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Velyni Vas

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Everything posted by Velyni Vas

  1. That’s solid lol. I didn’t even notice.
  2. “To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace.” -George Washington After our departure of Clock and rebranding to Hand of Farm, we set our sights on our fields and aimed to provide Orbis with the best crops imaginable. Within several weeks we found ourselves wondering how spheres could live with all the boredom that growth brought. Immediately it was realized how pathetic we were, standing around growing with no action or excitement. Orbis needed us. Reigning havoc is our obligation. We let the fields dry up and gathered our equipment while the onlookers tucked their tails in and militarized in response, knowing what we were capable of. All except Haunted Mansion and The Johnsons. We had heard about some ghostbusters who took care of business in the Haunted Mansion but to be sure they did their job and weren’t a typical failure, we had to check to make sure. Certainly enough, we left disappointed after the quick raid. There we not only no ghosts but no signs of life anywhere, only dust left around the mansion. So now we find ourselves looking at the other party that took care of business. The party who found themselves not militarizing because no one would dare hit The Mighty Johnsons. However, we specialize in size and we have the mightiest Johnson of all, the Horsecock. Maybe next time they’ll be smart enough to militarize instead of letting the world happen around them. Always be prepared.
  3. It’s a raid. Lol. You’ll be okay. I promise.
  4. So much Hand of Fate hate. Such a shame to see. Glad you have a hard one for us.
  5. I love this Clock because of it's length, girth, and stiff stature.
  6. Awesome thing to have! I was put in HoF oddly enough.
  7. Please tell me I’m just being punk’d at this point.
  8. Congratulations moving up in the world.
  9. I couldn’t have said it better myself.
  10. Congratulations on all the new gov and re-elections.
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