrack and make room for another lead mine.
  3. I'd rather doubt ads put on display only once per two hour would be seen by a lot of people, but if this can get rid of that snorlax banner, then go for it.
  4. National project name: Department of Propaganda Small description: Greatly reduces the morale of your enemies by constantly blasting provocative messages with loudspeakers over the borders and allow your planes to airdrop pamphlets with persuasive messages over their borders. Project effect: Nations that are currently engaged in war with you will have 30% chance to only gain 50% of soldiers upon enlisting. When you have air control on them, the percentage increases to 80% and you gain as much soldiers lost this way. (they try to enlist 10,000, 30% chance they only get 5,000 instead. When you have air control, those 5,000 soldiers defect to your side without increasing your 'soldiers enlisted today' number.) Resource cost: 7,500 2,000 Cash cost: $15,000,000
  5. https://politicsandwar.com/nation/war/timeline/war=74271 https://politicsandwar.com/nation/war/timeline/war=74256 The extra '\'s are only seen on the nation activity timeline, but they're not there in their respective war timeline.
  6. Just tested it in the test server, Democracy still gives me 1% more gross income. It could be just an issue on the game server
  7. You need to be able to pay for your improvements upkeep for a turn for them to work. Looks like you've solved your problem there
  8. More discussions ingame would just likely needlessly clutter things up further imo. Right now it's really bother to keep up just with the alliance announcements, as there's no notifications for new replies and there's no "first unread" marker on the comments. Also, some players prefer to discuss things in their own private forum, so that could explain why some is never active here but active ingame
  9. Atzuya

    IRC Issues

    Kastor is running loose in the channel now
  10. Atzuya

    IRC Issues

    Aw man... how am I supposed to watch metro and kastor make a fool of themselves in real time
  11. All this talk about Dio, but not one mention of The World? I'm actually rather sad
  12. As title, I got this message under the Improvements count when I changed a city's images. Nothing really went wrong though.
  13. I suppose that could work, but it rules out the religions that don't have any godhead figure or anything particular that creates the universe
  14. That's admittedly the hard part... maybe take religion as 'system of belief and faith'?
  15. Atheism is a religion belief? o_0 I personally wouldn't pull anything from the history of IRL Earth into the Orbis, because at certain points it strains into the suspension of disbelief. If a religion exists on Earth because a string of certain events in the past, and that religion also exist in Orbis, then those certain events must have also happened in Orbis. Unless of course those religions popped out of nowhere. Then again, each nations have their own version of history of Orbis
  16. The Logo should only be changed during major events and holidays imo
  17. Someone should really make a thread to list all existing religions on Orbis. IRL religion shouldn't be included unless someone wants to roleplay as the prophet or the head of that religion.
  18. Politics should be handled outside the game mechanics. It adds the possibilities of stabbing others in the back whenever necessary
  19. The people of Ennatria are fairly mixed in their religion, and so far no one faith came to the top. In fact, when polled during a survey most young adults answered "whatever works" while many of the elders verbally spat in the face of surveyors. No further polls have been taken.
  20. Y'all still have power in your cities. I have none Beat that suckah
  21. Are you still high? If you're still high after 10 hours, you really need some medical help
  22. War expires on the turn update after the war is declared, plus five days. Flubb declared you on 2:46 PM, so it will expire on 4:00 PM update
  23. Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
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