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Everything posted by hidude45454

  1. In terms of appearance, the Syndicate has got to have the best forum. The color choices are nice, the forums look smooth, and who doesn't like all the shaking and spinning objects there In terms of activity, I'm "not biased at all" when I would nominate the BK forums. If you're a diplomat there, you should know that you will get very fast responses most of the time, and overall we have a very active alliance. In this aspect, I would probably go with TKR for #2.
  2. We tried having a Minecraft server between BoC and BK, but that died after a few months. I had full prot IV though There are a few people at BK that might be willing to help, specifically jimmyvbuck, although he'll probably be too lazy to care. I would be happy with a mostly vanilla server, with the exceptions being voting, economy, and cheating plugins. MCmmo and factions might be good as well.
  3. Such blitz much war Have fun anyways
  4. I had a shortage of gasoline while trying to do an airstrike, and this popped up: Shouldn't this number be 93% instead of 0.93%? Also, I encountered this issue on test server as well, but I can't remember if it was for planes or for other military units, so it might be helpful to check those out as well. Thanks! Also, some other minor issues: shouldn't ground control be in lower case? Also "33% percent" doesn't make much sense to me (it basically means "33 percent percent")
  5. o/ BK ayy lmao, flavortown is back in business.
  6. Even better - search up Jeff Boss and view his webpage. You'll probably die laughing.
  7. ^ This right here, thanks jimmyvbuck Best of luck, but lmao this was too coincidential -"The Masters Race" -Black nation color -White alliance color -On freeforums.com
  8. What is love? It's certainly not this shameful excuse of a thread topic. I was on the winning side of the war and even I think that this guy is ridiculous. I'll play devil's advocate here and argue that this guy is a troll, because at least then he would be getting some enjoyment out of making these posts instead of desperately trying to find some sort of logical argument. Hey, but at least if that's true, he gets warning points for provoking/insulting This honestly reminds me of those 7 year old kids on Xbox who threaten to hack your account when they lose, except he actually uses proper grammar - what does that tell you about who plays this game
  9. Being a Youtuber means you have to manage a lot of stuff, and you fail miserably. I wish to be able to BS anything.
  10. I am JFK and you racist prick! Kastor ran away peeing. He was eaten by Mommy. Pol Pot smoked weed alone playing meatspin, flopping around his fat, interstellar flacid penis! Mother, show me your big nation. Kastor farted and everyone sucked his big, black, thin ass-hole. Lincoln Abraham Kastor'd everyone's sheep skin and Prefontaine sucked my !@#%. Meth heads niggys suck Bilal's retarded sheep. Kastor's stupid terrorist sheep ate Sheepy's !@#$! Sheepy decided spy assassins cap suck attack, which sucked sucking suckers without sheep truckers !@#?$ing! Ass-holes shot Sheepy in SPAAAACE yesterday with giant nigguh sheep! Love Adolf Zombie hairy Artyom the Cheeki bastard pecker Breeki Sheepy Mosin Moby Nagant thompson 1921 42 NEGATIVE. Thanks for the thanks. Potatoes are up my casino. !@#$ goats suck whennobodygoesontothenextdamnedlinewhenstartinganewsentenceugh yeah... Sheepy is so very weepy. He cried 'Why oblige to massive Lambdadelta and flamboyant children?!' Belibers suck dick and Chips. Also discombobulared Stujenske spoke candy and http://agor.io/ fakes retarded sheep. Bump. Mortal sheep are berated
  11. We hawekeye hate trolls like Ansom who wrote the post 9/11/12 like Malone. And dogs are lost animals, damn whiskey peanuts killed by cats? So we decided to kill Ansom by feeding him hawkeye. Cats. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious doesn't exist therefore fgts. But our hawkeye sucks pizza boxes. Subways are delicious on the trolly car cats that Artyom bump. However, Santa postulates
  12. That would be worse; then you don't even have revenue to buy food.
  13. Take one down, pass it around, JK you're probably dead by now... 793
  14. This is the one true thread where everyone's a winner, but only for a few hours
  15. o/ BK o/ TKR o/ Ingen Here's to a great agreement between three great alliances
  16. Also you kind of stumbled into our forums drunk, you doing ok by now
  17. Hello all @magicboy I joined and a few weeks later you left. I also occasionally (aka in every occasion possible) spam "Count to 20 before magicboyd posts". You're kind of losing atm, might wanna check on that.
  18. More like *wants more posts* *30 seconds later*
  19. Wish granted, but since you mean "dirt poor" your computer turns to dirt and you're never able to play P&W again. I wish for P&W to never be hacked again.
  20. Granted, but it only becomes your reality (aka you do nothing but P&W all day) I wish to pronounce all Welsh cities correctly.
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