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Everything posted by MRBOOTY

  1. THE LIGHT FEDERATION IS PROUD TO PROTECT THE LITE FEDERATION: https://politicsandwar.com/alliance/id=1575 To be fair, we have no bloody idea who in the world that guy is, and I'm actually not a member of TLF, but I'm like 99% sure that Alataq and Lysandre is down to protect that guy, just to reward some decent trolling. So don't attack the guy, or any members if he gets any. Also, TLF isnt responsible if he poaches anybody, which he probably will, considering he poached the alliance name and description
  2. VE's attempt to make everyone a part of one gigantic sphere continues I think I love you.
  3. What about Mikhail Gorbachev? He was a feg.
  4. What the !@#$ dude. Seriously. !@#$ me for ever liking you and thinking you were really a good guy
  5. If I had a disease, would my accepting the offers that other people posted (for resources they're selling) have a chance of them being infected? That wouldn't make much sense. Overall though, great idea.
  6. The ambassadors from Big Mack Zack Ville are chilling on the street and being pretty sketch.
  7. I was all like "Oh hey I think I'll just watch "The Boy In the Striped Pajamas" before bed." Let's just say the whole sleep thing may be put off for a bit.
  8. Lead prices are at 1900$, which is now approaching the level at which making munitions creates a loss for the producer. That's nuts, and so Im going to go ahead and let my factories idle for a bit. If this lasts too much longer, I'll likely switch to a new resource.
  9. So I don't lose my !@#$ing mind, I'll just go ahead and name people who aren't in my alliance. Alataq, Adama, Kurdanak, Ogaden, and El Commander Alataq for his mad IA skills and enthusiasm with these kinds of things and because I like him, Adama for his general knowledge of the game and wherewithal and similar values and because I like him, Kurdanak because of how he completely saved Rose and because of how much he cares about new players and because I like him, Ogaden since running Arrgghh must be really hard and because of how positive he always is and because I like him, and El because he's a ridiculously hard worker, he is really good with people in general, and because I like him
  10. Will those countries be subject to massive depressions and problems like countries under the original gold standard were?
  11. Yeah. When I was beiging everyone last war at the behest of my leaders I wasn't getting any money

    I'm done

    Getting called a noob or a moron, sure. Deeply personal insults, no plz.

    I'm done

    Yeah I do know... but also I'm just shocked by how !@#$ed up people are. Telling a 13 year old they're an orphan because their parents didn't want them? If that was actually said, then I would like to say something to the person that said that to him... !@#$ YOU Also, if I was an SJW, I would be telling Oskar to check his male privilege rn.

    I'm done

    There is nothing that could possibly top this comment ever. Arthur James, I think I love you

    I'm done

    It's been a !@#$ing embarrassment how Oskar has been treated on this site. What the !@#$ is wrong with you people that you'd constantly be !@#$ing at and be being a dick to a 13 year old kid? I mean, holy shit. There is nothing in this entire !@#$ing game that would merit that. A problem with the mods is that they are, in fact, players, and as such sometimes are not more mature than other players, if they aren't joining in themselves.
  16. Lol the Rose charter says the exact opposite of this. There's actually similar language to what he said in our charter Edit: otherwise, this thread is a complete shitshow. Everyone should stop commenting.
  17. Was he exploiting? Also, how did Josh Granger get up to 560 score?
  18. Would spies be able to protect against raptor attacks?
  19. Join VE Rose because they have Morgan Fraser!
  20. It wasn't Ragnar. Good fight guys.
  21. If he actually stole the bank again, he would lose even the people who like him/are sympathetic to him a little, like me. And he knows that.
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